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Alright, I'm already an atheist, but I find the idea of a doggy heaven / kitty heaven frigging ludicrous! Doesn't it say in the bible that humans are the only ones with "souls"? Im surprised at the amount of christians who believe this nonsense.

2006-07-27 11:59:56 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

No, I don't believe that animals go to heaven. They do not have souls and therefore have no eternal significance after they are dead. Of course God cares for animals, but since they have no souls they have no spiritual connection with Him.

2006-07-27 16:50:30 · answer #1 · answered by skooter 3 · 0 2

Actually, the Bible doesn't say that HUMAN'S HAVE SOULS.

What the BIBLE DOES SAY is that HUMAN'S ARE SOULS. (Gen. 2:7; 1 Cor. 15:45; Jos. 11:11; Ac 27;37).

Also the Bible says that ANIMALS are called Souls. (Nu. 31:28; Rev. 16:3; Lev. 24:18).

The Bible also states that Man, having LIFE, is said to have a soul. (Mark 8:36; Joh 10:15)

And that the Soul has blood, eats and can die. (Jer. 2:34; Lev. 7:18; Eze. 18:4).

What MOST CHRISTIAN'S WON'T ACCEPT is that there is a difference between the Soul and Spirit.

Life as a person or creature (animal) is a soul. (John 10:15, Lev. 17:11).

However the LIFE-FORCE activating souls is called "spirit." (Ps. 146:4; 104:29).

So, when someone dies, their soul dies and returns to the common grave of all mankind until Christs Kingdom returns.

2006-07-27 12:22:02 · answer #2 · answered by AdamKadmon 7 · 0 0

but I find the idea of a doggy heaven / kitty heaven frigging ludicrous <<<

wow. Have you SPOKEN...also?

This is how ignorant you are in scripture. hey proud smart atheist, I was told how scary tremendous intelligent you are. How well versed you are over Christians.

hmmm. You have not read this?

hahahhahahaahhahaha. lmao

Go gett'em tiger.

2006-07-27 12:06:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Have you ever considered that you could try being more tolerant of other people and their beliefs or lifestyles? What is it to you if someone else believes in an afterlife for themselves or for animals?

I don't believe in reincarnation for a second, but I would never ridicule someone who does.

I don't understand the need for a Pope in the Catholic religion, but I would never ridicule someone who does.

I don't think you have to be baptized to get into heaven, but I don't have a problem with someone who does.

And I certainly don't share the non-beliefs of atheists, but I'm not about to ridicule them, regardless of how I feel.

Shame on you for being so unkind and intolerant. Try a little kindness. You'll be amazed.

2006-07-27 12:04:53 · answer #4 · answered by postalmaria 3 · 1 0

I have always told people that animals don't have souls. They would say "but God knows I really love my dog and I wouldn't be happy in heaven without him"....
Still I'm Christian and do no believe animals go to heaven or hell

2006-07-27 12:04:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There isn't a kitty or doggy heaven per se, but the Bible does indeed state that animals have souls.

The Bible also mentions animals WILL be in Heaven (see below).

Apparently some need to read the Bible more carefully. It says that the soul of every living thing is in God's hands (Job 12:10). Therefore, every living thing has a soul. It also says that every creature is HIS (Psalms 50:10,11) and that He created all things, not for us, but for HIS pleasure (Rev. 4,11). He just gave us stewardship over them and the earth, and we've sure messed that up! Throughout the Old Testament God expressed His displeasure with humans because of our uncleanness. Spiritual uncleanness is infinitely worse than physical uncleanness. That is why we need to repent and have our sins washed away by the blood of Jesus. But animals have never displeased God. I believe the animals have fulfilled their purpose of giving Him pleasure far better than we have. I hope this realization makes you less judgmental.

Genesis 1:20, 21, 24, 25: “God went on to say: ‘Let the waters swarm forth a swarm of living souls...’ And God proceeded to create the great sea monsters and every living soul that moves about, which the waters swarmed forth according to their kinds, and every winged flying creature according to its kind... And God went on to say: ‘Let the earth put forth living souls according to their kinds...’ And God proceeded to make the wild beast of the earth according to its kind and the domestic animal according to its kind and every moving animal of the ground according to its kind.” Here too, “soul” is translated from ‘nephesh’, so, just as we as humans are souls, so to are animals. Most translations read, “creature”, this helps to define the meaning of the word “soul”.

God cares for the animals (1 John 4:16)

All animals belong to God (Psalm 24:1)

In the first chapter of the Bible, God made mankind responsible for His animals (Genesis 1-28). All animals are God’s animals (Psalm 50:10) and we are answerable to God for our treatment, care and protection of them.
“For all of us must appear before Christ, to be judged by Him. Each one will receive what he deserves, according to everything he has done, good or bad, in his bodily life.” 2 Corinthians 5:10

“A good man takes care of his animals, but wicked men are cruel to theirs.”

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Protect the rights of all who are helpless.” Proverbs 31:8


Isa 11:6-9
6 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.
7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
8 And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den.
9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

2006-07-27 12:14:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't believe in doggy and kitty kat heaven. In my experience its what people tell their kids to lessen the blow of losing a pet.

2006-07-27 12:04:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Blake laughed at Swedenborg.

Why should the human animal be the only animal to have a heaven? That's pretty arrogant.

2006-07-27 12:04:03 · answer #8 · answered by Beorh House 6 · 0 0

I do believe that animals go to heaven. Yes they have a spirit. A spirit is the same thing as a soul!!

I'm sorry you don't believe it, I guess we'll just have to wait and see when we die!

2006-07-27 12:07:17 · answer #9 · answered by odd duck 6 · 0 0

Yes Swedenborg says that animals do not have souls like humans. Swedenborg is the man!


2006-07-27 12:02:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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