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example: A girl went to fellowship late at night. she start to walk home alone. She asked God to give her a safe journey home. She took an alley for a short cut, it was real late at night. she asked God to walk with her down the alley. as she was walking a man came out as though he was waiting for her. She continued to pray. Amazing the all the man did was stare as she passed by. she arrived safely at home. A few days later she read the morning paper. A girl was rape/robbed in the same alley that she walked a few nights before. She quick told the police and tried to identify the looks of the man. the police asked if she wanted to help them identify the man by looking through a glass screen. she reconized him. the man admit everything he did. the her later asked the police can she ask him a question, the police agreed. She asked, "Why didn't you attack me in the alley a few nights before?" man said, "you weren't alone, there were 2 guys dressed in white walking with you."

2006-07-27 13:54:18 · 14 answers · asked by The King of Games 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

When I had been a Christian for about 5 months and was just out of a rehab program I was working as a file clerk in a job through the Veterans administration for $9.50/hr about 30 miles from home. I decided to spend 80 of my last 120 dollars on a month long train pass. When I got to work I found out that all of the Veterans were being laid off due to a paperwork snafu, probably for a couple of weeks.

I went to work angry and decided that I was going to get drunk after work since I didn't have to show up for a while and it didn't seem like all of my hard work and faithfulness were paying off. Just as these thoughts were going through my head I suddenly had a clear audio memory of my Pastor teaching on Jeremiah 29:11 and telling us that God has a great plan for every believers life.

I thought to myself "yeah, that's right, God is supposed to have a great plan for my life" So I told God that his plan didn't seem all that great but instead of drinking I was going to watch and see how his plan would work out.

The next day I went by the rehab program and a friend told me about a job at the airport. I went and applied during my time off and a couple of weeks later they called me to tell me I was hired at $14 an hour. So I gave my notice and showed up for the training. The first thing they told us was that they were losing their contract at the end of the month and we would all lose our jobs at the same time.

I worked for 6 days, 2 in classroom training and 4 on the job where by lunch of the last day I was finally certified on all the tasks at the security checkpoint. Then I was given my last check along with a $200 bonus and ushered out the door.

I had about 2 weeks before I was going to be interviewed by the new company and what I now realize was the Holy Spirit, I felt an urge to find out more about the company. I went to a job fair that was a madhouse where I found out that if someone had worked at the airport and was certified on all of the tasks and had supervisory experience in another job, they didn't have to apply as just a regular screener. They could apply to be a team leader.

I ended up getting the job and I made over $52,000 my first year in a job that I had no prior experience in. Praise the Lord! I now know that it was the Holy Spirit who reminded me of God's Word when I was sorely tempted and who kept me strong and in God's will for my life.

John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, so that He may abide with you forever, 17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, because He abides with you and shall be in you. 18 I will not leave you orphans; I am coming to you....But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and will remind you of all things which I said to you. John 14:26

2006-07-27 14:15:47 · answer #1 · answered by Martin S 7 · 1 1

I think that all of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books contain stories that glorify God (or karma or tao or universal energy), but I have to agree that the story you posted has that "the heck with everyone" exclusivity that really irritates non-Christians about some Christians.

Maybe the victimized girl (though the story is likely apocryphal) was not saved from harm for some other reason (such as, God does not actually pick and choose who gets hurt and who gets saved and does not control the details of each life), but the story sounds as though God intentionally allows harm to some people even though he has the ability to stop it. Does it strike you as cruel or immoral to say that girls who don't pray get raped but girls who do pray are protected?

2006-07-27 14:16:30 · answer #2 · answered by astrocatastrophe 2 · 0 0

Another urban legend.

"Not as an account of something that actually happened. Nothing in it lends itself to verification; no last name or date or city is given. Indeed, we supposedly know what the rapist said Defender of the faithful in explanation of his unexpected confession ("Because she wasn't alone. She had two tall men walking on either side of her") but we aren't told his name, a detail that would make running down news articles about this man's conviction and sentence a snap.
misses the mark but lands a wicked backhand against the very folks a caring God would look to spare further harm. Because "Diane" prays she is passed over by the rapist, but another girl who traverses the same alley twenty minutes later is not so fortunate — she is victimized in the way Diane would have been. Prayer doesn't stop the rape; it merely diverts it from one potential victim to another. Diane's entreaties to the Lord thus have the effect of precipitating the sexual assault of another woman who otherwise would not have been raped. Hardly a ringing endorsement of God's mercy, that. "

Yea, that's relgious inspiration. Makes me want to worship that God!

2006-07-27 14:00:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes...My mother's best friend had cancer..she was on her death bed..she weighed 72 lbs. Everyone was coming to the hospital to say the good-byes. Everyone prayed for healing. This is in Cincinnati Ohio, Christ Hospital. One night a nurse came into her room and fluffed her pillows...and then leaned over her and said :
The Lord of Host says you are healed. The next day there was 0% cancer in her body..nothing could be found..ALL the test were negative for cancer...she was on the 700 club also. She was in the hospital for 2 more weeks she gain 15lbs and was released. The lady said the "Nurse" was dressed in white but her face was white as snow and glowed

2006-07-27 14:04:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

So wait, God ok'd the raping of the second girl? This doesn't sound right.

Maybe the two guys in coats were lab technicians taking this chick back to the loony bin.

Also, the Bible itself is a compilation of other books, letters, gospels, etc..

2006-07-27 14:00:23 · answer #5 · answered by Danny42378 3 · 0 0

Careful not to spread "Christian" urban legends that can not be supported. I am a christian and there is plenty of supportable evidence to build your faith on without making christianity into a church full of gullibles that believe anything they hear or read on the internet.
You want a story outside the bible that gloryfies God. Tell your own story. No one can refute that. What has God done in your life? He freed me from adiction to pornography, gave me a loving wife and two wonderful kids. He freed my wife from a past of drug abuse and lesbian relationship. He freed my mother from alcoholism. See this all shows how awesome God is and it's real. No one can refute it. It happened to me personally so I am my own witness.

2006-07-27 14:04:44 · answer #6 · answered by jp 3 · 0 0

Try the Talmud , the Zohar, the stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer, and the book section of your local religious store.

2006-07-27 13:58:28 · answer #7 · answered by alracaratq 2 · 0 0

I think the first poster brings up a valid point.

The moral of the story seems to be that your "god" is OK with non-christians being raped, but will protect the christians.

If that is your concept of a "god", then he is one sick F***.

2006-07-27 14:00:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you would read any of the books about the lives of the Saints, you will find stories that glorify God.

2006-07-27 13:59:50 · answer #9 · answered by karen wonderful 6 · 0 0

Yes! When someone once did drugs and smoked and all the nasty things people get caught up in, then found God and turned their life around to serve him.

2006-07-27 14:01:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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