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2011!Thats my guess!The GOOD NEWS is that he does return and stop us from destoying ourselves and the Earth!Ever since we humans decided to NOT do things Gods way,its been all down hill!Look around you.These are the consequences of wrong choices.The Earth is a mess.Global DIMMING.Global WARMING.Wars are rampant.Famines are on many continents.Diseases such as aids have 40 MILLION people as the walking dead.Nuclear annililation threatens us.The middle East where it all starts,is primed and ready to start world war 3,the fight against terrorists.Wars and rumours of wars.Earthquakes in various places.This is the beginning.When shall the end come?When this good news is heard by every nation on Earth,then the end shall come.It is soon.Very soon.Are you ready?The only way to be at peace is to know Christ.READ THE NEW TESTAMENT OF THE BIBLE.NIV-New International Study Bible is excellent.

2006-07-27 13:51:57 · 17 answers · asked by randy w 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

I have seen people zeroing in on the year 2018 by averaging the length of a generation from Bible information, but have you considered that people are living longer today because of modern medicine? When it says that this generation shall not pass, they could be living for 100 years or longer. The calculations my be right, but the entire formula is missing something.

I've read in the past, that in Mark 1:17, there were 42 generations, and that is from Abraham to Christ, a total of 2160 years. So when one divides 42 into 2160, it comes out to basically 51.5 years. So a generation is not 40 years as we so often said, or others have said, but 51.4.

Then when we get to Luke chapter 3, verses 23 to 38, there is 77 generations from Adam to Christ and that's 4,000 years. When one divides 77 into 4,000, he also comes out to 51.9 years. So a generation is 51 years. We begin counting this countdown to the return of Christ from the time that Jerusalem is captured by the Jews, Luke 21:24, because the 70 weeks are determined upon thy people, the Jews, Daniel 9:24. So when one adds 51.5 to 1967, when the Jews captured Jerusalem, it comes out to 2018.

Now, Adam lived to be 930 years, Genesis 5:5, and Methuselah 969 years. So you can't say a generation is 900 or 1,000 years. God puts them all together from Adam right up until His Son in Luke 3:23 to 38 and it comes out to 51.9 and that's 2018.

Now, looking at the above, might look correct or logical. BUT...It lacks 1 thing. Whats that?
I didn't deduct the 7 years of tribulation.

2018 Year
- 7 Tribulation
2011 + 6 months for the month of June. You end up with Approx. July 2011, and could be off as much as 5 months for added living longer.

NOW. TAKE NOTE:. When you sharpen your pencil, this could happen 2007. How do we know? we dont, not yet. Why? Because nobody knows if Jesus was born on a leap year. If this rapture takes place 2007, Jesus was born on a leap year. If it doesn't happen, we will KNOW, HE was NOT born on leap year.

It's fun to toy with numbers. Nobody knows, bottom line. Is it because God doesn't want it known? or God knew we couldn't know, becaue of this >>> It won't be the same time, the same day throughout the entire world when it happens?

It specifically says: nobody knows the what? >>Hour<< or what>> Day<<. NOwhere does it say, His people can not know the year or even closer. God is not a Islam religion. He is not planing a "sneak attack", to catch Christians off guard.

I, don't set a date. That would be dumb. But Jesus said, I command you to know when it's near, even at the door, Matthew 24:33 and 36.

Jesus what? commands" you. to what? know it is near. This just happenes the be the 13th commandment. What? You thought there was just 10?

Have a nice weeeeeeek. and eat plenty of Popcicles. :)


2006-07-27 14:07:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Silly child. The Bible says not even Christ knows when He is coming back but we are to be ready. Like a thief in the night, He will come. And we must be ready.

2006-07-27 13:55:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Before His coming, the anti christ will rule the world...but God's people will not be on earth to suffer..my guess is that it will happen 07/07/07 (When many believers are reported missing(because God took us away from this world))

2006-07-27 13:56:08 · answer #3 · answered by ♥JCluvsu2!♥ 3 · 0 0

Not even God knows when Jesus will come again - The bible says that NOBODY knows,and not 'only God knows'.

Now, remember when you were a kid and you asked your father for something and he said 'I don't know' - it was his way of saying no to you without hurting your feelings ao causing a fuss.

So Jesus will not come again. We have God the Father's word for it in the Bible.


2006-07-27 14:01:22 · answer #4 · answered by tammers 3 · 0 0

I'd prefer global warming and terroism and the like to the plague. And I like my computers and modern technology thank you very much. So if we blow up the world and we all die, well, who cares: I'll be dead, so I don't care if everyone else is too! And at least we didn't have to stop improving the technology used in video games.


2006-07-27 13:57:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How did you recognize exacley what twelve months the flood replaced into. It does no longer say contained in the bible. *Edit* did not some weirdo imagine the international replaced into going to end like 14 years in the past?? Did that take position?? NOOOOOO

2016-10-15 07:01:28 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I think it will be soon.But the bible says no one knows.He will come like a thief in the night.I think if you see russia getting involed in this war going on then you better be ready.Thats just my veiw on it.Waiting on his return

2006-07-27 14:03:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

my god. lighten up. if the world does come to an end what can anyone of us do. there are far worse things that could happen then that.

try living life day by day. :)

2006-07-27 14:43:49 · answer #8 · answered by Shadow of a girl 3 · 0 0

Um duh. you yourself say read the Bible. and it says NO ONE KNOWS! Only God does. and to try and guess is really stupid. Live each day as though christ is coming back that very second!
p.s try reading the middle-ish end of Matthew

2006-07-27 13:57:10 · answer #9 · answered by Paige 2 · 0 0

Wrong, it is SEALAB 2011, not CHrist 2011!

2006-07-27 13:55:27 · answer #10 · answered by Daniel Z 6 · 0 0

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