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Why do people continually say that people such as myself who can't stand illegal immigrants are racist? Has it occurd to YOU people that you're being racist by assuming all illegals are hispanics? And we never once said we hate hispanics we just can't stand the illegal ones and the ones who wont learn English this doesn't make us racist this makes reasonable. Is it so much to want someone to come here legally and if they are going to live here learn the language. I can assure you that if I moved to France I'd learn French or if I moved to Spain I'd learn spanish. Its you who are racist its called reverse discrimination.

2006-07-27 15:02:44 · 23 answers · asked by almosmullen 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

Have you noticed not one person has argued against me because they know I'm right. And as for Canadian guy... I probably wouldn't notice it because they wouldn't be have parades demanding rights they're not entitled too. and if they did i'd have a problem with it and i have a problem with all illegals regardless of thier legal country.

2006-07-27 15:12:58 · update #1

23 answers

I agree. If you come to this country and plan to stay then learn our language. If I went to Russia I wouldn't expect the whole country to change their ways to appease me, no, I would learn Russian! The problem is everyone is so afraid of offending someone over something petty and meaningless, that the spineless government is bending over backwards to please everyone and stripping its own citizens of their own rights.

2006-07-27 15:07:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I agree with you for the most part. Illegal is the operative term here. Most of us are decendents from some sort of immigrant or another. Even "Native Americans" migrated here across the bearing straight! It disturbs me that one immigrant goes through the processes and waits for years before being awarded citizenship and others come in illegal and expect the same treatment. It just doesnt work that way. It isnt fair to the ones who abide by the law.

However, on the language issue, you should recognize that the USA doesnt have an official language. The ideology is the fact that we are a nation of immigrants and to say that one immigrant's language supercedes another is wrong. I personally like the ideology myself. It's because of this ideology that American English is so much more different than the other English speaking nations. It soldifies our stance on being a diverse and FREE nation. English is however, our de facto language

I agree if I were to move to Russia I would learn their official language. The same with France. But it isnt a requirement to be an American, and I hope that never changes. I just personally think it's one of those wonderfully neat things that sets us apart from other nations.

Finally, I do not think that your ideologies make you racist. If, and only if, your ideologies are strictly as they are stated here. And dont you think that "hate" and "can't stand" are strong words. These are people that are just trying to get the opportunities for their children that you and I have. Although, I think they should be forced to the back of the "line" to become citizens and become documented in the country for safety purposes. I dont believe they should be penalized as felons. We should be sympathetic to these people. They only want what you and I have.

2006-07-27 15:21:02 · answer #2 · answered by RockStarinTx 3 · 0 0

You are absolutely right on illegal immigration
But on a side note, my grandfather came here to the states in his late 40's (legally) with his family and spent a large part of his salary as a tailor to go to language school at night, after working a full day. Even after two years of language school his English was far from perfect. It's hard for older people to learn a new and completely different language, especially if they have not had any training in it before.
Just be sympathetic.

2006-07-27 15:11:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because they conveniently forget about the word "illegal" and thus, it makes it seem like you just want the hispanics to go home. The argument that gets me chuckling is when they come off with the "we were ALL immigrants once so you must want YOURSELF to go home, too!" LOL! My ancestors came here LEGALLY, through Ellis Island.

Worry not... there are plenty of us out here who have no problem with immigrants who come here LEGALLY. I get even more peeved about the people who are waiting to come here legally and have to wait for a decade because of the influx of illegals make it hard for legal immigrants to come in. Not to mention the language issue.

Unfortunately, the Congress and other officials are reluctant to do anything about it because they are afraid of alienating the hispanic voters. Guess all of us caucasian voters just don't matter in this country any more.

You're not alone.

2006-07-27 15:11:25 · answer #4 · answered by Rogue Scrapbooker 6 · 0 0

In any other nation in the world you would be shot on the spot for jumping a border. Its not racist its truth. I am a naturalized citizen. 26 years old....been here for 25 years. it pisses me off to see those border jumpers coming across that fence. When we catch them committing crimes and call INS they want you to turn them loose. its bullshit. If people from the country I was born in were doing that they would shoot them dead.......now that's the racist s h i t. I work every single day to have what i have. They come here and get free medical and take jobs from had working Americans. B U L L S H I T !!!!!!!!

2006-07-27 15:13:52 · answer #5 · answered by Matt S 2 · 0 0

Racism is believing one race to be superior to another race. You aren't saying that you are superior. You are not being racist.

Also, good point on the Hispanic thing! I've noted that a number of times when talking with friends. If you talk about illegals with them, they backpedal and say "but I love Mexicans, man. nothing really against them." This is Saint Louis, we have bigger Bosnian and Vietnamese populations here (many illegals I'm sure). So I don't get how they have to praise the Hispanics if they aren't who we're really talking about in this area.

2006-07-27 15:08:27 · answer #6 · answered by Ananke402 5 · 1 0

they know its crap but it works in our bent wrist lefty courthouses! It shows that they have no legs to stand on! They know whats going on as well as I do! These people may not be educated but they aren't stupid either! What they fail to understand is that true American will rise up like a junk yard dog with rabies the first time they bark...by the way those rallies sounded more like confused illegals with a whisper than a bark.

2006-07-27 15:08:37 · answer #7 · answered by tripledigit67 3 · 0 0

Wow, he is right. I think we can spot slackers. Lazy people that just want a hand out! Yea, Come to the U.S.A. for free food, housing, med care. Americans for the most part are not racists. We just want what is fair. Work, work hard and you will be taken care of.

2006-07-27 15:13:08 · answer #8 · answered by cheapbeerforme 1 · 0 0

Calling those of us that are Anti-Illegal Racists is just a Propaganda Tactic...........

I wonder if the Pro-Illegals realize that their using the same types of Tactics Terrorists use to support their positions?

2006-07-27 16:12:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

first of all Smart Guy, if a beaner is working for 4 dollars an hr you think hes going to be worried about learning to speak english or even thinging about it? im a u.s. citizen and i ******** bet you any thing!!!!!!!!!!!, if you saw me on the streets you would think im illegal just like every one else thats one reason why people call you guys Racist.

2006-07-27 15:16:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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