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2006-07-27 11:33:36 · 7 answers · asked by [: 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Do you think people who past can contact us still living? Do you think paranormal activity exist and seances are real? Tell me all.

2006-07-27 11:42:47 · update #1

7 answers

I have had many paranormal experiences.

As a child the chandelier and planters used to swing from side to side, and electrical devices such as the radio and hair dryer would turn on by themselves in the middle of the night.

More recently, on a camping trip I was walking back from the bathrooms at that moment right between day and night and I saw someone walk across the front of the site and stop behind a tree. So I figure one of the people is going to jump out and try to surprise me, so I pull out my flashlight, walk up to the tree, turn on the light, and there's no one there.

One time I was alone in a house, and I felt a presence. I looked at a mobile hanging motionless, and said, "If there is anyone else here, make the mobile spin." The next moment, the mobile began to spin.

One time I was painting an iron handrail and had to grind all the rust off first, but I was having a heck of a time and the grinder kept jumping, like I was fighting with my hands to get them to do what I wanted. So I sat quietly and felt around. One grandfather was a painter, and I could feel him standing off to the side. My other grandfather was a welder, and since I was working with iron, he was trying to help. I pushed him away (with my mind) and said, "I appreciate that you want to help, but I know what I'm doing and I'm good at it, so back off. I could feel my painter grandfather laughing because he knew that I knew what I was doing. The rest of the job went great.

Just after someone dies, it happens all the time that I'll be out and I'll swear that I saw them. It especially happened with my painter grandfather. My mother and I saw him at his funeral, and other occasions. Many years later, when I feel around me, I can still feel his presence.

Speaking of seeing spirits, one time I was driving into Ponca State Park to set up a large camping gathering, and the sides of the road were lined with spirits. All standing there, clearly visible to everyone, calmly welcoming us back. Another person saw them also.

On another camping trip, we felt a spirit near the bon-fire. We had a ring of 40 tiki-torches around the bonfire. It was a still and windless night, but all the tiki flames near the spirit bent in.

It was a Native American spirit and he spoke Lakota. None of us new Lakota, but after the camp-out we had it translated, and it was an actual Lakota sentence. "You shall grow through fire" Over the next several months our group went through a lot of trouble, but came out of it stronger.

One of the people in the circle had a fancy camera. After the camp-out she went to get the film developed, and all the photos from before the visitor turned out, but after that all the film was blank. She took the camera in to be repaired. The repairman asked if she'd been in a nuclear power plant. All the innards were fried from electromagnetism

My grandmother died while my niece was in utero. After my niece was born, she would look up at areas where no one was standing, and laugh and giggle. We all knew that she was looking at gramma, so we never showed her any pictures. Finally, at about a year old, she could speak, and my sister showed her the family photo album. My niece picked out her photo and said, "That's Old Gramma."

Some ghosts are like psychic echoes permanently attached to a place or object. They are by far the most annoying of all paranormal phenomena. I've gotten ghosts out before, but it's not easy

First you need to locate the ghost. Next focus every bit of spirituality you can toward the ghost. Use a ring of candles, spiritual icons, idols, the bible, every spiritual thing you've got, focus it on the ghost. It is very important that your intent be to help the thing, not banishment. Banishment is negative, and your entire focus has to be positive. You are bringing all these spiritual things to strengthen it so it has the power to move on. You are empowering it. Have a dialog with it, even if it feels like your only talking to your own internal dialog, that's okay, and probably close enough to keep the conversation going. Obviously it feels like it needs something, so be supportive and sit with it. This is going to take several hours. It's got a lot to work through to get to the point where it is complete enough to no longer remain bound, so it's going to take time. It's going to want to connect to you because you're helping it and there's an emotional connection on its part, but you're not there for an emotional connection. You're like a councilor helping a client. You care, but you're not making a new friend. When it feels like it's ready, then you burn the sage, and cleanse your house and allow it to be free and move on, and feel happy for it that it's able to move on.

I also believe Psychics are real. I don't know about you, but I have never heard anyone say, "I really shouldn't have trusted my gut instincts." That's basically what it's about, being in tune to your intuition.

Although I believe that psychics are real, I also realize that there are some (a very small minority who make the rest of us look bad) who use tricks to scam people. I know a woman with a great ability to tell very specific things about a person which couldn't be simply guessed. Way too specific. But then she tells people things about their future which usually don't come true, but she was so specific about their past that people are very happy to give her money believing that they have found a window into the future. She was undeniably psychic, but she exaggerated her abilities to make money. No one would pay just to have her tell them things which they already know.

Because of my dealings with her, I have always tried to be careful to not exaggerate my abilities, and to carefully find ways to verify my own psychic encounters.

I do spiritual healing with singing bowls. I play the bowl in someone's hand, and feel the vibrations as they extend through the person, and can tell them where the vibrations are and what they're doing. I can do this with person after person, and it always goes through at a different rate. I'm always careful to not call out too often where the energy is, so that I don't lead the experience. I think that it's important to verify the phenomena.

I used to work with a Reiki master who could tell people many details about their lives while we were doing our energy work. Very specific things which could not have been randomly guessed.

One time on a camping trip, we created a psychic link which allowed us to keep tabs on each other without needing those family band radios.

One time, while engaging in on-line activities, a witch and I played a game of "where am I touching you" and we were able to correctly identify where and how the other person was touching from thousands of miles apart over IM

Often times when I'm driving, I'll see someone walking who doesn't look as several cars go past, and I'll look at the person, and they'll turn to look as I approach. Whereas people with the person (the ones I wasn't looking at) don't turn.

People read thoughts by establishing a karmic connection. Some can do that simply by looking you in the eyes, or even just reading your IM. For others it takes a much more profound connecting.

I believe it happens is in another realm. We manifest as humans in this realm, but there is a spiritual part of us which exists in another realm. Think of it like another dimension.

Imagine a piece of paper. Now imagine a race of 2 dimensional stick people living on the paper. You (living in this three dimensional reality) see one of these stick people, and you say, "hey you!" the stick man looks around, but there's no one near him on the page. He thought he heard something, but he's not sure because most of the sound waves were moving perpendicular to his reality and so they were barely perceptible to his 2 dimensional ears. You get right next to his ear, and say, "Hey, I'm talking to you," he jumps at the sound of someone whispering in his ear. You push on the man against the paper. He feels an odd and unnerving sensation for which he has no ability to understand. You press yourself against the page, and a sort of shadow of yourself appears on the page. This is very much like the relationship which we have with beings from the other realm. Humans exist in a primarily 3 dimensional universe, but scientists predict that there are many other dimensions. Whether or not this is exactly what is going on, it feels a lot like what is going on. (It's actually described much better in the book Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin A. Abbott, which is 82 pages, very easy to read and available from Amazon for $1.50)

I Imagine the relationship between our three dimensional existence and other higher dimensions in the same way. Imagine that those two dimensional people had a part of them extending out into the three dimensional universe that they were mostly unaware of, but it could go anywhere along the two-dimensional surface, and pretty much detach at death. Likewise, our spirit-selves have the ability to go anywhere and interact with anyone. When we truly connect with someone, that connection occurs in multiple realms. At least, that's what it feels like to me.

Like anything, it gets easier with practice. Some good tools are the games Taboo, charades, and Psi-Kick. Other more serious tools to develop your abilities are Tarot, Pendulum, Divining Sticks ... just go to a metaphysical shoppe and browse till you find something which grabs you

Werewolves are real. Most of what we think about werewolves was invented by Hollywood. The ancient myths involved people donning skins, invoking the spirit of the wolf, and losing their humanity. There's a woman called Lupa who lives in a national park and becomes a wolf nightly. I met her, and I saw her lose herself to the spirit of the wolf

Lupa was at a Pagan festival. She mostly kept to herself, except for at night when she would don the wolf pelt and dance around the fire, invoking the spirit of the wolf, giving up her humanity, losing herself to the spirit of the wolf. She was naked except for the wolf skin, and her body was lean and toned like a wolf. After she was finished dancing, she went off to do I know not what.

I heard that she was nineteen, but her face showed more years. She could speak, but rarely ever did. She might have been a bit feral

I had just gone through a shamanic vision quest to find and merge with my spirit animal, which was far more domesticated (dog) so I was a bit leary of her, however it did give me a much greater insight into what she was doing. She was one of the most fascinating people at the festival, and for a Pagan festival, that's saying something.

Since then I have done quite a lot to strengthen the relationship with my spirit animal, with surprising results.

Dogs have amazing senses of smell. One time a friend ans I collaborated on a lot of energy work and established a psychic connection. Sometimes I would smell something, and call her up, and it was exactly what she was smelling.
"Did you just make cookies?"
"Was the dog just breathing in your face?"
"Did you just disinfect something?"

I did have an invocation go awry. I was in a public ritual, and part of it involved the invocation of our spirit animal. While most people were taking on the physical attributes of their animals, I went in a different direction and took on the personality of the animal. And then the ritual ended without the animals being completely released. I tried to ground through fire and singing bowls, but I was a horror to be around for the next two weeks until I got it out of my system. But I must admit that I now have a much deeper understanding of my spirit animal.

One of the most notable figures in werewolf mythology was the Greek king Lycaon. Stories differ on whether Zeus turned him into a wolf as punishment or reward for his sacrifice, but because of the story every year people made sacrifices to Zeus in the hopes of being a wolf for a little while.

But most of the werewolf stuff (getting scratched and turning into a werewolf, silver bullets, only changing on the nights of the full moon, etc.) was invented by Hollywood.

Vampires are real on many different levels.

When you talk about vampires, most people think of blood suckers. There most certainly are blood vampires.

I've only ever drank my own blood; sucking on a wound, or laying on my back with a bloody nose. Nose blood; not the greatest, but I wasn't totally grossed out. Wound blood; not so bad. So even as a complete non-vampire, I can't claim that I regard human blood as a completely disgusting thing to drink.

As for the vampires I've met, drinking blood is an amazing and wonderful thing. It's all about that life force energy, and blood carries that energy. They say that just reaching out and draining someone of their energy is the greatest high, but drinking blood adds a thrill of sensuality. Feeling as it enters their mouth, still warm. Swallowing, physically taking the life-force inside of them. Tasting someone from the inside. They talk about it as a real thrill. Amazingly sensual.

Also, AB negative blood is supposedly the tastiest. It's a little sweeter than most blood. They say that an AB negative diabetic is like a candy apple.

Many people drain those around them of life force energy, but there are some who can do it purposefully. They have the ability to reach out and drain a person's energy, and some are better at it then others. Some can contact you from far away in the vision realm after having looked you in the eyes and made a karmic connection, and take your energy. But the best is when they can just reach out and take it, draining a person until they fall on the floor. They say it's far better than caffeine. These are the energy vampires.

One time I was doing energy work and had a sign up which said, "Energy". Several energy vampires came to the booth thinking that it was like a bar for vampires to get energy. They might have gotten some energy from it, but mostly I learned a lot about how vampire energy works. What most struck me was that all the chakras were open except for the base chakra which was completely blocked. One wore shoes with extremely thick rubber soles to help block the grounding energy. They didn't draw energy from the earth, and grounding limits the excursions into the vision realm.

I have a good friend who can willfully drain energies. She's the only energy vampire I know who only uses her power for good. She takes people's headaches. She also has an amazing ability to sense energies, making her one of the most powerful witches I know (I know a lot of witches who claim to be powerful, but very few who actually are). I have known her for many years and we are very close friends.

One time it was the dead of winter, she was sitting next to a window, and she felt someone looking at her. She looked and there was someone dressed in black with no color in their body sitting across the road, intently looking at her. She looked down for no more than five seconds, looked up again, and he was sitting on her side of the road, still intently looking at her. He was not dressed for the cold, but was not shivering at all. She looked down again, and looked up and he was sitting 10 feet from the window. Just intense calm looking at her. She immediately closed the blinds realizing that she had just had an encounter with a real vampire, although she recognized him as a kindred spirit. Had she left the blinds open, there is no telling what could have happened to her.

It probably wasn't a vampire like Dracula or what we see from Hollywood, but it was definitely something from outside of our mundane existence. So there might be another kind of vampire out there also. The vampires of myth and legend might be roaming the earth after all

I do believe in faeries, I do, I do! And so do many of my friends. Some even claim to have seen faeries When we sit around the fire telling faerie stories, They're all true. And we've all got our stories.

Have you ever put something down when no one was around, and when you went back it wasn't there? Then a few days later it shows up exactly where you left it? That's what faeries do. Faeries are very playful. Most cultures have stories of playful little magickal creatures. They have lots of different names in each mythology, but I know them as faeries. If you put out offerings, you get the stuff back sooner.

One time, on a camping trip, it was an especially magickal night. At some point, everyone in the camp noticed that something was missing, including a necklace from around one woman's neck. The area where we were camping was separate from any other areas and so no one came into the area. Suspecting activity of the Fae, everyone put out offerings, except for the woman who lost her necklace. She cursed the fairies. The next morning, everything was returned except the necklace. To this day, the necklace has never been found.

On another camping trip, I put my tent right in the middle of a natural faery ring. When I camp, I always have a flashlight with me at all times. The only place I could have lost it was in my tent, so I searched my tent, and the flashlight was not in there. Then I had two friends search the tent, and they couldn't find the flashlight. I put out offerings to the fae, and the next morning, the flashlight was back in my tent.

Another camp-out, We had a tarp structure in the most wind protected part of a wind protected valley. I've put up a lot of tarp structures, and it was put up very well. I've put up hundreds of tents and tarp structures, and I know what I'm doing. In and around the tarp structure where etched glass tealight holders on stands averaging about 4 feet high (it was beautiful). That night, the structure blew over (in a wind protected area) but when it fell, somehow it completely missed all of the etched glass. About mid way through the day, with no one anywhere near the structure, about half of it spontaneously stood back up.

There have also been times in the woods when I have heard music at times when there could be no music around, either in extremely remote places, and/or the middle of the night when it couldn't be simply disregarded as a radio echoing through the odd acoustics of nature.

A friend recently posted in her blog that she had lost a piece off her necklace, and it was no where to be found. One day her husband found it, right where he had been standing barefoot moments earlier, in plain sight, and in a spot where she had vacuumed earlier. There it was, in a place in plain sight where it hadn't been earlier

The trick is to make offerings to the fae OUTSIDE of your house. Preferably far outside your house, like at a nearby state park. They like honey. They also like shiny bobbles. Be sure to respect their sacred spaces, and possibly give them a little faery altar (which can be as simple as three flat rocks placed on top of each other with something shiny sitting on it. They also like shiny things tied to trees.

But it isn't my intention to give the impression that faeries are always mischievous. Sometimes they give things and improve things. Have you ever stepped out your front door and seen a sparkly doodad sitting on the stoop? From the faerie perspective, that's an excellent gift to be giving and shows that they like you. So it's important to express how nice you think it is in order to maintain the dialog with the fae. I've also seen areas of destruction, the next day spontaneously blossoming with flowers, or other decorative beauty

One time in a ritual, we had one part where we mentioned the Fae, and all around the circle, the night erupted in fireflies.

These are just a few of my Faery stories. My friends have a great many more. We've seen many things which defy mundane explanations.

The myths of Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti describe it as a spiritual creature with hypnotic powers over those it encounters. People these days tend to believe that if they can't capture it and put it in a zoo, then it must not be real. And yet most people are perfectly comfortable believing in angels. It seems to me to be much more consistent with the legends for Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti to be a magickal creature.

I have been reading and studying everything I could get my hands on about the Loch Ness Monster for the past 20 years. That loch has been continuously monitored and searched, and yet there is no real proof. It couldn't be just one creature, it would have to be a sustainable breeding population, and there just isn't any evidence. My own personal theory is that the ghost of a dinosaur haunts the loch. That seems much more possible than a colony of undiscovered creatures.

2006-07-29 07:40:16 · answer #1 · answered by j_doggie_dogg 6 · 0 0

Hello, I personally have beyond a shadow of a doubt along with six other people as witnesses saw what is termed as an orb.I have also seen the effect of what is termed a poltergeist inside of a house.
No one knows for sure, but my theory is that what we are observing are the effects of resonant energy.When natural energies such as light and sound are on extreme wavelengths we cannot readily see or hear them.But if these wavelengths resonate then they have a marked effect that can be observed by way of our natural five senses.So in essense the theory is that it is natural phenomenon exhibiting unique behaviours.

2006-07-27 18:42:38 · answer #2 · answered by isaac a 3 · 0 0

The only ghost Is the Holy Ghost worth my view and He Is the spirit of the living God and his name Is Jesus Christ

2006-07-27 18:40:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have seen a few ghosts in my life, so yes I believe there are real ghosts.

2006-07-27 18:37:45 · answer #4 · answered by Right Wing Extremist 7 · 0 0

Definitely not the devil or demons but other than that I'm not sure.

2006-07-27 18:38:33 · answer #5 · answered by Colts fan 2 · 0 0

I bet someone will say its the devil or a demon.

2006-07-27 18:36:36 · answer #6 · answered by trevor22in 4 · 0 0

pretty diverse

2006-07-27 18:36:14 · answer #7 · answered by jyd9999 6 · 0 0

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