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Hello I am in some need of help.
I rather not get help from a Doctor of any kind,
Do to my Job I can not work where I am if I have a record of depression.
I for now a little over five months have had tights of suicide and I have acted on this once only to have fate stop me. I have had a hard time sleeping with night terrors and now Every day I find my self hating and not doing what I use to like and love. I am not eating and when I do I find my self wishing I had not. I am at the end of my rope. I am feeling pain that is not there as if some one just cut me with a knife. I am feeling sick and have no real motivation to get up anymore other then work. What can I do to get rid of this feeling of hopelessness and extreme pain that is for ever there. I can not seek real help and I am at the end of all I can take. Please help me any advice other them please call 911 or see a doctor or a help line. What can I do to try to change this? Please any advice will be very appreciated. You can reach me hear or at my email address. spoosh22x22x22@yahoo.com Thank you so much for your help.

2006-07-27 16:01:18 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

14 answers

I am living with bipolar disorder and I had many of the same problems. I am no doctor and even so could not diagnose you over the Internet. But, I would guess that you have the same disorder.

The links below are for bipolar disorder, however you can find any mental health issue in the sites. I urge you to check them and see what help they may be to you.

email me at tls3123283@yahoo.com

2006-07-27 16:16:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There must be something behind these feelings, whether caused by another feeling such as rejection, worthlessness, shame, etc, or caused by a chemical imbalance, which could be caused by some medications. Try going back to just before these feelings began and see if something happened, changed, or maybe didn't change the way you had hoped. Also what are your nightmares about? That might give you a clue as to what is preoccupying your mind with these thoughts. Remember NOTHING and NO ONE is worth your life. Most problems are temporary, even though it may feel like there is no where to go from here but out. There are things you can do to bring up your mood. Try something new. Go dancing if you like dancing, or get back into something that you really enjoy. Get some sun, read a book, go swimming. These will help take your mind off your problem, however you still need to deal with the underlying issue(s). Sometimes your problem can easily be solved just by standing up for yourself and what you deserve. I don't know what your specific situation is but there are so many choices to who and what we can be that we shouldn't rag ourselves over the little things. Another thing that might help is helping others. Do some volunteer work if you have the time. Sounds shallow but sometimes it help you to appreciate all you do have if you see how much some others don't. Either way do it even if you don't feel like doing it. When you are depressed you don't want to do anything, but if you press on anyways you may find things looking up before you know it. Just get involved; don't be a bystandard in your own life.

If after many effortful attempts you still feel depressed and suicidal, then i really would recommend you seeking professional help. Your career isn't much use to you if you are dead.

2006-07-27 16:32:51 · answer #2 · answered by jc 1 · 0 0

Hi, what your experiencing is nothing you dont know. Youre suffering from a severe case of depression, and you really do need help. There is no natural cure that doesnt involve medication or professional help. You can however admit yourself to mental care facility where you have the freedom to leave whenever you want. If youre really set on NOT committing yourself, then maybe everytime youre feeling down or have feelings of hopelessness, surround yourself with people. Not just family and friends, strangers as well. Go sit at a park, and take a deep breath. Watch kids play, and the smiles on their faces, and remember that there is a reason to smile and that there is a such thing as happiness. There is a saying, " Dance, even when your feet are tired. Just dance." Hope this helped. Keep your head up.

2006-07-27 16:20:47 · answer #3 · answered by Morena 1 · 0 0

Your job can not fire you for having depression, there are laws. Depression is a chemical in balance in the brain and only through prescription drugs can the in balance be corrected. I have depression and have had it for four years but with the right meds. I am able to live a pretty normal life.
Counseling also can help but I bet you are not keen on that either.
I had a time where I could not even get out of bed and had a lot of the stuff you are suffering from. If you won't get help it may get bad enough so you will get fired because you can no longer do your job. I personally would see a Dr. there are self help books out there for what they are worth. Good luck.

2006-07-27 16:14:38 · answer #4 · answered by dragonsarefree2 4 · 0 0

Hello Bob, I know it´s very difficult to give help, and eaven more an advice without knowing you and your circumstances. The first thing that caught my attention is that you say "do to my job"...
I may seem too simplist but my hearts reply to this is: Better loose jour job than your inner peace, and even your life.
Alternative antidepressant as St, John's Wort are easy to get, and can be very effective, in due doses (300 mg a day), in cases of mild depressions.
Another piece of advice I can give you is to see a cardiologist, as you could already read in another answer. You can always seek real help.
I wish you luck getting a real answer.

2006-07-27 16:27:21 · answer #5 · answered by brujadel31 3 · 0 0

You need a change in your life. You can't go on living depressed, I was depressed at a time in my life and it sucks. It doesn't last forever, but it damn sure feels like it will. If it's your job that's depressing you, leave it, you can't let your soul be eaten away by living an existence that is killing you.

You are a special and unique soul, here to learn, maybe life is trying to teach you to let go of some of the things that seem important, but really aren't. I don't know you or your life so I can't say, but, the answer for me was to accept myself and be true to myself.

If you want some immediate help to feel better here are some suggestions:

Rent some comedies
Help someone who needs it more than you
Buy a bottle of soap bubbles
Tell someone how much you care about them
Spend time in natue looking a pretty things
Learn pottery/weaving/crochet/cooking whatever
Exercise is great for you and your mood, 20 minutes a day and you'll feel much better

I can't tell you things are going to be great tomorrow, but they can be a little better, and a little better after that. Life can be really crappy sometimes, but you can change it. It's slow progress sometimes, but I believe in you, and I don't know you from Adam.

I really hope you can get some joy in your life, I know it's tough sometimes, but you'll be in my thoughts.

2006-07-27 16:24:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Have you tired spending time around people who are your friends? Or tiring yourself out? Depression can lead to a number of things and with you not sleeping it can do damage. Sleep is the chance for the body to reboot. Not eating can do alot of damage to your body, you will go with out the proper nutients which can lead to more hopeless and suicidal feelings. If you ever need help feel free to e-mail or IM me at omperbrat2006@yahoo.com. I wish you all the luck.

2006-07-27 16:15:42 · answer #7 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

You should see a doctor. But maybe you should try different things, then what you used to like before. Try something different and thrilling, it'll raise your spirits. Never do nothing, keep yourself preoccupied and you'll eventually stop thinking about suicidal thoughts. Shoot, this is awfully tough, and I will pray for you to have a better day. This is the best advice I can give and I hope it helps. God Bless.

2006-07-27 16:12:37 · answer #8 · answered by nichellecomicbookgirl 3 · 0 0

it will depend on how a lot constructed you're. sixteen is style of past due to be "simply opening" however it's viable. have you ever had a rainy dream but? if no longer,your frame would no longer be able for this. you'll be able to e mail me when you desire to speak about youe exact concern however right here is a few fundamental recommendation. there's a muscle among yolur legs, when you peniis is like part rough you'll be able to make it stiffer through tensing this muscle. you must aggravating this muscle whilst you stroke. aggravating and stroke for 10 to twenty seconds, then calm down a couple of sec, then repreat. pace approximately one million to two strokes in keeping with moment. then when you begin to think a tingling, or such as you must pee, then do not give up, begin stroking as quick as you'll be able to for so long as you'll be able to, and that maybe ample to push you over the threshold to climax. desire this is helping. I am a mother or father.

2016-08-28 16:43:35 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

have you tried any natural stuff for depression
theres no way you can see a doctor at all? what if you just told them about the night terrors and not the depression?
because i was having them and depression and panic attacks
i went to a doctor and they found out i had mitral valve prolapse syndrome
now i take one little half of pill for my heart everyday and no more
terrors attacks or depression

2006-07-27 16:08:27 · answer #10 · answered by crystal h 4 · 0 0

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