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I have a cousin that is 16 and openly gay.
He does not know the lord & I know he will go to hell
if he is not saved, but he knows christianity is a
religion against homosexuality, so he has no desire to know
Jesus. How could I help him?

2006-07-27 16:37:52 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

31 answers

Pray for him....ask God to DRAW him near to Him...and to convict him of his wrongdoing in his heart. Let God work it....God will use you when/if He needs to...Just pray pray pray and Trust God....

2006-07-27 16:40:42 · answer #1 · answered by gracefully_saved 5 · 0 0

How do you know he is going to hell? Just because some book said he might if he doesn't accept christ as his lord and saviour? I can't believe people still believe in that crap. Don't you know the bible is to be taken as pure truth? According to the bible, the earth was created some 6,000 yrs ago and those who eat shellfish should be put to death. We all know that that isn't true. The bible was written by man. A book that is written by an infallable and perfect God telling us how to live our lives...what a wonderful tool to control the masses. I wonder if God might've done this for all the other planets He put intelligent life on and if so or if not, why wouldn't He mention the others in the bible at all? Are we to believe that earth is the only planet in the universe with intelligent life?
If you approach your cousin about something that he feels so adamant about he will hate you. He's not going to hell and you need to stop believing that. You don't know what God would consider good enough for passage. You don't know the loopholes and back doors. So maybe he had doubts Jesus was the Son of God. God gave us a brain to critically think with. If you really examine the bible and critically assess it, you would unravel it. Let him alone, he was born gay.

2006-07-27 16:58:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sorry about the many bad responses you've gotten here so far. Try this. See your cousin as someone who is primarily in need of salvation and let his addictive sins be something he works on as a Christian. There are so many Christians who want to morally perfect people before they lead them to the Lord. Jesus first, then let God's grace work out the rest. If your cousin wants to talk about Christianity and homosexuality, then discuss it in a loving manner. Don't ever, under any circumstances, lead him to believe that homosexuality is something a Christian can live with personally. This would be a conversion to something that is not truly Christianity. We'll pray for you tonight and wish you the best in the future. Blessings in Christ Jesus.

2006-07-27 16:54:32 · answer #3 · answered by chdoctor 5 · 0 0

He's gay. Love the sinner. not the sin. Have you not talked against someone? Stole a candy bar? Not followed Sabbath or even worse a cross around your neck? You can not say that he will go to hell. Because you are not a judge, just another sinner. All sins are equal. Love him, show your actions by being a loving person and talk about the Messiah when you can. Witnessing is not the convert or burn approach. It's taking what you have experienced and seen and then applying it to the person who may need something or assistance.

You never know. He may do the last minute conversion before he dies years from now. Unless the end is near *ooooooo*

2006-07-27 16:47:58 · answer #4 · answered by mooonmean 2 · 1 0

First of all I wouldn't "witness" to him. I would show him the love and respect that he would show me. I do have a gay cousin and it makes no difference to me. I believe that if God is going to work in his life he will. There are many passages in the Bible and the ones quoting Jesus are all about love, compassion, forgiveness. Even his apostles were men that were not very popular. He was the ultimate rebel. He healed. He has love for all of us. In the dessert he had a choice. He struggled with his decision. In the end he was spit on, beaten, and worse ,all for us. Every misery, every pain, every suffering we go through he has been through also. Thats why God gave him to us. We all suffer and he takes us through it. It really is like that famous footstep poem. He carries us. That is the message even devout christians sometimes miss. He loved us so much HE DIED FOR US. Not just some of us- all of us. His love is so amazing. Don't let being gay put you off- you are loved too. What you do- what ever your transgressions are between him and you. Peace.

2006-07-27 17:01:23 · answer #5 · answered by Theresa Rose 2 · 0 0

Remember that the world is full of people that are not like you, and that although you may be strong in your beliefs, the fact that others are not does not mean you cannot be a part of their lives. With over 6 billion people in the world, if we separate ourselves from each other based simply on our personal beliefs, we would never have made it passed the dark ages and all of us hermits. You can be strong in your beliefs, pray for others, but that does not mean you have the right to judge or need to separate your self from a loved one. If you loved this person before you thought they were gay, shouldn't you still?

2006-07-27 16:44:24 · answer #6 · answered by photowhitt 2 · 1 0

We had the same problem. I also approached my gay bestfriend with verses saying God only created man and woman and that the things he do are all unpleasing to the Lord. We even had conflicts because of that but I just prayed for him. I know God will do something to have him redirect his paths and belive me..he did change. He was appointed youth leader of the church so he became active and closer to God again and I'm so glad . Just pray for him. You don't have to persecute him. Accept and patienly advise him.If he does not listen just let it go. You will see..God will make a way.

2006-07-27 16:46:01 · answer #7 · answered by justurangel 4 · 0 0

Why must you witness to him? Does not the Father love him? Does not the Father's love exceed ours? Does not the Spirit of God dwell in your heart? Jesus came to this world, to deliver a message to our race. It was simple, and elegant. "The Kingdom of God is within you". If we come to God as humble children, and invite Him into our hearts, He will send His Spirit into us, and bond with us. We become new creatures, part mortal, part Immortal. The old values of materialism and fear fall away. Love and Wisdom, become the foundation of all our choices. We have embarked on the Path of Eternity, and we will never be the same again. Not everyone will enter the Kingdom of God. Many of those who profess the name of Jesus, will not enter the Kingdom. Prostitutes and Tax gatherers, will enter the Kingdom, before many religious hypocrites. Do not worry, about your cousin. God has a plan for his life. Pray for your cousin's eyes to be opened. He will have to choose, to make God his Father. As must we all.

2006-07-27 17:00:49 · answer #8 · answered by Will O' the Wisp 3 · 0 0

sit him down open the bible and talk to him let him know that God made man for woman not man for man. try and explain to him that heaven and hell is real. let him know how God will judge his soul as a sinner if he dont change his nasty ways. God will 4 give him if he change, this is hard hes so young and he has allowed the devil to take control of him. tell him that this is just the way of the devil. try and do some one on one ask him why he lkie men. ask him where do he want to be if he die in the arms of his male lover

2006-07-27 16:48:31 · answer #9 · answered by 1plum 4 · 0 0

Someone "witnessed" to my gay 16 year old cousin so much he committed suicide. Is that what you want? The greatest favor you can do your cousin is just leave him alone and/or offer to give him a non-judgemental shoulder to lean on when the world treats him badly.

2006-07-31 05:40:50 · answer #10 · answered by Drewe 3 · 1 0

Remind him that God doesn't hate homosexuals, He actually loves them. They have simply rejected the order by which God designed the family and have chosen a path apart from God.
God hasn't removed his love from these people, they have removed themselves away from God. The corrupted conduct of gays has twisted their minds and created a darkness in their own hearts that leads them further down the path of destruction.
Remeber, dont try to draw them out of their lifestyle first, first lead them to the sanctifying cross of Christ and if he hears and believes then the indwelling Holy Spirit will convict him of his sin.

2006-07-27 17:01:01 · answer #11 · answered by foxray43 4 · 0 0

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