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I mean, seriously, it's a mythology, not real, no end of times judgement day, no Noah's Ark, no Moses parting the sea, it's all some good imagination of a good writer for the time, but 'absolutely true'....yea, maybe if you're on acid and shrooms at the same time ( i am )

2006-07-27 10:24:13 · 36 answers · asked by cpt_tough_guy 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

36 answers

Actually, the parting of the Red Sea may have been an actual natural phenomena that is happening again.
To call the Bible mere mythology is discounting the fact that, in certain places, it is a law book used by an ancient culture and a history of ancient Israel, detailing information about their kings, battles and the expulsion of the Jews from Israel. It's more than just a collection of fantastic stories (which it does have it's fair share of, many of which sound almost exactly like partial documents of stories from older civiliations: The Flood/Gilgamesh), it's an important historical document that relates directly to events happening in the world around us. Before you deny it, this is what Israel uses to justify what they are doing in the middle east at this very moment.

2006-07-27 10:29:24 · answer #1 · answered by erin7 7 · 0 0

When I started on this walk of Christianity, I decided to believe every word in the Bible. Now, when I get to Heaven, God might say, "really- you believed it all?"
But how can you pick and chose what to "believe"? Is the flood that Noah went through any more fantastic than Jesus being resurrected? Or Mary conceiving the Christ as a Virgin any more believable than Jonah?

2006-07-27 10:37:23 · answer #2 · answered by IN Atlanta 4 · 0 0

You're right and wrong. The Bible says that if your right eye causes you to sin then chop it off and throw it away. Would you fundamentalists do that? I am a Catholic but I don't take it literally. However, the examples you mentioned are true and not just a figment of the writer's imagination.

2006-07-27 11:17:09 · answer #3 · answered by naruto_otaku 3 · 0 0

I agree, the bible is a compilation of allegories aimed at sending a deeper message, applicable to different people in different ways. I’m not sure what would make a person take these statements for fact, but I would love to con them out of their money if they are so trusting and gullible. Take the Mormons for example, some guy says that god talked to him and gave him some book, how foolish do you have to be to believe this guy. Now I'm sure that there are many people who believe in the bible that would agree that Mormons are ridiculous, but ya'll are just as crazy, just because people have been believing it for years doesn't make it true. I think a story would help me to illustrate my point. My mother would always cut the ends of her roast off before cooking it in the oven. When I asked her why she did this she told me it was because that’s how her mother had done it. So I asked my grandmother, why did you cut the ends of your roast off before you cook it? She told me that’s how her mother always did it. So I asked my great grandmother, why did you cut the ends of your roast off before you cook it? She told me it was so the roast would fit in her small pan. Get it?
Sorry not done yet, I read this and just had to comment on it. "Say you are one who believes in the bible, and in the end you are wrong. what have you lost? nothing. What if you don't believe in the bible and you are wrong. What have you lost? EVERYTHING!" I think I get it now, people believe, or say they believe, because they are scared of the uncertain. That makes a whole lot of sense. I've heard of people planning for a rainy day, but this is a little much.

2006-07-27 10:42:20 · answer #4 · answered by CW 3 · 0 0

Absolutely... crazy... psychotic delusions. Consider:

*  a universe in which all that exists are the earth and heaven
*  solid 'firmmament' structure (the sky) seperating the earth from heaven (terrarium earth)
*  talking snakes (with legs) and donkeys
*  shepherd staff turning into an asp
*  demons chased out of people and into pigs
*  friendly spirits
*  evil spirits
*  walking on water
*  multiplying loaves and fishes
*  food falling from the sky
*  conception by a ghost
*  people raising from the dead
*  the sun stopping in its tracks
*  parting seas
*  people being bodily sucked up into heaven (which, by the way, lies on the 'other side' of the sky)
*  world-wide flood that drowned the earth to a depth of 40 feet above the tallest mountain
*  creating people from dust bunnies and ribs
*  magical tree of knowledge
*  god speaking from a burning bush
*  ritual cannibalism, by eating god in the form of a cracker.

It is quite evident that in a sane world, if someone were to go around asserting that ANY of those things represented an innate 'truth' pertaining to the nature of existence and reality, that person would end up being locked up in the 'State Farm for the Funny'. Oddly, though, MASS insanity seems to convey some sort of automatic immunity along with it, since hundreds of millions of people assert ALL of these things to be true, and nobody thinks anything of it (well... SOME of us do). Not only are these people NOT locked up, but it is considered to be bad manners... politically incorrect... 'intolerant'... to even call attention to the obvious insanity of these ideas. Yet approximately 62% of the adult population of the USA is INFECTED by what seems to be some sort of insidious brain virus, that is transmitted in the form of information.

2006-07-27 10:30:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Trying to sum up a theological discussion by saying that those who completely believe in the bible as pure fact are crazy is a misnomer. People are human and choose to believe what they want. In addition (my personal opinion) the bible was written by man, period. Man is fallible. Man stretches and expands the truth to fit what s/he sees as the true word of God. The bible need not be taken as a historical book of facts like a 12th grade history text, nor should it be written off as a piece of fiction. The stories in the bible are divinely inspired and offer insight into what man's views of God are.

2006-07-27 10:34:52 · answer #6 · answered by Lasher702 3 · 0 0

as i sat one day with my step mother one day and proved to her that if noaha's had happened with the size and mass of the boat along with the amount of rain that would have fallen was more then could be,i explained that the boat would have been the size of the americas she cried harder, some poeple need to have this book as thier guide for life as this is what they have been taught. for them to be able to go to the "house" of god and ead his word is what they need to have to world as they see it make sense. these are the people that seem to think thier god is the only god even though almost all religons in this country share the same and read the same words. as a recovering catholic i can not imagin being so closed minded that i couldnt see anyone else's opinions but my step mom has informed me hat i will not be in "heaven" as i dont read the book and dont attend her "house" of god. she has fallen for the hype that her church has taught all her life and to look at another view is sinful is it her fault? i dont think so if i raise a child and everyday i tell it its a piece of crap i think when grown it will beilve its a piece of crap and act out this destiny. i think it started at the being of time and we have now got to be strong enough to show another view of the world. the world doesnt come wrapped in a pretty box with a pretty bow and we have to be understanding and teach that there is more in to learn then the book that was written to teach the lessons that have not been learned or we wouldnt be where we are in the world now

2006-07-27 10:46:01 · answer #7 · answered by driveme20002 1 · 0 0

Well I am pleased that my beliefs are not founded on what you say or for that matter the hearsay of anyone. I base my facts on the revelation of God's Word, because God's Word is true - it has been tested and tried all down the centuries, and it is the inspired Word of God. I have proved it to be true. I have seen it to be true - as outlived in the lives of hundreds of people. The Bible speaks about being "born again" which produces a changed heart. Cleansed from sin and renewed, that heart begins to beat for God! Jesus called this radical change being "born again". Any one turning from sin to Jesus Christ is "a new creation". Billions of people have found it so!

Jesus told a religious man that He could only "see" or "enter" the kingdom of God if he became "born again". This is still true. To be with Him in Heaven I must come to know Him now.

We are living in the last days, and I implore you to seek God. Gods says, "Those who seek me, will find me, when they seek me with all their heart."

May you do so, and find Him.

2006-07-27 10:36:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, but I think you are trying to pick a fight. I am not on acid and shrooms and can think clearly. I believe parts of the Bible are symbolic, parts are parables (stories with a point or moral), and parts are literal.

2006-07-27 10:35:37 · answer #9 · answered by shepherd 5 · 0 0

You know, I used get really frustrated, now I just feel bad, they are missing out on reality of life. I think the worst injustice, is the constant praying. They believe all of life's problems will go away with prayer, or that if something bad happens it's because God caused it. What benevolent God would give you a terrible disease? It's a bedtime story for people who can't handle life.

2006-07-27 10:30:04 · answer #10 · answered by double0negitive 3 · 0 0

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