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The whole idea of anti-Americanism just boggles my mind. Are people really that inept??? After reading newspapers like: the Guardian, the Sun, the Star, the Independent, and the Daily Mirror......I would have to say that they are.The United States of America is the greatest country ever to grace the face of the planet, yet we are mocked, ridiculed and hated around the globe for reasons that mount to nothing more than pure, unadulterated jeolousy. The British, Romans, THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST, and Hitler all ruled, (and are rulling in the case of the M.E) with an IRON fist. Combined they killed 100's of millions of people yet have the ordasity to critisize the U.S.A for its JUSTIFIED RESPONSES to terrorist attacks, which have plagued our nation scince its conception in 1776. I defy anyone to name a country that has played the role of the "benevolent superpower", when the power was in their hands, as the United States of America has. WHO??? The fact that we didn't turn the entire M.E into

2006-07-27 16:41:17 · 37 answers · asked by quarterback 2 in Politics & Government Military

37 answers

If the world hates America, why the Hell do so many people want to come here!?

2006-07-31 12:21:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 10 2

The reason why there are so many "American Haters" is simply because of Bush! - The rest of the world See's America as a Bully - Attacking countries that have OIL - I don't see America Liberating North Korea - they are Far, Far worse than Saddam ever was.. They also see Americans as STUPID! - I think America is no better or worse than any other country - but when I see who they elected - well - the mind boggles! A "Justified Response" - Stop talking cr*p - While the IRA was killing innocent women & children both in the UK & Ireland - Who was supporting them? AMERICA!!!!! Bush has turned America into a JOKE - and as for "Benevolent Superpower" - Hmmmm - Just look at global warming - they dont give a toss, just so long as they have oil - bugger everyone else... Jealousy? Are you kidding - The US has the potential to advance the entire human race - do they do that - No... they would rather line their pockets & leave the mess to their decendants - How can anyone be jealous of a country where people elect someone like bush - Look at it from the WORLDS perspective! And just for the record - I actually quite like Americans - Just not the religeous nuts & Bushites..

2006-07-28 12:47:04 · answer #2 · answered by want_to_explore_life 3 · 0 2

No-one has a problem with the US dealing with terrorists. It's the way that you do it that we find annoying. What exactly did the invasion of Iraq solve in terms of terrorism? Nothing, but there are a hell of a lot of people who are dead as a result. Ditto Afghanistan.
And yes, whilst there were atrocities during the time of the British Empire, it achieved an enormous amount whilst ruling with compassion for native culture. When time was called on the Empire, they withdrew, on the whole, with grace and with respect for the wishes of the colonial people. I don't think any of these things could be said about the US attitude to the world and this is mainly because very few US citizens know anything about the world beyond their own state border, let alone other countries.
I was once asked by an American professor in LA why my english was so good (I am British). He genuinely thought that people in Britain spoke French. I think this says it all.
PS I don't hate Americans, I quite like them really! I just wish you were more aware of the world. And some of you need to lose a lot of weight too....

2006-07-28 03:42:21 · answer #3 · answered by Answer Me! 3 · 1 1

Simple question. Here is your simple answer! Pretend your neighbor constantly barge into your home property and backyard. Telling you you shouldn't do things that he doesn't do on his property his home. Or maybe the neighbor keeps coming on your property to pick apples from your apple tree, because he doesn't and can not grow apple trees on his land. It's funny really no one is really "American " technically all our ancestors took a boat here at some point. United states is just the resort of the world. The rookie cop of the globe. That's why other countries get annoyed. Don't get me wrong not all countries dislike us they make Lot's of money off this country. We are just a franchise to other countries. Who really owns this country?? Osama? Walt Disney? Oprah? who knows. It's easy not to care. Circuit city does a great job of keeping americans occupied and not to think of these things. It's amazing television has blindfolded americans since it first came out. I mean really doesn't anyone realize we can change the government if we wanted to. The way it should be Free medical, Free education, no sales tax, lower income tax if any at all! Higher minimum wage! Oh whoops never mind I'm thinking to much I better go watch some HBO

2006-07-27 19:25:55 · answer #4 · answered by rich p 1 · 0 1

You good soul you. It is the media that is causing this. They mock our great country and heritage with these stories and make money in the process. Freedom of the press should have limits when it comes to our national pride and heritage. These media moguls show Americas follies and none of its glories making the rest of the world and even some people who call themselves Americans scorn us as a people for these mistakes. This country is great and always will be great and we should all be honored to live here and know what our flag stands for.

2006-07-27 16:48:41 · answer #5 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

I used to love u . s . of america and each and every thing it used to face for - democracy, possibilities, freedom of concept. properly, regrettably this isn't the case any better. Democracy - your very last President wasn't even democratically elected. How come the most technologically stepped forward united states of america in the international ought to no longer count number the announcements to verify who wins the elections? and then, at the same time as it did not remember any better, without be conscious counted them - ups, the different candidate wins, yet who cares! possibilities - probable this remains valid - once you get there (wall and all). Freedom of concept - optimistic, in case you imagine properly and bypass with the major flow. Any concept remotely hinting of something ugly is so right now and ruthlessly punished that you recognize why human beings there do no longer look to attempt to do it back, I recommend, imagine unconventionally. a wise united states of america is serious to itself - like the Brits and actually maximum ecu countries. The examples of greatness you supply - are those somewhat examples of greatness? is this the way you choose your united states of america to be perceived - the Hitler of at present? i wish you do not recommend that. imagine back - what percentage wars have the u . s . had on their own territory? (leaving aside the Civil conflict) very last yet no longer least, there are a determination of countries the position human beings actually stay a delicate, preserve and dignified existence, which leaves them time for vacation and for his or her households, operating example Australia, Canada and the countries of united Europe. No, i do not hate individuals. yet each and every in certain situations it variety of feels they hate the international.

2016-11-26 20:07:00 · answer #6 · answered by chrones 4 · 0 0

Don't lose any sleep over it. Just grow thicker skin. These people are mostly young and dumb. They attend liberal universities, attend liberal classes taught by liberal teachers. They come out completely brainwashed and terminally ill with the liberalism disease.
They believe that they can reach out and hug a terrorist, bash America and the world is better off for it.
They speak about peace and love but you will never hear more hate from any other group of people except maybe Al Queda, whom they support and love.

2006-07-27 23:34:08 · answer #7 · answered by Munster 4 · 0 0

Hey, Who cares, why do I get the feeling that no matter the question you will always say "why do you care" ?
Come on, give "Quarterback" a break and try again.

BTW...Quarterback let me sum up my feelings and finish your last sentence. The fact that we didn't turn the entire M.E. into a parking lot. I guess what I'm saying here is I wished we had kept the war with Iraq an air war.

2006-07-27 17:00:59 · answer #8 · answered by no nickname 6 · 0 0

Yes bring our boys home and let the stupid fanatics kill each others.Put another Hussein in the power to exterminate the other Iraqi species.Let the fanatics and terrorists free to build atomic weapons.Why are our sons dying for fanatic people from 3 world.Lets close our brains and forget about the thousands dead by Hussein , family and friends.That's why the Jewish are so angry.We forget about them before.Bring our sons home and give the work to green peace and the boys with long pony tails and girls with flowers in their hair.Maybe some help from animal rights groups.

2006-07-29 10:13:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your government has started, sustained and supported more wars and terrorism in the name of"democracy" than any other in living memory, you even joined the second world war only after you had bankrupted us in the UK, and you expect me to like you and particularly your government. Your people are insular to a degree that, for a so called world power, is disgraceful. Most of the USA does not know where any country is in the world and so I see no reason to view their opinions with anything but contempt. The Israelis, your stooges and weapons testers, are more like the Nazis than the Germans ever were and you continue to support them. No as a race the White American needs eradicating, after all the ethnic cleansing that occurred in your country against the native population was breathtaking, and you have the cheek to tell others how to run their countries. Go away and leave us in peace.

2006-07-27 20:15:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

because it arrogance like you think this is the best planet. Sorry but its not since we are nto on top on education, military (yes its true nor do we have the largest, which is china or the most advanced with is now SWEDEN!) we are not the richest country, we are not the largest, we at we so gracefull?..hmmm dont know many freedom..nope wrong again all of your freedom are taken away (yes you cant ever protest goverment program now! and the media get in trouble for anyhting bad they say about the admistration) and on top of it all YOU STILLL think we're the best and greatest sorry but your wrong in soooo many ways. And you know how look like hitler now?...Isreal they are invading country after country for the dumbest reasons? (two soldiers is they wanted them sooo bad they could have talk to get them back like they ahve in the past) NOW the are probubly dead.

2006-07-27 17:37:39 · answer #11 · answered by Tlew 3 · 0 0

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