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Ok, I'm not trying to offend anyone here, but you know what I'm talking about. If people hear something that's not in or doesn't follow the bible, then, through a hampster-like mind and the realization equivelent to that of a lawn chair's, they claim that the item or statement in question does not exist, has not existed, and never will exist. For example: someone on here claimed that "Dinosaurs don't exist, it's just a conspiracy made up from those crazy scientists thinking they can question the bible." WTF? I mean, c'mon: dinosaurs. There's proof of it in any museum! It's like looking at a 50 foot high wall and claiming that it's not there because a book that was written over 2000 years ago said that it doesn't. I mean, c'mon! What, do those people just sit under a rock and praise the bible all day long? Really. Plus another thing: we've been singing the same songs to god for thousands of years, and yet we don't seem to think that he might get slightly annoyed at our bad singing.

2006-07-27 13:57:36 · 25 answers · asked by picsnap 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Umm...2nd answer guy? Yeah, you. That's some load of BS. Even children know that dinosaurs never existed in the same time as man. If you look in the sediment, man and dinosaurs may be in the same area, but deeper in the ground as the layers build up. So HA! Science has once again proved religeous maniacs who try to destroy logical though by not thinking and just blaming everything on god so you don't have to figure anything out! Ha!

Yeah. Free speech rocks
I love the constitution!

2006-07-27 14:10:07 · update #1

Ok, people, for one thin, I am indeed bored.
For another thing, I believe in god. Not the god, but a god. Personally, I think all religion is probably wrong and there's some truth to all religion packed into one. I belive there is an incredible force out there watching over mankind. I think we've basically got the pie crust but no filling. Y'know? Who'se with me here?
Plus, I'm not saying that God doesn't exist, and I'm not trying to be all evil and non-believing and such. I"m just saying that people should believe in stuff that's right in front of them. Y'know the stuff that's clearly obvious. And to those of you who have been offended by me, I send my sincerest apologies and I have learned my lesson. Sorry.

2006-07-27 14:18:09 · update #2

25 answers

It is offensive to the sheep, but who cares, you have a valid argument. We both know that the sheep don't want to comprehend logic out of fear of what could happen after death.

It's rediculous how this religion has grown out of hand, it is one massive cult. Sometimes I wish the fanatical sheep were right---hoping they could vanish during the Revelations/Rapture---tomorrow, allowing the rest of humanity to live in peace.

In heaven all of the interesting people are missing.

2006-07-27 14:16:11 · answer #1 · answered by Tala 3 · 0 1

1. I am a devout Christian.
2. The Bible does not dismiss the existence of dinosaurs. In fact, the Bible supports the earth existence past the "6000 year scenario" that some Christians claim.
3. The Bible says that, if the people don't praise Him, the rocks will.
4. If God judged us on our singing, I would have been "smoted" years ago. I can't sing to save my life, but I know God still enjoys it!
5. I praise God, not the Bible. I study and read the Bible, I do not study and read God.
6. "We've" been singing the same old songs? Are we're bored with God? There is limitless ways to praise Him, not just through songs.
7. If you truly want valued answers from a reliable source, ask God.

2006-07-27 14:16:31 · answer #2 · answered by n9wff 6 · 0 0

some human beings could argue that nudity *is* a manner assertion, yet then black is a colour and silence is merely the finest musical piece a possibility. toddlers are actually not born understanding approximately Jesus or Mohammad or Buddha. they don't be attentive to approximately evolution or dinosaurs and in case you ask them to describe the medical technique they don't be attentive to what you mean. toddlers are proper examples of the dictionary definition of atheists. i've got faith in good judgment. i've got faith that by way of careful remark and learn we are able to learn extra with regard to the international around us, no count in case you're cooking or fixing a storage door or questioning approximately your origins. I and various different atheists are scientists first and atheists 2d. So, you're quite asking if technology is a thought and that's an entire different kettle of fish. maximum anybody is scientists a minimum of multiple the time. you would be in case you have any desire of surviving in the type of complicated international. we've somewhat innate reason in us all; toddlers initiate devising novel the thank you to garner parental interest very almost as we communicate and it merely gets extra complicated from there. technology is customary. If atheism isn't a faith because of the fact black isn't a colour, is white a colour? The introduction thoughts are an attempt to type a logical clarification for the international around the authors. you do no longer could be good at it to be a scientist; Ptolemy exchange right into a scientist and truthfully each and everything he believed exchange into incorrect. He did no longer have the procedures or the procedures and he exchange into truthfully guessing based off of bare eye observations, yet to him they have been logical guesses. i'm sorry if all that can not be compressed right into a definite or a no, yet neither can maximum issues that are quite worth asserting.

2016-11-03 03:48:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't understand why Christians have a hard time believing that the world is old, old, old! The Bible says that it is!
Psalm 102:25 -
Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the Earth, and the heavens are the work of thy hands.
2 Peter 3:5 -
For this they are willingly ignorant, that by the word of God the heavens WERE of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water.
By this we know that the Earth was already old by the time Adam and Eve were created.
It doesn't mention what happened on Earth before Adam and Eve, but Christians should realize that time did not begin then.
Also, by the time you get to Adam and Eve, there has already been a judgment day for Lucifer.
God has been forever, why would we think He just began things recently?
I'm a Christian, but dinasaurs and an ancient Earth don't rock my faith in God.

2006-07-27 14:07:21 · answer #4 · answered by Acts 2 38 3 · 0 0

Well, u know there are just a lot of people out there that are ready to take every part of the Bible literally. I'm protestant, 14, been through most of the Bible at least once or twice, and you know... I see what you mean... i guess people either are ignorant or just choose to ignore reason. However, you know like one of your answerers say, the Bible does mention some things supported by science, its just that nowadays we may not identify them with terminology used in the Bible. But singing songs are a way of praising God i guess, and its probably a lot of tradition, and just another way of expressing praise. If you think about it, a lot of Christian songs that we sing, are in Psalms in teh Bible or other Biblical books. So its almost like readin the Bible when we sing, just we make it interesting...just another perspective from which you can view singing. I do agree about the bad singing, i def. can't sing well...but you know i'm not the one that's gonna say God's annoyed at our singing...maybe he is and maybe he isn't, but nonetheless its just a way of worshipping him, and the Bible does say that God is a jealous God and so i wouldn't think he'd be offended by bad singing as long as its for praisin' him. But yes, i absolutely concur about literal translation that people read the Bible with. We need to learn to broaden our minds to accept what the Bible says, ALONG with what science supports. Just because something isn'tmentioned in the Bible doesn't mean its not true. For instance...did you read the Da Vinci Code? Think about it...what if Jesus did have a relationship with Mary Magdelene, is it really so bad? Anyway if he didn't, according to historical data he would have been facing some social persecution. Furthermore in some of the gospels not included in the New Testament, such as Mary M.'s gospel, it mentions that Christ kissed her often, and that he may have intended for her not some of hte disciples to carry on his work. Once again...ur right... we should learn to create composite ideas for ourselves about what we believe really happened, based not only on the Bible but also science (which does support some things in the Bible anyway). But i guess it's just the way some people are raised that cause them to hold such tenacious beliefs in biblical events the EXACT way they happened.

2006-07-27 14:18:18 · answer #5 · answered by nightraptor8000 2 · 0 0

Dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible...the Bible does mention dinosaurs though it never actually uses the word “dinosaur.” Instead, it uses the Hebrew word tanniyn (pronounced tan-neen; Strong’s #08577). Tanniyn is translated a few different ways in our English Bibles; sometimes it’s “sea monster,” sometimes it’s “serpent.” It is most commonly translated “dragon.” The tanniyn appear to have been some sort of giant reptile. These creatures are mentioned nearly thirty times in the Old Testament and are found both on land and in the water.

2006-07-27 14:01:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Bible is the inspired word of the true God. Dinosaurs existed with man. Human skeletons and human tools have been found in layers of rock containing dinosaur bones.

2006-07-27 13:59:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I think you are talking about people who think the bible says something, where it says something totally different, but they think they are right.

For example, the bible does actually describe dinosaurs, and doesn't say they didn't exist, but some people like to put their own views above what the bible actually says. Another example is where the bible actually states that the earth is round, whereas some people say that the bible says it is flat.

So its not about what the bible actually says, which is quite accurate, but about what some people say about it without knowing much about it.

2006-07-27 14:38:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because the paths they have led in other incarnations have them in this incarnation, following a faith that is really hard to swallow, and even harder to truly abide.
Maybe a form of self-punishment? I think some of them lord it over people so they can feel better about themselves (and that isn't exactly what Jesus taught, now is it?)
S,he will never tire of a joyful noise, though.
Even when the person singing can't carry a tune in a bucket.
(My bucket has a hole in it!)
Raised Catholic, happily Wiccan, on my way to Enlightenment.
Brightest Blessings.

2006-07-27 14:04:54 · answer #9 · answered by Lauralanthalasa 3 · 0 0

God doesn't listen to what your voice sounds like or how you pronounce the words, He listens to your heart praising Him. It's the same with God doesn't care what you look like, or how you dress He created each of us in our own special way and He loved us even before the beginning of the earth. All of the Psalms in the Bible has to do with Jesus.

2006-07-27 14:03:46 · answer #10 · answered by bianca p 2 · 0 0

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