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I am a virgin and will be getting married soon. I keep hearing horror stories about the first time for women. Does it really hurt so much? Do you bleed? What happens?

Also, what kind of birth control pill is the best?


2006-07-27 12:14:40 · 17 answers · asked by alwayssmiling 1 in Family & Relationships Weddings

17 answers

Ask your Dr. about Yasmin. I love it!

2006-07-27 12:23:42 · answer #1 · answered by bellytail 5 · 1 0

First, congratulations on the upcoming event! Also, you should be commended for saving yourself for your husband. Not saying it's the right choice for everyone, but you have done a challenging thing for this day and time.

Losing your virginity isn't that painful, so forget the horror stories. Just make sure your guy knows to be slow and easy. You may bleed a little. This is different for every girl.

When you consider birth control, consider all of the options--not just the pill. The DepoProvera shot is very good for some women. You get a shot once every three months, and it costs about $75 to $100. A lot of people don't have a period with the shot, which is always a great thing. Also, it is just as effective as the pill.

Good luck and, again, congratulations!

2006-07-27 14:17:20 · answer #2 · answered by just4funyall 2 · 0 0

Firstly congratulations on your upcoming marriage and for saving yourself, obviously you are a strong willed woman to do that!

As everyone else here has said, don't listen to any horror stories about your first time.
It is different for everyone and as to how uncomfortable it feels differs for each woman. The pain is not severe, it is just uncomfortable. And from my own experience and talking to friends there is not much blood at all, just keep some tissues or a towel close by if you are worried about the blood and any mess you may make.
I would say use a lubricant as you may be nervous with it being your first time and take things slow. If you are worried about the pain you can even try being on top to control things. Just take it slow and easy. You love and trust each other so don't stress, it really is beautiful and gets better each time.

In regards to birth control, talk to your doctor or a family health care provider and discuss the various options. The Pill is good, but if you forget or are sick you can be in trouble. There is an implanon implant which a small implant less than 2 inches which is medically inserted just under the skin in your upper arm, close to the arm pit. I find this to be fantastic as at lasts for three years and you just forget about it. And no period for many women! There are injections and of course condoms. If you can't get to see a doctor before your wedding just go for condoms, purchases both latex and latex free just in case you find latex irritates you.
Again, congratulations and most of all have fun!
God bless you.

2006-07-27 20:09:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I will let the younger women answer the birth control question for you.
When it comes to the first time, yes it will hurt, but just for a moment. If you tense up it will be worse. Relax and know that this is the beginning of a wonderful thing. There is a piece of tissue called the hymen that needs to be stretched back or ripped in order to have intercourse. Most women bleed very little. The pain is brief.Relax and enjoy becoming a woman.

It is important that your new husband be slow at first and patient.
Ask him to read this. He needs to make sure he fingers you so that you are well lubercated and opening up for him. If he takes the plunge too quickly you will not be ready.
You can look at the store in the feminine product isle and there are lubricants you can use. The easiest is on that comes with a prefilled plunger where you can put it directly in to your vagina.

Don't be afraid of asking your doctor questions.

Best wishes

2006-07-27 13:14:02 · answer #4 · answered by clcalifornia 7 · 0 0

Well, yes, it does hurt...at least it did for me. But it is not horrible., I didn't bleed really but some women do when their hymen breaks. All women are different so it's hard to say for sure. It does get better and better though. I just got married in May and was a virgin as well. It has taken awhile for it to start getting good, but it's getting there. My husband has been very patient and understanding and is doing his best to help make things comfortable. As far as what happens and such, well, that will just come naturally. I suggest that you get some KY jelly to have for lubricating with the first few times...that helps things to go more smoothly. I also received a great book for my bridal shower. It is called "Sheet Music". I can't remember the author because I don't have the book right here. But it is really good and talks about everything. Congratulations on your marriage and God bless! Don't worry everything will be okay!! :) That's awesome that you waited.
Oh, as far as birth control...I have used Tri-Levlen...and I didn't have any side effects. It is sort of a middle of the road as far as the dosage of estrogen. But you really need to talk to your doctor about what is best for you.

2006-07-27 12:45:08 · answer #5 · answered by Amber I 3 · 0 0

Don't worry about the horror stories they are not true the first time i did it with my partner i was a virgin and it didn't hurt. Just relax and im sure he will be gentle. I didn't bleed my first time but about the third time i did but i didn't even realise until we saw the sheets opps. You will be fine. but i do advise you go on the lowest dosage of the pill as i did as soon as i was with by boyfriend. I have been on it for 3 years now and my periods are still regular and i have not found there to be any side effects. BUT i would strongly advise NOT to go on the needle or other contriceptives as they can have massive side affects such as not getting your period and proventing you from conceving. The pill is great and i put an alarm on my phone to go off at 10.30 everyday so i don't forget. Good luck and you will be fine.

2006-07-27 15:28:16 · answer #6 · answered by Nat B 1 · 0 0

Your doctor will be the best person to decide which birth control pill will be best for you, each person is different. It's a decision you need to make with your doctor.

Also, I was a virgin on my wedding night, and I honestly don't know what all the fuss is over all the pain. It doesn't hurt that bad, make sure you have plenty of lube, because you'll probably be nervous, and that will cause you to tense up and be dry, and if your tense and dry, even if not a virgin, it's gonna hurt a bit. You'll bleed (maybe) if the hymen is ruptured during the first penetration. Your husband knows you're a virgin, he needs to take it slow and gentle with you. Congrats for choosing to wait until your wedding night!!!

2006-07-27 12:55:50 · answer #7 · answered by basketcase88 7 · 0 0

Don't listen to those 'horror' stories. It can be a bit uncomfortable for the first time or any time thereafter, but it is nto a rule that this will continue. Everyone is NOT the same. There may be some bleeding due to the hyman being broken. The type of birth control would depend on you and your doctor.

2006-07-27 12:19:34 · answer #8 · answered by D L 3 · 0 0

Well I have to congratulate you for waiting. That is awesome!!! My first time didn't hurt me at all but I have friends that said it did on their first time. All I felt was a little bit of pressure but it wasnt at all painful or uncomfortable. If you do feel pain it wont last long and you will begin to enjoy it.
As far as bleeding, I didn't bleed until about the third or fourth time I had sex. It wasn't much though and I felt absolutely no pain at all. If your husband takes his time and is gentle with you it will be okay. I would suggest that you use plenty of lube like Astrolglide or KY but Ky will dry you out sometimes too. I have found that a lot of foreplay helps in that situation and will relax you as well.
On the birth control issue I used the Ortho Evra patch and Ortho Tri Cyclen pilll. It worked for me very well and has low side effects. Just ask your doctor and he can help you with that. Good luck on you marriage.

2006-07-27 14:06:24 · answer #9 · answered by mlminter73 1 · 0 0

Call and make an appointment with a gynecologist and have him/her break the hymen. Then it won't be so painful for you. Also, this would be the person to talk to about birth control pills. They can prescribe one for you that should work best. Ask the doctor all your questions and they can help prepare you for your wedding night. But best piece of advice I ever heard was don't worry about making love that night. You both will be too tired to even try, wait until the next day and go from there.

2006-07-27 14:31:45 · answer #10 · answered by mom of girls 6 · 0 0

ok so first of all, ur awesome for waiting. and as far as pain, yes sometimes it hurts and you may even bleed a little but if ur with someone you really love it wont matter, he'll be careful because he loves you. and it only hurts the first time then you wait a couple days and after that it shouldn't hurt at all :) as far as the pill you need to talk to your doctor about that but even on the pill you should still use a condom because the pill isn't 100% safe :) have fun! and congrats on getting married!

2006-07-27 12:22:30 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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