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39 answers

No, the arrogance, ignorance, and misinterpretation of religious texts and the greed of the religious leaders and they promote the oppression and brain wash their followers into the darkness and hatred towards others that escalates the violence towards other sects, religious groups, and non religious people.

2006-07-27 12:17:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

No, religion does not CAUSE violence. While there is a relationship between religions and violence it is definitely not a causal one. There are many religious peoples who are not violent. Look at the Quakers. A central tenant of their belief system is pacifism. If religion caused violence then one would expect religious people to be inherently violent.

That being said, religion is commonly used to justify violence. If you can convince yourself that god is on your side and against your neighbor then you can justify any act against your neighbor.

So yes bad things are done by religious people. Being a religious person does not cause you to do bad things.

2006-07-27 12:20:16 · answer #2 · answered by Pablito 5 · 0 0

Religion does not cause violence. Humans cause the violence. However, humans USE religion as an excuse to do violence which is completely not what religion teaches.

2006-07-27 12:10:21 · answer #3 · answered by Greenwood 5 · 0 0

Yes. In fact, Religion is the #1 cause of violence in the world. And it's simple, religious folks can't compromise and be civil and nice. They just can't. period.

Now they will try to say the can, but they can't...because each religion says 'THEY are right and everyone else is wrong' . And you can't get along happly with someone who says 'you are wrong'. No religion says 'it's OK to believe in whatever', they are all 'my way or the high way.'

Take the middle east, right now. Both sides say 'god' said they could have that land. How do you make peace, when they will open with 'well god said we could'.

2006-07-27 12:13:11 · answer #4 · answered by null_the_living_darkness 7 · 0 0

I hope you understand the difference between religion and relationship with God by faith. Religion can in some cases lead to violence. True relationship with God does not. You should look up the term religion in the dictionary, you may be able to answer your own question.

2006-07-27 12:13:52 · answer #5 · answered by rico3151 6 · 0 0

I think organized corporate structured "religions" such as is located in the Vatican---one of the largest corporations and psuedo "non-profit" organizations in the World---can cause violence.

I think anything can cause violence. I believe the Bible is chock full of wars, battles, and violence. I believe the human race was born to be selfish, self-centered and sinful to the point of killing others just to stay in that state of depravity.

I think that anyone who thinks more of themselves than they do of others will be violent in order to get their way. I believe that some people are violent by nature. I believe that some nations are so filled with evil, that violence is as common-place in their daily lives as coughing or sneezing.

Violence---yes, there is violence. We are humanity. We are sinful, depraved, infectious, disease-filled, walking-talking bags of fetal cells that just grew to large to stay in our mothers' wombs. However, that doesn't stop us from killing those infant humans whose cells are still accommodated by the womb, does it?

Violence---If religion is going to carry the brunt of the blame for violence, I believe you should admit that it is we, the violent humans who are the ones promoting violence. The religious corporate structures that do not "cotton" to true faith or true spirituality, are the ones who fund the violence, train the terrorists, educate the scientists who build the bombs, and then beat their breasts in horror when the creatures they've created actually act.

2006-07-27 12:18:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

that would be like saying, money causes violence, women cause violence, land causes violence, heat causes violence, dogs cause violence, oh and so do cats, and gold and all natural resources and ...

get the train of thought?
face the fact: people cause bloodshed and use something as an excuse (well self-defense is something else though. i am talking about attacking another for selfish and materialistic reasons.)

2006-07-27 12:11:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The only religions that cause violence are those that teach violence, and support it. for the most part all religions are peacefull, and the ones that kill in the name of their religion are usually just extremists, and think their own way.

2006-07-27 12:10:28 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Religion does not cause any violence. The violence itself come from human like us. We do make trouble and try to fight each other for any issue. So whatever issue comes out especially the religion they will fight till the end of their life. So please religion is just about praying to god.

2006-07-27 12:10:27 · answer #9 · answered by Answer 4 · 0 0

No, though much violence has been committed in the name of religion. The religion itself doesn't cause the violence though, just ignorant people who misinterpret their own faith.

2006-07-27 12:13:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Organized Religion?...yes.

2006-07-27 12:09:33 · answer #11 · answered by Author Al 4 · 0 0

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