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He ran and tried to hide in a store. I knew where he was but I'm afraid of him taking it to far. Now he thinks it a game. I told him if he doesn't quit I'll put him on a leash.

2006-07-27 16:20:07 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

33 answers

You should start by dragging him across the yard kicking him the whole way. Then put him in a dog kennel and beat him and burn him with lit cigarettes. Next build a machine that will beat him unattended while playing a recording of what he did wrong. That way he can be neglected (time out) and abused for real.
Really most of these other answers sound like they come from people without children, or whose child sits in day care while mommy goes and has a drink then drives to pick the kid up. You people are ignorant the downfall of this country is "time out" Gee Johnny you robed that bank and raped the teller go sit in time out.NO, Spank his ***. You self righteous pricks. There is a leash that is MADE for kids it has a harness that clips in the front. A seated restraint for a child does not teach the child anything but anger. People want to say the leash is demeaning but humility builds character. America stop pampering every step of your child's youth let them fall let them get embarrassed. The child will be stronger and more useful in our civilization.

2006-07-27 16:56:09 · answer #1 · answered by Daniel W 1 · 4 2

Child acts out in the store? Tell him, "Alright, well if you can't act like a big boy in the store, I guess we have to go home." Now, I'm not saying threaten the child. I mean, ACTUALLY leave. Take the child out of the overly stimulating environment.

There's no reason to ruin everyone in the store's shopping experience just because your son wants to play a game. Besides, the last thing you want him to learn is that run away = fun. Next thing you know, you'll honestly have lost the little guy.

Don't put him on a leash. That's not the solution. You need to stop, get down to his level (on your knees), and explain to him WHY he shouldn't go running off. Don't try to scare him and remember to keep it age-appropriate. He's still a little guy, and it's hard for him to understand everything adults understand.

Good luck!

2006-07-27 16:27:04 · answer #2 · answered by Oh no 6 · 0 0

Don't put him on a leash..My Mom did that to me and my siblings when we traveled overseas as kids and although i know she had to do it because we were young and she was by herself but the few things i remember from that time was being on a leash!!
Now for your 3 year old when he does it again in the store find him and leave.. stop shopping and leave.. get him home and punish him..time out or taking his favorite toy away for a few days and once he has calmed down and you also talk to him and tell him why you punished him and what could happen if he hides like that from you in a store!!
Hope this helps!!

2006-07-27 16:28:54 · answer #3 · answered by DeeDee 4 · 0 0

okay first of all anyone with a three yr. old knows your probably not going to keep him/her in a stroller(I mean come on do you really expext them to sit that long without any problems? Their attention span is like nothing.) I have a 3 and 4 yr old. I broke mine this way. Whenever he goes to run and hide go to him pick him up tell him its not safe and strangers could get you (obviously use your own method of words) and then take him out of the store to the car for a few mins. just because he is in the store does not mean he can't get time out. then take him back in if he does it again just leave the store. he will get the message and that you mean business. I'm sure he is smart so he's playing you. he knows you are there for something and since he is not home he thinks he can get away with it. just tell him its not a game and it makes you very upset. If for some reason he is stubborn and you feel you need to get one of the wristsbands that attaches to you do it. Your his mother and i'd rather see him like that then gone. Hope this helps.........for my daughter i just stopped taking her and told her she can't go with me because she doesn't listen. I did that a couple times and she is fine now. She likes to shop lol. She is my three yr. old.I know sometimes you have no choice so I would try the leaving the store. Good Luck!!!!

2006-07-27 16:34:58 · answer #4 · answered by Chrissy 4 · 0 0

Try using a reward system. If he behaves (and don't just say "behave", spell it out for him - don't leave mommy's side, don't touch things etc. before you go to the store) he gets a reward afterwards. The reward doesn't have to be a toy, that can be expensive. But for example, if he's good he gets to go to the park and play on the swings for 20 minutes on the way home, or he gets to watch a fav. video etc. If he doesn't do what he's supposed to do, you can tell him that he won't get the reward when you warn him. If you take him to the store a lot, you can have a reward at the end of the week where the whole family does something together, like a day at the zoo etc.

2006-07-27 16:30:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would put him in a stroller or shopping cart and tell him that until he is able to behave like a big boy he will not be allowed to get out and walk. Also you could maybe tell him that if he behaves in the store you will take him for a treat on the way home, etc. Positive reinforcement works better with my children than punishement-but every child is different. I wouldn't just leave him at home when you go out because then he will never learn the proper way to behave in public.

2006-07-27 16:25:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They actually do have harnises for kids. You gotta do what you gotta do. Kids seems to know nowadays that you can't really do anything to them because they are minors and if you do threaten them to loud or spank them in public then you might end up in trouble so I say put him on a leash, beat his *** and when child activists call DHS and they take him from you he will always know that real parent was stolen from him by someone he doesn't even know. And hopefully when that happens they can look at him and say "now junior, time out" and he can tell them to go fu** them selves and eat a pile of *h*t since he has now effectively learned that he can do what he wants and be untouchable.

2006-07-27 16:39:19 · answer #7 · answered by Cindy C 2 · 0 0

I am all for putting children in a "harness". It doesnt hurt them or leave emotional scars. It keeps my children safe and with me at all times. My 3 year old acts the same way, and after the 4th time he ran off and scared the hell out of me, I went and got a harness for him. At this age, its impossible to get him to understand how his running away makes you feel. You cant just pick up and leave a store or stop what your doing. This just lets him know that if he acts up, he can get you to do what he wants. Check walmart, I got a monkey backpack harness that he wears and all you do is attach a little brown tail to it and its much nicer than other ones I have seen. Good Luck and dont let anyone give you advice about it unless they themselves have seen a 3 yr old in action.

2006-07-27 16:29:53 · answer #8 · answered by neabean18 3 · 0 0

Don't put him on a leash, he is no animal! Why don't you sit him down and tell him NO like a normal parent? OR hey, instead of letting a little 3 year old run around, why dont you sit him in a stroller or in the seat MADE for children in the grocery basket?

2006-07-27 16:23:01 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hide from him but where you can still see him. Wait until he is good and scared, then explain to him why he should stay with you. Do be sure he's safe, and if someone starts to walk up to him, give them a second with him before you re-appear.

I had to do this with my daughter and even though you have to endure looks from the person who "found" your kid - it's much better than having to endure your child being kidnapped.

If you aren't comfortable with that, MAKE him hold hands or the cart. If he lets go, he has to get in the cart and ride. My son took this approach. Before we even get in the store, I will warn him, "Ok, we have to hold the cart when we get inside the store. If you don't want to hold the cart, you can sit in the seat. Which one do you want to do?"

It gives him a choice, but be ready for crying when you have to enforce your rule. And don't give in. When you enforce it, it gives him a true choice - and once he realizes you aren't playing ball with him, he'll quickly come in line.

Good luck!

2006-07-27 16:27:11 · answer #10 · answered by Madame Gato 4 · 0 0

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