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Why is it so hard for some opponents of gay marriage to grasp that by defining Marriage as the union of two people (man and woman, man and man, woman and woman) will not lead to people marrying snakes and dogwood trees?

It seems the Christians who oppose gay marriage always throw the argument out of "then we'll have to allow people to marry their lawn chair, their snakes, or an apple tree."

It could very easily be written into law that marriage is the union of *two* people. No matter what sex they are, it's only two people.

So, I guess the debate could arise of whether you consider your houseplant to be "people", but I don't think that would get very far. Maybe just to make those individuals more secure, we should define it as the union of two *human beings*.

Would that make you feel better? I think that would even solve the polygamy rebuttal!

2006-07-27 09:23:18 · 18 answers · asked by iu_runner 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

For the record, I don't want to marry my pet snake. I don't have one. :)~

2006-07-27 09:24:01 · update #1

Definitely Adult, Marky. Good catch. :)

2006-07-27 09:32:07 · update #2

18 answers

They so those things because it's the only thing they can grasp at.

They don't want to say, "We don't want them to marry because we think they're disgusting," out plainly (though that IS all they're meaning) because they wouldn't make them very pro-equality and they'd lose a lot of support.

So coming off by saying, "We just want to protect the children. we just want to protect the holiness that is marriage. Once you all homosexuality in, what's to stop bestiality and pedophilia? Soon people will be marrying their animals and marriage will be destroyed! It's what the Devil (who is controlling them, so we must spend every second of our lives trying to "fix" them) wants! Don't let Satan win!" sounds so much better in their eyes.

2006-07-27 09:29:38 · answer #1 · answered by Belie 7 · 3 0

The point is not that the rewritten law would allow for beastiality, we know it says two people, not two breathing organisms or perhaps 6 organisms, etc. The point is, if they changed the law once they can change it again, and each time they do so it gets easier.

What if a small faction of people decided that, since they found themselves attracted to the idea of sex with animals (which at the moment society would call a repulsive practice [at least I hope!]), they must have been born that way and therefore deserve the 'equal right' to marry their pet snake. 'Cause after all, if its natural you can't help it and should just work with it, right?

You would think that this wouldn't be accepted, this is just a bunch of people who need psychiatric help, right?
But what if this small group of people found a few more recruits; then decided to fight. What if they turned their platform into a Human Rights issue, rather than a moral issue like its supposed to be? We can't deny human rights, can we?

Lighting certainly does strike the same place twice.

I'de like to respond to a few people individually for a sec.

I'm so sorry you've only met hateful christians. I wish I could apologise for their behavior, but I can't. All I can say is that they cannot possibly understand anything about God if they are reacting with hate, and that they should be pitied for their ignorance.
Yes we consider homosexuality to be a sin, but what many christians cannot grasp is that its exactly the same as any other sins, its not 'worse' to be homosexual that it is to tell a lie, steal, or even gossip. Again, I'm really sorry for how they've treated you, but in their hatred they have commited a sin far worse than anything they could be accusing you of.

We might be able to interpret it that way if it weren't for the fact that every other time the bible uses the words 'lie with,' in the context of a man and a woman (which is several dozen times at least) it is obvious from the rest of the chapter that it is referring to sex.
Assuming that this one time the words refer to telling an untruth is highly inconsistant. Also, the bible mentions Homosexual offenders in a list of those who are committing sins against God, the reference you quoted is not the only one dealing with the subject.

2006-07-27 09:38:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Thats because they are morons.

Its really very simple - you shange the law so that marriage becomes legal for TWO CONSENTING ADULTS no matter what sex they are. That way, all animals, non-living objects and 10 year old boys (gotta save them from the priests...) are covered as NOT BEING able to be married. Why is this such a hard concept to grasp??

In the Bible, it says that no man "shall lie with another man as he does with a woman." Seeing as the Bible is open to intreptretation, to me, this simply means that as a man, I should lie to you as I would lie to a woman! Doesnt mean a thing about SEX..... Is that not a good intrepretation? Not for Christians - it doesnt fit their views, so they ignore it...

2006-07-27 09:37:09 · answer #3 · answered by YDoncha_Blowme 6 · 0 0

Why don't you read up the history of marriage and why and how it ever got started and for what reason?

Marriage, as we know it, has its origin from the Bible, and all the rules and laws governing it are spelled out therein. Our laws governing marriage were written according to the Bible.

Before that, man TOOK what ever female and used her. She had no say, and could be killed for even remotely acting like she was going to refuse the male! Where ever she was at, what ever she was doing, she was free game to the strongest male that wanted her. PERIOD.

Weather you like it or not or how ever you want to espouse it, NATURE has more to say about this than sick people with sick ideas!

I say sick, because any one that says they should intentionally put part of their body in to another persons body where there human waste comes out and say that is acceptable normal, has got serious mental issues.

NATURE did not provide choices as far as sex is concerned; other wise births could occur no matter where man stuck his penis, the same with females. Too, emotional mental make up of humans would have no requirement that there be both male and female input into their development in order for them to be come what we call a very stable, loving, caring human being without so many of the negative social issues reelected in so many people today, that is a direct result of both natural parents not being involved while the child was growing up!

In all mammals, the way to bring life, of its kind, is the coming together of the male and the female, with the male entering the female with its organ that nature has designed for that purpose.

To allow the female to accept an intrusion into to her body by an outside object, nature provided the female with nerves that cause her to feel great pleasure when the penis entered her, and is moved be either both or one while inside of her, more over, when the male sperm starts to enter her, nature causes her to unconsciously press her body harder against the male there by insuring that separation does not easily take place while the semen passes from the male into her.

Once in her, the semen, natural seeks the female ovum, and attempts to fertilize it. This is the only purpose of human sexuality. The fact that it gives great pleasure is nature’s way to bring us together so that the male sperm can be injected into the female. Her purpose is to bring forth life. If you have issues with that, take it up with nature, she made your body, not you!

2006-07-27 10:14:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do you believe that adultery is wrong? The Bible condemns adultery and homosexuality. The Bible also condemns having adulterous thoughts. Regardless of the cultural mindset, God says that both of these sexual sins are wrong.

Some one being prone to these sins does not justify their actions. Adultery is commited (physical and mental) often among the human race; homosexuality is less common but still wrong. And yes the reason it's wrong is because it's in the Bible. I believe the Bible is "God-breathed."

2006-07-27 10:17:07 · answer #5 · answered by nickacarroll 2 · 0 0

ok, I easily have heard and ought to understand the valid factors of both area of the argument. i will particularly see how both area, no matter if the persons who take care of such convictions are without delay impacted by it or no longer, can view it like that. What i will't draw close is how opinionated fools, who've no theory what the hell they're affirming yet like feeling the wind between their tooth can experience justified by making outlandish statements like this that they imagine help the perception they imagine they understand. in spite of the very undeniable actuality that you're an fool, how are you going to probable persuade your self that this load of sh*t you purely spewed forth is actual a valid sensible statement. Intelligence and psychological ability can continuously be said and opposite to common perception is actual extremely straight forward to %. aside and reconstruct so that you'll get a extra ideal expertise of the motivations in the options that possesses that mind. besides the undeniable fact that the interior workings of idiocy is somewhat extra complicated. what's the using rigidity, how precisely is the symbiotic mechanism between incompetence and egotism fueled? And what factor of encouragement and what style, is mandatory for the moron to proceed doing what he or she does? that's extra troublesome to verify, because mind is the form of solid definitive ingredient, yet idiocy is variable, and risky. in fact one may argue that such instability is the very nature of idiocy, the very undeniable actuality that no longer something significant must be floor in. i must be extremely obliged in case you should help me alongside in those analyze, you should possibly be a photo proper specimen, in case you'll, for my own social try searching at idiots and their idiosyncrasies and attempting to detect a hardship-free denominator that must be utilized dissect the options of alternative idiots making use of a hardship-free approach that ought to correctly be purely besides plotted because the tactic for figuring out on aside the sensible introspective options, and arising with consequences that are purely as sparkling reduce. Please evaluate this provide, i must be a lot obliged have a staggering day!

2016-10-15 06:49:15 · answer #6 · answered by pantle 4 · 0 0

They also base all their arguments on marriage as the basis of the family unit - meaning one man, one woman, and their kids.

What about the kids in gay families? Don't they deserve protection too?

And what about straight families that don't have kids? Do we deserve protection too, or do I have to get knocked up to 'deserve' my legal status?

Many questions, lots of dogma, little sense being made. TONS of effort to legislate religious views, which is the most concerning part of this for me.

2006-07-27 09:25:26 · answer #7 · answered by Trips 3 · 0 0

The problem with the lawn chair proposition is that the lawn chair cannot consent to marriage. Therefore, it could never be married anyway, so that kinda thing would never be a problem.

2006-07-27 09:27:09 · answer #8 · answered by ^i^ Angel ^i^ 2 · 0 0

Well you have to understand that the christian mind responds hatefully to anything their bible tells them is unnatural. Therefore they lump all the unnatural and sinful (their opinions as to which is and isn't). In the end they think all of their sin can be compared because no matter what it is all wrong according to their book. Therefore Loving my girlfriend is just as terrible as murder. Great isn't it? I haven't figured out if there are degrees of love crime... Murder has a 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree, does homosexual love? How many years do I get in jail for 1st degree love?

2006-07-27 09:32:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Right on, good points.

The ignorance of the human race never ceases to amaze me.

2006-07-27 09:28:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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