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6 answers

This is truly a bad date, not to mention a blind first date. I met the guy at the local mall, and did a little shopping. We went into the music store, where I was going to buy myself a movie that recently came out on dvd. At the store, the guy pointed out a porn movie he had!! Then we went into a department store, so I could use the restroom. Coincidently, the restrooms were near the men's underwear department, and the guy asked me if I wanted him to model some for me!! (The guy had a body like Michael Moore and not Brad Pitt!!) Then we decided to get something to eat from the food court, where he looked at me and said ( a direct quote here): I enjoy eating out, but I would love to eat you out!!! I decided at that moment the date was over. I tried to leave graciously. He followed me out to my car, and asked if I wanted to go to a hotel room with him!! I told him no, that I had to work early the next day. I called my friend on the phone and told her I refused to talk to that guy ever again!! Needless to say, he wasn't invited to her wedding last year!!

2006-07-27 15:54:50 · answer #1 · answered by prettycute4u62040 4 · 2 0


I went to a movie once with a guy I had been on a few dates with. I guess whatever he ate had pressure building up in him so much so that he had terrible gas. Rather than excuse himself like a gentleman, he opted to pass the silent gas right there in the theatre, sitting next to me. Not only did it smell nasty, the people behind me could smell it, I'm sure. I was so embarassed. He was gross. Needless to say all of his subsequent phone calls went unanswered.

2006-07-27 15:46:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I met this guy on Yahoo Singles. We Im'd each other for a few days, exchanged pictures and desided to meet and chilis for dinner. During the date he was seemingly nice and well behavied. After our plates were taken away we stayed and chatted and he started to draw my future next week. Of course everyday it had him in it. Talk about a big red flag! So I flipped the napkin over and drew out my future next week and it had NOTHING to do with him and he didnt seem too upset. He did however add us talking to each other to it though.
Well, soon enough it was time to go. He asked me if i was going to take the napkin. I said no, its trash. Why was i going to take a napkin that had no meaning to my life whatsoever?? So i got up and walked past him to the door. He saw me to my car and when i opened my car door low and behold what should he pull out of his pockets but that f*cking napkin. I told him again i didnt want it and he proceeded to throw it into my car and it landed on the floor of the passenger side. I rolled my eyes, said goodnight, went home and promptly erased him off my IM list and ignored him ever since. I mean, you just dont throw trash into someones car. How rude.

When i was a teenager, about 16, i went on a date with a guy i really liked and we ended up kissing. Well, during the kiss he let his runny nose drip onto my face. Ewwwwww! I ignored him ever since and eventually went to another high school to graduate.

2006-07-27 15:52:24 · answer #3 · answered by ziggunerin 4 · 0 0

I think i have the best one in the world. A few days before the 4th of July years ago I had went on a date with my at-the-time-bf. I was 15 at the time. It was so hot out that day so I brought along a cool washrag to wash my face with. Anyways, i hadnt been feeling very good, but i agreed to go with so we could spend more time together. There was this movie called "Jungle Fever" with Wesley Snipes that had just came out. I was excited to see it because i really liked Wesleys acting.

The movie was horrible, the popcorn he got me was not very hot and there was someone who chose the theatre as their own ashtray and was smoking. To top it off, I was getting sicker and sicker through out the whole movie. When we left from the theatre people were looking at me very weird. I thought maybe i had a booger or something hanging from my nose so i excused myself to the bathroom.

When i got in there, i started to cry. As I looked in the mirror, i saw lots of little red blotches covering my face. They were all over my face, my neck, my arms and chest (mind you i had NONE of these when i was going in there).

I got home, went to the dr who said i had the Chicken Pox! I couldnt believe it. I had gotten them very bad and couldnt go out on the 4th of july to watch the fireworks, i was at home in bed with 104 degree temp- and he didnt even come to visit me while i was sick!

To this day I have never watched that movie again!

2006-07-27 15:52:44 · answer #4 · answered by glorymomof3 6 · 0 0

Blind date and this is a double date. Show up, the police are there asking her about her ex. I have to take one for the team(my buddy) and wait until she files her ****** police report. The four of us go out, get plastered and I end up taking her back to a hotel. We end up ******* like rabbits, I pass out, the psycho ***** lifts my wallet. I wake up shes gone and so is my wallet. I go to her house, she pulls it out of her purse(money included) and hands it to me like nothing happened. What the **** is that? Last blind date I ever had.

2006-07-27 16:01:45 · answer #5 · answered by Houston Golf 2 · 0 0

Errrm... lets see.... I dated the guy who bullied me *nod nod* BAD CHOICE!

2006-07-27 15:45:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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