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i never read the bible so you must tell me. any how i dont see whay the catholic church says BC is Brong, do you really think god wants people to have 10+ children and have thoes people not be able to support their 10+ children. some how i think god would shun people having more kids than they can handle.

but hay! give me your view and tell me if the bible says BC is bad because like i said i have not read the bible.

2006-07-27 15:35:03 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

no where, this is believe set by the Catholic church. You are correct in your assumption. My Bible tells me that we are to prosper and multiply but the idea of not using BC is not to be found. God knows how many children people can provide for and if the married couple decide to use BC because they cannot support more children he understands. Would God punish people for not having 1, 2, 3, or more children becaue they cannot support them. God is a loving God and He would not hold it agaist people if they decide to use BC.

2006-07-27 15:49:33 · answer #1 · answered by Lifeline 7 · 3 0

Be Fruitful and multiply.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Children are a blessing.
Genesis 4:1; Genesis 33:5, Psalm 127:3-5, Luke 1:42Proverbs 17:6, Psalm 113:9; Genesis 21:1-3; 25:21-22; 30:1-2; 1 Samuel 1:6-8; Luke 1:7, 24-25, Psalm 139:13-16.

There is no law in the bible however, that says you have to have children, nor does it say not to use birth control or prevention methods. A married couple who didn't have children were not considered a blessing.

Be careful, DO NOT ADD TO GOD'S WORDS PEOPLE. If it doesn't say it, It doesn't say it. You can give your reasons why you think its a good idea, but the bible doesn't have a law concerning conception and contraception methods. While it is a blessing to have children, if your lacking the means to provide for your children, it becomes a burden. The blessing of children is not realized. But you can also argue that God will feed your children and help you to provide for them. While this is true, still there is no law on the subject. God is clear about ever sex act from Homosexuality to Adutlery to Incest. If God wanted to make it clear that he wanted men to keep sperm in their wives after having sex. He would have instructed this. As he does in Deuteronomy 25:5-9. But he never gave any commandments or instruction on how to lay with your wife. So I don't believe you should add to it.

I don't use birth control. My kids are 6, 5, 4, and 1 year old. I used natural family planning, to get a much needed break between the missing years or my body would not recover from childbirth. After the 2 years rest, I was more healthy with my last child. Sometimes, there are good reasons to hold back.

2006-07-27 15:40:56 · answer #2 · answered by mornings_sunshine 2 · 0 0

Several people have already mentioned Onan's spilling of seed. Some like to interpret this as a condemnation of Onan's failure to follow the law. That is a modernist interpretation. Historically, this verse has been interpreted as a condemnation of birth control.

In fact, until 1930 every single Christian denomination condemned birth control. The Anglican's were the first to say that in certain circumstances birth control could be acceptable between spouses. Since then, every denomination accept the Catholic Church has changed their doctrine to allow artificial birth control.

Some have also quoted Genesis 1, "Be fruitful and multiply". When did God say, "Stop multiplying"?

There's also Deut. 23:2, "No one whose testicles have been crushed or whose penis has been cut off may be admitted into the community of the Lord". Sounds gruesome, I know. But this was a common form of sterilization at the time, and was considered an unforgivable sin.

Jer. 16:2 says, "Do not marry any woman; you shall not have any sons or daughters in this place". Then God pronounces a curse on the sons and daughters born at that time. His command to Jeremiah implies that to marry automatically means to have children. Throughout the Bible, children are viewed as a blessing from God. Those who were barren were the most pitied in society. Only in our materialistic society are possessions and wealth placed higher than the joy and blessing of children. Christians are to be "like little children" (Mt: 18:3), "trusting in the Lord with all your heart; be not wise in your own eyes" (Prov. 3: 5, 7). "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways above your ways and my thoughts above your thoughts" (Isa. 55:8,9).

Who are we to question how many children with whom the Lord will bless us? He will not give us more than we can handle with his grace.

2006-07-27 16:32:58 · answer #3 · answered by infinity 3 · 0 0

The Pope has interpreted the fact that God commanded Adam and Eve to "Go Forth and Multiply" as justification for BC. There are a few other passages, but the bottom line is that the Church feels that sex should be used for pro-creation purposes, but if a MARRIED couple does it for pleasure, that a pregnancy would be a natural consequence, and a gift from god, or some crap like that. I am a Christian, but Protestant, and Protest against the Pope's view on BC.

2006-07-27 15:42:03 · answer #4 · answered by gplay2001 3 · 0 0

The Bible doesn't mention anything about birth control. The only passage that is remotely related to it has to do with God being angry with a man who spilled his seed on the ground because he didn't want to father a child for his dead brother and the child not be his. God was angry because he didn't follow the command to carry on his brother's line.

In the Bible, everyone wanted to have children so the subject isn't even mentioned. You could go back to Genesis where God commanded Adam and then Noah and his sons to be fruitful and multiply, but the context of those passages is that God wanted people to fill the earth.

2006-07-27 15:41:50 · answer #5 · answered by Martin S 7 · 0 0

The Bible says in Luke Chapter 23:

27 And there followed him a great company of people, and of women, which also bewailed and lamented him.

28 But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.

29 For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck.

What this means is that in the last days there would be women that didn't want to bother with childbirth and child-raising and would consider themselves blessed to never have to lose their figure in giving birth.

In that selfish sense, it is wrong to use birth control.

And any woman that won't give her husband a child deserves to be left for another woman that will.

But if a married couple just can't afford it or there is
sickness in the family that makes it a bad time to have children, I believe God sees that and understands.

We live in a nervous age and every woman knows how many children she can bear emotionally and mentally and in every way.

When we do things for the right reasons, God understands.

But for those women who simply get a poodle
to mother in place of a child,

(because ...it's in their nature to mother something)

then that's a sin and the prophetic Scriptures once again prove to be true...

2006-07-27 15:53:54 · answer #6 · answered by Joja 2 · 0 0

Jewish body of options is that it is purely incorrect for men. on account that giving start replaced into so risky decrease back contained in the day, the rabbinical ruling replaced into that because the Torah purely mentions to men that they ought to have toddlers, yet women human beings ought to sterilize themselves in the experience that they needed. In prepare, they think about it incorrect without solid reason - ailment, 2 on the fringe of conceive by way of easily having had a toddler, a risky and modern childbirth, and so on., and so on. besides the undeniable fact that, in prepare many easily do use birth control, a minimum of contained in the liberal sects. cutting-edge Orthodox seems a lot extra lenient about women human beings controlling what percentage toddlers they have than mainstream Orthodox, in an attempt to comprehend that females human beings may favor to be better than purely moms (though they nevertheless emphasize having toddlers is significant in the experience that they could deal with it). I do trust they assume birth control to easily be "no longer making use of the mattress throughout ovulation" though. quite some Catholic human beings i understand help birth control. purely 'reason the Pope and severe Catholics are against it does no longer mean the total of Catholicism has topics with it. All of my Catholic friends are thoroughly supportive of birth control. i do not take BC pills because i'm liable to medical topics which BC pills may reason. So I placed it on the guy - their kinds of birth control are a lot less of a well being possibility. yet i'm truly waiting for marriage. I had one courting with sex contained in the previous, we very nearly were given married, yet he replaced right into a jerk. Now that I extra or a lot less understand what i'm searching for i do not plan on having it... easily i have under no circumstances had one-evening-stands, the spectacular courting I had replaced into 3.5 years.

2016-10-15 07:06:13 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

there's an herb that prevents pregnancy--- and there are some that cause miscarriage.... they have been around for many centuries ....

The decision to use birth control is up each person--- I have never taken birth control pills and I also don't have any children.
My sister - in law is one of 10 kids and that family is really amazing--- the funniest ones I have heard of is the Rabbit family they raised 12 kids ----and one of them is named Peter and there's a girl named Bunny!

2006-07-27 15:54:50 · answer #8 · answered by jaimestar64cross 6 · 0 0

2nd Matthew Chapter 10 Verse 69

2006-07-27 15:38:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Genesis 38:9-10 "Onan, however, knew that the descendants would not be counted as his; so whenever he had relations with his brother's widow, he wasted his seed on the ground, to avoid contributing offspring for his brother. What he did greatly offended the LORD, and the LORD took his life too."

2006-07-27 15:45:20 · answer #10 · answered by Shaun T 3 · 0 0

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