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Why it's just wasting your time I mean you lose money because you pay for gas to go to church it's pointless god is something people made up really he's useless and why do people pray it's pointless it's not like if you pray it comes true what you pay for and when you eat why do you thank god for the food you should thanks the animals that provided that food like chickens and what ever your eating so my question is why the heck do you still beleive in god he's fake.

2006-07-27 14:08:45 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

...your reasoning is different from mine. Dont worry about me, worry about yourself. I don't lose anything in believing in something I know for a FACT not FAITH, FACT is true. But if you choose not to believe in Him, fine but that doesn't mean I shouldn't. So thanks for your not so concerning statement because if I actually took it into consideration, and God did exist; I'll go straight to Hell, but if He doesnt exist I just stop existing so whatever, HOWEVER, if I continue believing in Him (and He exists); I would inherit eternity in Heaven but if He didnt, I still didnt lose crap. So I should be telling YOU to think about it and act on it so you will receive His blessing and realize what you've been missing this whole time you didnt believe in Him

it's never too late to convert, but that is only your choice..God wont force you, so I dont have the right to either

2006-07-27 14:17:20 · answer #1 · answered by ♥JCluvsu2!♥ 3 · 2 1

First, no one can state unequivocally that God doesn't exist. I believe in God because evolution doesn't have an adequate explanation for the origin of the universe. This is why, first evolution is a theory that states the universe suddenly came into existence when a grape fruit sized object of matter exploded and dispersed matter throughout the void. Random processes governed by chance brought order out of chaos. My first question is this, how do the evolutionists know this? Was somebody there to witness this fantastic event? Nope. It has been proven time and again order doesn't arise out of chaos unless intelligence is forced upon it. There was no intelligence in the original event, it was random, so when the evolutionist recreates the Big Bang, we have INTELLIGENT DESIGN! Sorry to say, that's not evolution. Evolution cannot be replicated in the laboratory, because nobody knows what was there, speculate and conjecture fine, but don't tell me it is a fact. My second question, why did the evolutionists believe when the earth was formed there were only toxic chemicals present and life couldn't flourish, but it was discovered in the lowest and oldest layers of the rock strata, ionized iron was found; that means the presence of oxygen. Third, is an observation, the only thing that gives evolution legitimacy is vast amounts of time, which are not even established because all the dating methods are suspect. For example, the most popular Uranium/Lead, three assumptions are made(as with the others), first, the parent/daughter element relation must be known, impossible. Second, the decay rate from parent to daughter must be known, no way! Third, there could not be any alteration of the rate at any time, can't know that either. So there's a problem. I believe in God because complexity in design always, always points to a designer.

2006-07-27 14:31:15 · answer #2 · answered by tigranvp2001 4 · 0 0

Well, look around! Look at all the creations. Do you really believe that all that just popped up after some BIG BOOM, and life started forming?
Do you really believe that its all possible that everything is unique, different and the same at the same time? How could every creature be so perfect?
Is it possible that BAM! and the trees make oxygen? Our stomachs digest? Your brains tell your arms what to do and they do it?
When you see, feel, smell, or taste something, your brains receive the information. Is it a coincident or mistake that you learn, talk, or type?

Well, is it? Think about it... everything points to the Wonderful Creator. And who is the Creator?--GOD
And if He exists, YOU should serve Him, for He is Good... Going to Church is not a waste of money, neither is praying a waste of time. You should try it... ask God forgiveness and you'll see why so many of us believe in God and serve Him....

2006-07-27 14:20:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why not believe in god, seriously do you want to wander through life knowing there is nothing in the end? If that was the case then life is pointless, why continue with life knowing that everything you do good or bad has no meaning why follow and law. Think about it Faith is what bind society in a whole, can you safely say you have no conscious put it this way you are at a club with the guy, you girl is at home chillin she gave you the night out... but in your escapade through the night you think of your girl back at home waiting for you, all of a sudden who come to the club a Hot chick thats giving you all the attention in the world and you know if you play back this will definitely end up in a one night stand..... Can you safely say that something in your head is not telling you hey man you girls back home dont doo this... or the opposite hey man she wont know a thing. If this isn't an example of godly wisdom cant help with that. But i will prefer to believe as i lay in my death bed waiting for the grim reaper, and this roller coater called life ends that there is paradise waiting for me and everyone.

2006-07-27 14:23:00 · answer #4 · answered by striker942 1 · 0 0

Let's see.........God is real because He created us and everything on this earth ( like the animals we eat or did you think someone learned to make them appear in magic school?). The Bible says that there is a God and it actually tells real stories about Jesus Christ and God. If you don't believe in God I do hope and pray that something will change your life soon to open your eyes and seek God.

2006-07-27 14:15:36 · answer #5 · answered by bianca p 2 · 0 0

I believe that God is real because he is real. You think everything here came by accident? You have more faith then a lot of Christians, because scientific evedance shows that the universe could not have created itself. Something cannot come from nothing. But God is above that, because he always was. God bless.

Have a nice day :-)

2006-07-27 14:15:36 · answer #6 · answered by drewfranklin4 3 · 0 0

Dude, just don't go to church, I think church sucks, but you shouldn't judge his existence based on the establishment that exploits God for money. I believe in God because I believe everything has to have a beginning, and I believe God was the beginning for everything. Honestly, he gives me strength to live on, if I didn't believe in him, I would be suicidal, but not everybody needs to feel a spiritual presence around them I guess.

2006-07-27 14:12:34 · answer #7 · answered by Steve Z 3 · 0 0

ok i bealeve in god beacuse if you do a lot and i mean a lot of reaserch then you can find out that there wwas a guy named jesus and he was killed beacuse he did things that preast could not do.he never did eneything wrong and they killed him.if you find a bible somewere it will say that there were two towers and they blowed up.jesus is the only way to haeven i hope that you realize this soon.if you go with any paster that is fully a christen you will see the things the do.they stop sickness they save people they even bring people from the . MIRICLES ARE HAPPENING ALL AROUND THE WORLD. PEOPLE ARE JUST TOO BLIND TO SEE THEM.

2006-07-27 14:09:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

One... u dont have to spend money to get to chruch... walk or ride a bike.. I walk. And 2, even if people do spend money than they dont consider it "wasteful" because they're doing it because they want to. Thats like saying why do u go the theatre or school or work? its a waste of money to drive there. In other words... its not a waste if thats wat u want, because thats your goal. NEXT.. Its a personal decsion to believe in god, just coz u dont is no reason to descriminate against those who do, and visa versa. I personally dont tho i kno there are alot of ppl who do. AND.. I PERSONALLY truly truly sincerely with all my heart believe that God exsists, because when i pray for things they 99.9% HAPPEN! I honestly believe that if it werent for god i wouldnt be alive, i wouldnt have the friends that i do, i wouldnt have gotten to do sooooo many things. And i kno they're not coincidence... i just kno. And just so u kno, that i was raised in an athesist home, it was my own personal choice to believe and follow the religion Novus Spiritus to follow God. I did this because there is NO other explanation for things i have seen. People wouldnt believe me if i told them, but i know the things i saw were for real, and because of them, i believe in a God. THAT is my explanation for believe in god, and i DO NOT under ANY circumstances regret or doubt my decision.

2006-07-27 14:23:16 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because he has personally revealed himself to me. Nobody can make you believe God. You will have to believe on your own. He has done things for me. Things I can't even begin to explain. Because you are a doubter you would have to experience these things to believe. This generation declares a sign("If you are God show yourself") Why does God have to do something for people to believe? Basically everyone has a choice to believe or not to believe. God or mammon. God made it that simple. Not even twisting your arm. Just making an offer. For the rest of your statement, according to the Bible it said to fell not to assemble yourself and also to give thanks for whatever you receive to eat.

2006-07-27 14:25:52 · answer #10 · answered by narcisscus24 5 · 0 0

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