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32 answers

No, as long as these external adornments do not overly distract from a Christian's attention to manifesting godly qualities.

(1 Peter 3:2-4) Your chaste conduct together with deep respect. 3 And do not let your adornment be that of the external braiding of the hair and of the putting on of gold ornaments or the wearing of outer garments, 4 but let it be the secret person of the heart in the incorruptible apparel of the quiet and mild spirit, which is of great value in the eyes of God

2006-07-28 03:32:33 · answer #1 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 1 1

No. The only two rules for Christians to follow are: Love God and love your neighbor as yourself. There were cosmetics back in Bible times (like the Egyptians always loved makeup and used a ton of it and wore really elaborate wigs and used henna to dye their hair and nails.) If God had meant for women not to avail themselves of health and beauty aids, it would have said so in the New Testament. If you're totally obsessed with your looks to the point that you ignore God and your neighbors to focus only on your looks, then that would be wrong, but if you just want to look nice and play dress-up with what the good Lord gave ya, then go for it. Makeup and hair styling is fun as long as you don't go overboard--actually, that's a good rule to follow for most things. It's all about moderation.

2006-07-27 12:14:49 · answer #2 · answered by SlowClap 6 · 0 0

Pastor preached an answer years ago. He said, "Don't you know you are the temple of God? You can paint the temple.". Something like that. His wife wears makeup & he loves her very much

The bible encourages us to not go overboard with expensive hairdos, etc. What is of great beauty to God is a gentle spirit. Cleanliness & not stinking is important too. Also, wash in the Word of God & renew the mind. Be renewed in the Spirit from time to time. Don't hang out in sinfull living. Also, to dress decently is important. Not too much clevage, etc...

I have never felt in my spirit it was a sin to wear makeup, nail polish or color hair. If God is telling you not to, that is only when it would be a sin. God knows what your mother is thinking about it, etc. Sometimes we can't do things because the faith of others we care about is weak.

2006-07-27 12:21:26 · answer #3 · answered by t_a_m_i_l 6 · 1 0

Well, Jesus looks at the inner beauty of a person not the outside beauty. In Biblical times the only women who "painted" themselves were probably the prostitutes. But, we all sin and fall short of the Glory of God, and I don't believe that we are judged by make-up, hair color, tattoos, etc. Too bad society couldn't just look at the inner beauty of people also.

2006-07-27 12:15:33 · answer #4 · answered by CJ 1 · 0 0

Do not paint your selves as whores
Men should not ware the attire of women.

OK, men at the time of Christ wore skirts. Humm
And whores at that time used lots of purple paint, a lot of lead paint.
Well that makes sense!

Could it be that given the time, and using judgement, that women could use makeup and not look like a whore? Humm
Does this mean that I don't have to go looking for a plaid skirt? Humm

2006-07-27 12:35:51 · answer #5 · answered by Grandreal 6 · 0 0

NO the Bible talks about that you should not rely on your outward appearance to be attractive and not take care of your inward self!
this has been totally taken out of context in some churches!!!
The emphasis is that some people put on makeup and fix their hair and wear nice clothes but are mean and nasty personalities!

We are to display the fruit of the Spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, lovingkindness, faithfulness, and self-control!!!
and these come from a personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST and being filled with the HOLY SPIRIT allowing HIM to lead and guide us, renewing your mind with the WORD of GOD!!!!

2006-07-27 12:17:46 · answer #6 · answered by dee 2 · 0 0

No, it is art. God is not against art. The Bible is full of it. Everything in the Bible is a sin, even going to the bathroom is a sin. That is why I tell people to not go by everything the Bible says. This to me is funny, humans are so into God and animals do not even know what God is? All animals care about is eating, sleeping, mating, playing, and taking a dump. They could care less about anything else. Humans are such stranges beings. We care about something that we cannot see? Why?

2006-07-27 12:16:40 · answer #7 · answered by Andrea 5 · 0 0

1 Samuel 16:7b declares, “The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." 1 Timothy 2:9-10 tells us, “I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.” Paul did not forbid women from wearing jewelry, makeup, or braided hair – rather he tells women to not let their outward appearance become more important than their inner beauty.
1 Peter 3:3-5 reminds us of this spiritual fact, "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. There is nothing wrong with wearing jewelry, makeup, or braided hair as long as it is done in a modest manner. A woman should not be so focused on her outward appearance that she neglects her inner spiritual life.

2006-07-27 12:26:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A lot of Christians might think so, the Fred Phelps clan especially. Where they think that Jezebel sinned when she put on make up.

The joke for those that disagree with that theology is:

If Jezebel sinned by putting on makeup, then you have to note that she did two things.

She put on make up, AND looked out a window.

So if you're not going to put on make up, please don't look out a window.

I guess you had to be there!

2006-07-27 12:18:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Theres two ways to see it.

coloring thier hair, painting thier nails, or using makeup could be seen as you not accepting you body and features and the Lord made them(and may i remind you He hasnt made any mistakes and has a PERFECT RECORD) but anywayz...it could be seen as you not accpeting you natural self

or you could

see it as the old testement also says for women not to braid thier hair or wear gold jewlery or for his children not to pierce thier body or mark them(as far as tatoos and such go) but its stated in the Old testement and the new testement is more "updated"? ou could say more formitable to new ways

your choice on the outlook

2006-07-27 12:14:30 · answer #10 · answered by lala 2 · 0 0

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