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A lot of Christians and other anti-Islam types post passages from the Koran that invlove killing people who don't follow Islam. But have these people read their own Bible? Because this, among many other examples of very non-Christian behavior, is what I found when I did.

They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)

If a man still prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall say to him, "You shall not live, because you have spoken a lie in the name of the Lord." When he prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall thrust him through. (Zechariah 13:3 NAB)

I have many, many more. Why do people who say the Koran is full of hate not seem to know about this?

2006-07-27 17:01:49 · 13 answers · asked by Girl Wonder 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Here are some more:

From there Elisha went up to Bethel. While he was on his way, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him. "Go up baldhead," they shouted, "go up baldhead!" The prophet turned and saw them, and he cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two shebears came out of the woods and tore forty two of the children to pieces. (2 Kings 2:23-24 NAB)

"Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, "Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all – old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin your task right here at the Temple." So they began by killing the seventy leaders. "Defile the Temple!" the LORD commanded. "Fill its courtyards with the bodies of those you kill! Go!" So they went throughout the city and did as they were told." (Ezekiel 9:5-7 NLT)

2006-07-27 17:04:48 · update #1

Hey Panacea, do you have any non-biased proof of your rather unbelievable claim (Muslims are NOT satan worshippers at ALL)? Your little hate site dosn't count. I mean like a news source, an encyclopedia, something...?

2006-07-27 17:28:45 · update #2

13 answers

They probably know, but will say this is "taken out of context" or was "true at that time in history", but not now. Of course, when you tell them the same about the Koran, they will disbelieve you, or out and out call you a liar.

Thank you for having a good head on your shoulders, and for doing your homework. I don't know what your religion may be, or your ethnic background, but this white, American, Catholic (at least I was raised that way) agrees with you.

Everyone needs to quit taking everything so literally, and embrace the overall intention in any holy book--love, peace, sharing, caring.

A kinder, more gentle, more loving man I have never met than a man from Qatar that I knew in college. He was a devout Muslim, and certainly harbored no animosity toward me or any Christian, Hindi, Buddhist, atheist, agnostic, witch, etc.

edit: to the person above me: I guarantee more people, innocent civilians, have been killed by "Christians" than have been killed by Muslims! The two H-bombs dropped on the innocent men, women, and children in Japan would be just one tiny example! (and don't try to tell me "they were our enemies". That is the same thing the terrorists say about the American people, even though I am the enemy of no one except those who harm the innocent, and I do not NOT NOT agree with this, or almost any other, stupid war.)

edit #2--Whoa! to the guy below me: Muhammed was "possessed by Satan"??? Are you absolutely nuts??? Muslims pray to the same one, true God that any other monotheist prays to. Where you get your "facts" must be a comic book.

2006-07-27 17:14:27 · answer #1 · answered by Joey's Back 6 · 1 0

You misunderstand and misinterpret the Bible.

It could be said that many misunderstand and misinterpret the Koran as well...but the actions and beliefs of Muslims on a world-wide scale seem to simply confirm the allegations against Islam.

Although Christianity has had its black marks in its history...it did not spread through violence nor do Christians persecute and kill on a massive scale (and I am not just talking about the middle east-I am talking about Asia and Africa and even Europe where there violent demonstrations against the publication of tasteless cartoons).

How many 'Muslim' countries embrace freedom, free speech, honor basic human rights...not very many afraid. This does not speak well of Islam.

No, it is not the Koran by which many make their allegations against Islam...it's the actions of the masses amongst Islam.

2006-07-27 17:13:48 · answer #2 · answered by redfernkitty 3 · 0 0

Question asked, is a biased. When Koran was presented in to this world, Prophet himself was very much in war. Literacy level was very low and sword was second religion. Therefore so many suras of Koran are very strict control behavior for male and female and society. In the war, mostly gents were involved and killed. So ladies who remained alive, increased in number. Now more Ladies and less Males was sexual imbalance and Males can harass Ladies sexually because so many ladies were without Family protection and safety. So Muslim can have 4 wives- system was introduced, with best intention [which I interpret as Hindu] to give shelter and social status to unprotected ladies. Now, we know generally, I repeat generally, two illiterate ladies can hardly stay to gather peacefully for long, so 4 ladies, if to stay to gather, may weaken family. So, this Sura may have been introduced. Since Arabic language has no grammar, correct interpretation will always be controversial. So in order to keep 'family in peace' a strict Sura may have been introduced. Because if family's peace is disturbed then male may not be able to concentrate on fights with their enemies. This meaning may be proper at that critical time and situation. Today, to continue with this belief, is Muslims' own look out. I request every single human being of this world through Yahoo, that kindly do not worry about others' religion and mind your own religion and be good human being. Religion in general is not a novel which any one can write. If one can not respect, at least do not criticise.

2016-03-27 02:56:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Two things:

1 - This still doesn't change the fact that the Koran does say that Muslims have a responsibility to kill the infidels.

2 - The issue in today's culture is that it is currently the muslims that are killing people by the hundreds and thousands every year.

2006-07-27 17:07:31 · answer #4 · answered by edaily777 3 · 0 0

The difference between the Quran and the Bible is the weight the messages in the books have. In the Bible, a few words advocating violence are basically ignored. That's because the Bible is just a loose anthology of early religious writings that are studied to gain wisdom and knowledge about how to live morally. The Quran, on the other hand, is considered by Muslims to be the inviolate word of God, to be obeyed....or else. The commands to do evil, in the Quran, are just that....commands. Those who disobey are killed. Those who speak against the Quran in any way, are killed. Those who accidentally drop a Quran on the floor are beaten to within an inch of life and if they even suspect it was done on purpose, they are killed.

Also, it is a matter of degree. The Quran and Islam command their followers to do evil and almost nothing else. The Bible may have a few stray verses here and there but the Quran reads like Mein Kampf. It is diametrically opposed to Christianity and all other religions except satanism in its focus on the desireability and commands to do evil behavior while discounting basic principles of goodness and human decency. The life of Muhammad reflects this, as does the behavior of muslims throughout history. As does the behavior of muslims today.

Further, Islam identifies itself as a satanic religion but tries to deceive people as part of Jihad.


Understand that Islamic authorities today and throughout history are united on this. Muhammad was possessed by satan. This has dramatic implications for a religion that is so literal that it kills those who attempt to "interpret" the religion. Muhammad could not be a prophet of God if he was possessed by satan so he must be an agent of satan. Those educated about Islam know this but hide the fact as a part of Jihad and to prevent a mass exodus of the vast majority of muslims who are ignorant about the nature of their religion. This explains the behavior of muslims throughout history and today. At their deepest level, they identify themselves as agents of satan and, as would be expected, do evil acts as part of that self-identification.

Whether or not Islam actually IS satanic nor if the possession was real, matter not at all. What is important is that muslims believe it. They glorify it. Many if not most are not specifically mindful of this. But they wholeheartedly delve into the spirit of this. The higher ups of the religion all know it specifically in the terms I have described. But, like any dangerous cult, they let adherents know about it in stages. Probably, the terrorists have some inkling of this. The terrorist leaders definitely are fully informed of this. It's what motivates them.

If you ever wonder how could human beings commit such heinous acts like the deaths of those children in russia or the slitting of throats of innocent women and children like what happened under the Taliban, or the use of children as human shields for their foul rockets like they do in Lebanon.

This is why.

2006-07-27 17:22:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Girl Wonder, it's not that the Bible preaches "killing", but it preaches life through Him, Jesus Christ. Anything from Jesus falls short. Jehovah God is a jealous God, He tells us this in His commandments. I'm not sure what the Koran teaches because I've never read it, so I can't say. Do You know what the last commandment was before Jesus left His disciples? LOVE one another, as You love Yourself! If You get caught up in all of the legallities of religion, You're gonna miss the point...the point is Jesus Christ! God be with You, I love You in Jesus...

2006-07-27 17:13:36 · answer #6 · answered by slnixon3 3 · 0 0

Actually if you study the Moslem Holy Book--you will find that
their God is much more logical than the OT God. The verses in the Moslem Holy Book that involve the killing of infidels exists.
But in those verses God was actually ordering the persecuted Moslems to fight and kill their persecutors who happened to be Non-Moslems or Infidels in active combat. So, without proper context those passages maybe misrepresented.

2006-07-27 17:11:22 · answer #7 · answered by whynotaskthemoron 1 · 0 0

Because Christians go to Church which is also known as...
"Go do your quick one hour a week Job in Life so you will be happy for eternity"

Which also means....
People take advantage of this by not teaching them anything in the Bible except already known stories! Christian God is Bipolar, and if he was a man he would be in an Asylum!

2006-07-27 17:06:12 · answer #8 · answered by mathcore321x 2 · 0 0

As the world is these days, ignorance is prevalent so some Christians may not know their own religion as well as others but also they do not understand The Quran in its full meaning and read its verses out of context.

2006-07-27 17:06:14 · answer #9 · answered by alrafeeka 1 · 0 0

Oh I guess Christians never killed anyone, to the guy right above me...

2006-07-27 17:10:59 · answer #10 · answered by The Doctor 3 · 0 0

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