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I will be getting married in September and have never been sexually active. My soon-to-be husband and I don't want to have children right away so I asked my doctor about birth control pills.

I haven't started taking them and would like to do at the last minute possible. How long can I wait before I take so they can still be effective? What kind of side effects can I experience?

I will be getting married the first week of Sept and don't want to have my period that week! When would be the best time possible?


2006-07-27 12:17:14 · 16 answers · asked by alwayssmiling 1 in Family & Relationships Weddings

16 answers

You're probably better off to try taking them ahead of time so that you can see how you're going to react to them - you definitely don't want to spend the week of your wedding and/or honeymoon miserable with some kind of medicinal side effects! And every person is different with birth control - I never had any problems with the pill - no weight gain, no nausea, no skin problems or anything else - but 2 different kinds that my sister took caused her to bleed constantly no matter what week it was. That said, I've read different things about how long it takes before the pills are effective - some places say 2 weeks, some say 1 month. As far as not being on your period for your wedding, your period will be during the 4th week of the pills - the iron pills that are probably a different color from the rest of the pills. To time it so that you aren't on your period then, just be sure that you are on week 1, 2, or 3. But it sounds like you're pretty unsure about the pills, and if you are, you should really talk to your doctor more about your concerns. If your GP prescribed them and you're not comfortable talking to him, call your OB/GYN and make an appointment for as soon as you can.

2006-07-28 10:15:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You need to be on the pill for at least a month before you're protected against pregnancy, it doesn't start working the day you take it, you have to go through a cycle, THEN you're protected.

You start taking the pills the Sunday after you've had your period, and from that point on, it's pretty easy to predict when your period will come.

I would start taking them as soon as you can (after your next cycle) because if for some reason you have some side effects, there's time to switch and get a new prescription. You don't want to leave it until the last minute.

Talk to your doctor about any questions you have about ANY medication you're taking. Feel free to call his/her office with them as well.

Best of luck to you!

2006-07-27 12:51:57 · answer #2 · answered by basketcase88 7 · 0 0

You need to call your doctor, especially since this is your first time taking birth control. All pills are different, but most need to be used for more than a month to be effective. You take them on day one of your cycle, you take one a day at the same time everyday. They recommend with the evening meal or before bed.
Side effects can be different depending on what you are taking and the strength of it. You can also talk with your pharmacist, if you don't want to call your doctor. When the prescription is filled they will give you a list of things to watch for while you are taking the pill. You also need to be aware that if you are on an antibiotic the pill will not be effective and you can get pregnant, so you need to use another method of birth control like condoms.

2006-07-27 14:26:17 · answer #3 · answered by mom of girls 6 · 0 0

It takes 2 months for birth control pills to regulate in your system. I started taking them at 21 after having sex for a year - because I started to panic that I might accidentally get pregnant, and I had bad periods. The first 3 years on them were great - my periods got super light and I could have sex without worry. But the side effects are killers. I'm now 28 and still on the pill, and I've been married nearly a year (still not ready for kids). I have absolutely no sex drive anymore. I've had anxiety for a long time but the pill has intensified it. If you can just be sure to use condoms, I recommend you go that route.

2006-07-27 13:38:48 · answer #4 · answered by Rachel 7 · 0 0

I have been on the pill for 3years now ever since i became sexually active this my partner who i am still with i have never had any problems with the pill i am on the lowest dosage and will stay on the until i need to do otherwise. i was told 1month before i do anything i need to take it and it was fine. I would strongly advise to go on the pill and not use any other contriceptive as i have read up on the needle etc and there can be masive side affects such and not being able to fall pregnant. If you don't want to have your period on your wedding night you can skip the sugar pills. I have not done this as my period has stayed regular, but my friend has and it has been fine it is just heavier next cycle. Hope this helps and good luck.

2006-07-27 15:22:48 · answer #5 · answered by Nat B 1 · 0 0

Man, you sure didn't ask your doctor enough questions when you got the prescription. Go back to him/her and find out all that you can, especially about ALL the side effects and how being on the pill can affect your future child-bearing possibilities. Some birth control pills take about three months in your system to get working, so stock up on condoms.

2006-07-28 03:29:50 · answer #6 · answered by Lydia 7 · 0 0

You need to start them ASAP. Some people don't do well on the first kind they're given and have to go back for a differnt kind. You just never know. Plus, you do want your body to get used to them and you need to be on them for a little while before they're completely effective. When was your last period? If you start them now, you should not be on your period for your wedding. If it looks like you might, just keep taking the real pill, not the ones you take when you're on your period, and you can skip your period.

2006-07-28 01:59:26 · answer #7 · answered by SweetPea 5 · 0 0

Kudos to you on waiting to have sex!!!! I think that is wonderful.Well I think that birth control pills should be in your system for a month before you have sex so since you do not want to be on your period I would take it one month and a week before you get married that way you should have your period and off of your period for a week before you get married

2006-07-27 12:24:48 · answer #8 · answered by sashaaspen 4 · 0 0

Talk to your doctor about the REAL risks of hormonal birth control....pills, patch, ring, shot, etc. I was very healthy with no family history of problems and I contracted 9 blood clots in my lung from using the Nuva Ring. It was potentially fatal. I spent a week in the hospital and lost my career as a police officer.
Think about an IUD or diaphram.

2006-07-27 12:22:18 · answer #9 · answered by anneboz 2 · 0 0

Your body will definitely need time to adjust to the pill. It's not a smart move to wait until the week before you get married...you are definitely asking for trouble. Happy parenting!

2006-07-27 12:32:56 · answer #10 · answered by meljdavis05 2 · 0 0

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