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19 answers

I am permanently scarred by my 15 years as a JW
The emotional abuse, totalitarian control.
They openly advocate child abuse, and tell abused wife's to be more obedient.
Now every time they come to my house all those memories come back in vivid colour.

2006-07-28 09:49:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I don't know if this is quite the answer you were looking for, but I still think it counts.

I went to a concert in a Christian club in downtown Minneapolis. They had a couple groups play before the group that I had come to see (Joy Electric, in case anyone cares). The first group that played was good at what they did, but their music was average and they sounded like every other rock band. But the worst part of their performance came when the lead singer of the band got up and gave us a sermon that said something to this effect (and I paraphrase, here, because this happened several months ago): "I'm not naive; I know that there are those of you out there who don't believe. And that saddens me." And then he went on and on about testimonies and some other crap (I don't even remember what it was he said about testimonies, but it was really ridiculous and insulting). His tone implied that if you weren't Christian, you were some kind of criminal. He said all of his stuff as if he were lecturing a bunch of kids for vandalism or something. There was no love in his message, and all it did was make me (an agnostic) feel angry and insulted. Even the Christian friends I was with were upset by it; his tone had been patronizing and condescending towards them as well.

If you want to witness to me or convert me, the most important thing to remember is to BE RESPECTFUL. Make me feel loved, not like a criminal. Of course, I really don't like being witnessed to and may not want to hear what you have to say, but you have to respect that, as well. Also keep in mind that I'm not a four-year-old, I'm an adult, and just because you have religion and I don't doesn't make you in any way superior to me.

2006-07-27 20:27:48 · answer #2 · answered by Qchan05 5 · 0 0

I have never been physically hurt by a Christian stating his/her beliefs. As long as they are polite I find it interesting.

I get irritated by impolite people regardless of what religion (or none) that they follow. It is annoying and I do not spend time with annoying people.

The only time that I can remember being hurt by the "witness" of a Christian is when a preacher pulled my mother aside and "broke the news" to her that her daughter (me) was a demon. He told her that I was not possessed by a demon but rather that I was one and there was nothing that she could do about it. My mother cried non-stop for a week. I loved her very much and it hurt me so much to see her cry. My mother passed over more than a decade ago and I can still remember quite clearly how deeply she was hurt. Although she believed the preacher when he told her that pack of lies, she eventually decided that he was full of it. Still, I will never forget the needless pain that he caused her.

2006-07-29 18:51:08 · answer #3 · answered by Witchy 7 · 0 0

On the contrary, I have been greatly helped by a Christian witnessing to me. In fact, I would probably not be alive today if Christian Witnesses had not cared enough about me to patiently teach me Bible truth. And I shall be eternally grateful to them.

2006-07-31 03:07:17 · answer #4 · answered by Psalm37-29 6 · 0 0

Why doesn't someone ask "I lov oregon" why he and these other ex JW's he mentions are "ex" JW's? They never give you the reason in their answer, but 9 times out of 10, it's because they did not want to obey the rules that Jesus and the Apostles or writers of the Bible give us. Here are some reasons one can be removed from
the Congregation, "Some of the offenses that could merit disfellowshipping from the Christian congregation are fornication, adultery, homosexuality, greed, extortion, thievery, lying, drunkenness, reviling, spiritism, murder, idolatry, apostasy, and the causing of divisions in the congregation. Unlike other religions, we keep our congregations clean.

This is where most, but not all of the negative answers come from, disfellowshipped or apostates, A disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion.

2006-07-28 23:18:22 · answer #5 · answered by BJ 7 · 0 0

Well, it was a Jehovah's Witness. I'd politely told the woman who knocked on my door almost every Saturday that I wasn't interested. One day I ignored the knock and continued to watch tv in my living room only to look up and see her peering in my front room window. Was I hurt? NO. But I sure was pissed! I just stared at her like I would kill her and she eventually got the message and walked away.

2006-07-27 20:12:40 · answer #6 · answered by nquizzitiv 5 · 0 0

I have no idea what you mean by that. Maybe before I was Saved, I felt just pure bad when people would witness, and I knew that I had strayed off the path to God. But they didn't hurt me, I was hurting myself. It was good for me in the end anyway, because it made me wake up and remind myself that I needed to pay attention to my soul.

2006-07-27 20:30:42 · answer #7 · answered by tertiahibernica 3 · 0 0

I was deeply hurt as a young person when I was told the devil was in control of my life because I wasn't speaking in tongues. I was a very committed Christian young person. I also think it's hurtful to be told you are going to hell, I don't care how nicely it's put.

2006-07-27 20:13:23 · answer #8 · answered by keri gee 6 · 0 0

When I was very young, about 4 or 5, a holy roller came to my house and called my mother a whore and started spouting scriptures to her and telling her she would burn in hell for her sins.

What had my mother done? She had had a male friend (who she had known all her life, btw) come and stay with us, and be in the house alone with him while my father was at work, and they were out in the yard together, and she had on shorts. Not short-shorts, mind you, this was in the 50's. Just a nice pair of shorts and a sleeveless shirt.

This women went on and on with scriptures about how women shouldn't wear men's clothes, and started comparing my mother to the Whore of Babylon. I finally started crying and said "STOP!!!" and hit her. She said something about me being a spawn of evil, and then she left.

Yeah, that hurt me. It scarred me for life!

2006-07-27 20:32:25 · answer #9 · answered by Flora_54 2 · 0 0

When witness means they are better than you then back off. Mostly they are witnessing to their own conviction so it can be very self centered.

2006-07-27 20:12:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have never felt hurt, but I have felt the conviction from God's Holy Spirit for the sin in my life. Lots of people interpret this as "pain" , when it is only God "knocking" at our heart's door, letting us know that we hurt and dissapoint Him with our sinful choices.

2006-07-27 20:24:09 · answer #11 · answered by i_m_the_1_u_luv 3 · 0 0

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