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And if going naked in public is morally wrong, why weren't we born with clothes on?

Why did God get angry about the fact that Adam and Eve knew to cover themselves in fig leaves? Did God actually want Eve to eat the apple so that they would be ashamed of being naked?

2006-07-27 15:09:31 · 17 answers · asked by I Know Nuttin 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

I always wondered that too. You see animals private parts all of the time, and little children ask "what is a boy or a girl?" by the time they are 3. I think that we have to cover up because people just do not like to be confronted with who and what they are? People very closed-minded and there is no reason for it. We humans need to accept our humanity and our flaws and problems and just live with it. We are all who we are. We cannot change the way we were made.

2006-07-27 15:16:27 · answer #1 · answered by Andrea 5 · 0 1

You are taking this too literally. Adam and Eve my friend may not be the Adam and Eve that the bible relates to and as soon as they ate the apple they ran to cover up! No it took thousands upon thousands of years and a few snow storms, wind storms, hurricanes, etc. for Adam and Eve to cover up. Remember we like the other animals that inhabit this earth are animals. Yes you heard right, we are ANIMALS and therefore need to reproduce in an easy manner. So there it is and if you don't like it then cover up and hide in a cave while your friends enjoy all the fun! Hope you get over your shy behaviour and accept the fact that to be human is to be beautiful. Enjoy!

2006-07-27 15:17:43 · answer #2 · answered by Mr. PDQ 4 · 0 0

Just like the previous person said. We have a choice. Adam and Eve had a choice to decide whether or not they will be deceived by the serpent. In the garden of Eden, everything is perfect, however, Eve was deceived by the serpent and ate the fruit. God wasn't angry, He was depressed by Adam and Eve's disobedience.

2006-07-27 15:20:02 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Our reproductive parts are neither obscene nor vulgar, in the eyes of God. Its the things that people do with them that make them disgusting. Although our private parts are natural doesn't mean we should walk around showing them to random people. What do you mean, God got angry with Adam and Eve for covering themselves. And Eve wasn't the only ate from the tree. Adam ate from it also.

2006-07-27 15:15:35 · answer #4 · answered by bttrfly* 3 · 0 0

when God created Adam, he knew he could do better... then he made Eve. Eve didn't like the power that Adam had over her, so she ate the apple just to prove she didn't have to listen to anybody... not really, but I am glad everyone decided to wear clothes... I know a few people that I wouldn't wanna see naked! LOL

2006-07-27 15:16:58 · answer #5 · answered by dee r 2 · 0 0

We have choices. They did. He told them not to do something and they did. They got punished for it. Just like a child does. God is the father and we are the children. We give our children choices and no matter how many times we tell them no or we don't like it most the time they do it. It's the same. Oh and before the apple it wasn't a sin to be naked afterwards that was the punishment along with other things...

2006-07-27 15:13:08 · answer #6 · answered by ▒Яenée▒ 7 · 0 0

They aren't. It was just the shame caused by the original sin.

Being born with clothes on is just silly, but we are trained all our life to make sure we are covered.

God got angry, then man realized he was naked and covered himself, not the other way around.

Free-will was present in the Garden of Eden. They were warned, but God gave them the ability to make the "Choice", that is why it is call the original sin, since SIN did not exist before that.

2006-07-27 15:15:03 · answer #7 · answered by General Smoker 2 · 0 0

Our reproductive parts are not obscene and vulgar.God created it for our interest.All parts of our body are essential for the sake of our life to live.Certain parts of our body will be obscene and vulgar if it is opened to other than our family (husband,wife and children)Our privy parts should be covered if we are out of our house.Naked in public is morally wrong.God in the holy qur'an prohibits it.It is unlogic to be born with clothes.All babies are born without clothes and all naked babies are sacred.,holy and clean like a white paper.After they are grown up or mature,they should feel ashame if they are naked in public.Ashame is a part of our faith or spiritual mainstay or morale.God will not angry if someone naked in public,but he/she will have a sin and others who look him/her will get angry or say he/she is crazy/foolish or its desire increase.If we were naked that we have not have a difference with animals.That is why Gord instructs us to have clothes.By this God's instruction,you can imagine how many people can earn much money from its farmer up to its producers and its traders ,its designers and its taylors until it reached its users..Clothes have many variations in fashion.Our God gives us livelihood through clothing.Our God is very merciful.

2006-07-27 16:05:24 · answer #8 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

Our reproductive parts are neither obscene or vulgar. They are what they are and since they, and we, are created by Spirit, they should have no judgement placed on them. It is humans who place judgement based on a myriad of beliefs. The beliefs the majority of this nation subscribe to at the present time are from the Judeo/Christian belief system. The story of Adam and Eve is a myth, a story created to teach certain principles to the adherents to the religion from which it comes. In the region of the world where "Yahweh"-ism began, the surrounding cultures/religious belief systems were all predominantly goddess-based. Judaism was the first patriarchal religion in that area of the globe. To combat the surrounding religions and to keep the people in line, this myth was created and taught. The woman Eve was the clear inferior to Adam. She was weak enough to be tempted to go against what the Father God had commanded first. The evil One in this myth is a serpent, a snake. Goddess-based religions used the serpent/snake to represent the life force, the Goddess, and her ability to birth and rebirth. In order to condemn all those symbols and beliefs, the Evil One was represented by the snake. Goddess-based religions very often used the sex act in worship at different significant times of the year such as planting and harvest time. So in one neat little story the teachers of this new patriarchal religion condemned women as being inferior (NOT a reflection of the Divine - no, Adam was created FIRST and therefore in God's image, the father image, male), branded women as troublemakers, described God in completely male terms, portrayed the well-known symbol of the Goddess as EVIL, and went on to disparage the birth pain experience of women as punishment for their desire to know for themselves and think for themselves (the eating of the apple from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil). The prevailing belief in the Goddess-based religions was that birth was the most sacred experience and that it was the perfect mirror of the Goddess creating originally and constantly. So, that became instead, a punishment and a reminder of shame. Pretty good score card for one little story. And look how much agony belief in this story has caused people, especially women, since that time. Scrap it. See it for what is - a myth.
And as for going naked in public - there are laws against it in all 50 states, but there are specific areas of beaches and vacation spots where nudism is accepted because it is thought to be natural and our natural state as humans. So, if you have a mind to - seek out an experience in one of those places.

2006-07-27 15:52:18 · answer #9 · answered by cereslmt 2 · 0 0


to prevent lustful sins...

to make it easier for men to not look upon women in a lustful manner...

Are you sure he was angry?... he just kicked them out of the Garden of Eden... he could have done much worse!...

but yes... he knew that they had not done as commanded... but then they had been given conflicting commandments... one was to be fruitful and multiply... which they could not do while in the Garden of Eden.. not in an immortal body anyway... and the other was to not eat of the fruit... which would YOU think was more important?...

God needed Adam and Eve to choose... and learn for themselves what they were capable of doing...

of course.. he could have led them out of the Garden of Eden and told them exactly what to do for 40 years like the did the Jews out of captivity.

2006-07-27 15:17:49 · answer #10 · answered by ♥Tom♥ 6 · 0 0

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