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This is the worst place to teach people about God, people are too disrespecful and insulting, in the real world is more difficult because all of them hide and refuse to talk about the subject.We are being too good worrying trying to help our brothers and sisters in this world to be in the correct path so they can't get lost, but on the contrary they deny it but keep seeking for answers.

Why don't we worry about the people we really care about and love like our family and friends to have their eyes on God, and in the right path, than these people who are blind and deaf. Few of them want to make an effort. Why keep trying and only worry about the people that we want to be saved?

I sound selfish but I got tired of this people, not of my beliefs. If I am in peace with God and also my family and friends,then I am fine.

They are too stuborn and they already think is right. Let them be in that path and be lost. They can't say we didnt warned them enough.

God Bless.

2006-07-27 07:31:42 · 56 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I am asking for the christian point of view, not yours
you fools.

2006-07-27 07:38:18 · update #1

OOOOOOH the pain ,How can I write a question whitout offending anyyyyyyyyoneeeeeee..

If I say the word gay, I offend the homosexual community, if I say retard I offend the mentally challenged, If I say Wich, I offend all the pagans, If I say fools, I offend the poor little defendless atheist creatures. or poor them.

They are so deeply hurt. Uh sowry, I shouldt even speak at all if you have such low self-esteem.

please Grow up. Isnt the real world worst?

1 second ago
And another thing there is a big difference between a fanatic christian and a christian, and I am so not fanatic. Do I send people to Hell? Why should I, if I am also worried if I am going to hell to? I don't have the ticket to go straight to heaven do you have it?

2006-07-27 09:41:13 · update #2

56 answers

Wow, that would really be nice of you. Thank you.
I just wished this happened centuries ago.

My Gods bless you and your god too.
Puinsai 11:48

2006-07-27 07:42:25 · answer #1 · answered by PUINSAI 3 · 0 0

Why can I not stop telling people about God? Because I can't stop telling anyone! That's why. Check it out...I cannot stop speaking for the same reason that Peter and John could not stop speaking. The Great Commission tells us to go into all the world and preach the gospel, sometimes this is the only way that I can go into all the world. I can't just read these and leave them be. I am compelled by the love of Christ to share with them. It very well may not make an affect on them in any way. But that is not my problem, in all honesty they will most likely not become a Christian by anything that I say, but they very well may have read what I said and in reading it have planted a seed in them, so that someonelse may reap it. That is why I must write.

2006-07-27 07:42:20 · answer #2 · answered by wildwoodjw 1 · 0 0

Will not telling other people about God really make them LESS disrespectful and insulting? I doubt it.

Jesus said in His Sermon on the Mount "If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?"

I think what Jesus is saying here is that it is hardly a supernatural love that only loves those that are easy to love. There's nothing profound about that - anyone can do it! As Christians, we have been entrusted with love that is much more radical than that, and it's a terrible waste not to put that to good use!

The apostle Paul is a good example of someone who was initially very "unlovable", and if Christians didn't ultimately express love to him, perhaps we wouldn't have a large chunk of our New Testiment! Also, remember the account of the demon-possessed man who lived among the tombs? (I found it in Mark 5). He had to be chained hand & foot just to keep him under control - hardly lovable, wasn't he? But in response to the love of Christ, he became a new man, proclaiming all over his hometown what Christ had done for him. Loving the unlovable has accomplished amazing things, and still do today!

Now granted, it's tough when non-Christians are so antagonistic towards us. But the best way to change that is to, as one author said, "create a hunger in others". We need to live in such a way that our life and our love creates a curiosity and hunger in others that is irresistable. That is doing our part. It's God's work to save people, not ours. Let our light shine before everyone, and leave the results to God.

So please don't tune out the non-believers. They are very much like you & me; but need Christ in their lives. Treat them like Jesus would, let God take care of the results, and experience the great rewards of loving the unlovable.

God bless you too!

2006-07-27 08:05:12 · answer #3 · answered by whabtbob 6 · 0 0

How selfish would I be if I kept what I know about Jesus and God to myself not telling anyone? If what I know is true and could save someone from judgement and eternal damnation then should I not tell others this truth. Its not our job to convert anyone, but to testify the truth. It is God who will change their heart opening it up to hear the word of God. All the glory goes to Him.

Maybe the problem isn't the fact that Christians share their faith, maybe the problem is how they share their faith. You can't tell someone they need Jesus without explaining to them why they need Jesus. Far to often I see Christians doing this on here, telling people what they need but never truely explaining why or the reasons they give are not true reasons. Put on the Lord, they say, you will live a happy, prosperous and joyous life when in reality they will get just what God promises through the bible, which is tribulations and persecutions, but they will have joy in their heart because they know when they die to this world they will "live" in the next.

Imagine if I said to you, “I’ve got some good news for you: someone has just paid a $25,000 speeding fine on your behalf.” You’d probably react by saying, “What are you talking about? That’s not good news: it doesn’t make sense. I don’t have a $25,000 speeding fine.” My good news wouldn’t be good news to you: it would seem foolishness. But more than that, it would be offensive to you, because I’m insinuating you’ve broken the law when you don’t think you have. However, if I put it this way, it may make more sense: “On the way to this meeting, the law clocked you at going 55 miles an hour through an area set aside for a blind children’s convention. There were ten clear warning signs stating that fifteen miles an hour was the maximum speed, but you went straight through at 55 miles an hour. What you did was extremely dangerous; there’s a $25,000 fine. The law was about to take its course, when someone you don’t even know stepped in and paid the fine for you. You are very fortunate.”

Can you see that telling you precisely what you’ve done wrong first actually makes the good news make sense. If I don’t clearly bring instruction and understanding that you’ve violated the law, then the good news will seem foolishness; it will seem offensive. But once you understand that you’ve broken the law, then that good news will become good news indeed.

Now in the same way, if I approach an impenitent sinner and say, “Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins,” it will be foolishness and offensive to him. Foolishness because it won’t make sense. The Bible says that: “The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness” (1Cor. 1:18). And offensive because I’m insinuating he’s a sinner when he doesn’t think he is. As far as he’s concerned, there are a lot of people far worse than him. But if I take the time to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, it may make more sense. If I take the time to open up the divine law, the ten commandments, and show the sinner precisely what he’s done wrong, that he has offended God by violating His law, then when he becomes, as James says, “convinced of the law as a transgressor” (Jam. 2:9), the good news of the fine being paid for will not be foolishness, it will not be offensive, it will be “the power of God unto salvation” (Rom. 1:16).

Does this mean they will still turn their backs on you and persecute you because you shared your faith with them? Of course, but it also doesn't mean that you should stop sharing your faith with them. Would you rather sit by idle and hope and pray someone comes to the truth before they die or would you rather know that if some one was to perish you did all you could to help them come to the truth?

2006-07-27 07:51:14 · answer #4 · answered by Bruce Leroy - The Last Dragon 3 · 0 0

I totally understand ur frustration. Sometimes it feels like spreading Religion is a lost cause, because of peoples resistance to recieve the word of God, but here is wher u come in, u need 2 pick up ur Bible and read. This resistance was already foretlod. God knew that people would have a hard time converting from sin to savior, that is why we as Christains are God's messengers we are supposed to spread the gospel to others, it would be so easy to put limits on God, and choose to only save your family, but the real lessons learned as a Christian are when u can have compassion for those who are against u! Those same people who are resisting are the "ABSOLUTE MAIN" people God talks about extending yourself, reaching them, and bringing them to the word of God. If this process was easy then Heaven would already be here on earth, but obviously its hard, but u know how the Lord works, if u put in your time now, u are guaranteed a tommorow!!!

2006-07-27 07:50:27 · answer #5 · answered by Nay Nay 3 · 0 0

I think people need to remember that there's a fine line between "sharing the word" and "condemning to Hell". It's really not that they are too stubborn to believe, they're just sick of being told they're lost or they're going to Hell because they don't believe in God. Strange as it may seem, that kind of turns people off.

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29 minutes ago
I am asking for the christian point of view, not yours
you fools.

Good job ~ you just showed how judgmental, narrow-minded, and self-righteous some Christians can be. On behalf of all the other open-minded Christians, I thank you for perpetuating the stereotype we fight against every day.

2006-07-27 08:07:24 · answer #6 · answered by browneyedgirl 4 · 0 0

Its one thing to preach, its another thing to try to shove your beliefs down everyone and feel that your religious beliefs are the only right ones and everyone else is going to hell.

If people choose to follow a Christian path and ask about it, its one thing. However, too many people here are quick to jump up and yell out "you need to find God".

What kind of Christian goes around telling people that they are going to go to hell because they are not following the "right" beliefs? How many times does a Christian get upset because a Jehovah Witness knocks on their door to preach? its the same concept - you preach, as well as other religions.

We are living in a society were people feel the need to impose their beliefs. What happened to our freedoms? What happened to the freedom of religion? There is no freedom when people who choose to "bible thump" continiously want to impose their thoughts.

You said" They are too stuborn and they already think is right. Let them be in that path and be lost. They can't say we didnt warned them enough.:

Right there, once again, you are saying that you are right and everyone else is wrong. You are wrong. If people choose to believe in God, they will do it in there own way and in their own time. If they choose to follow a Pagan path, and worship the deity of their choice, so be it -- that is their God.

Who are you or anyone else to say they are wrong?

If you want to save someone, look for the hypocrites, the liars, the child molestors in your Christian community, and then ask if they are going to be saved for their sins.

2006-07-27 07:43:34 · answer #7 · answered by Scarlett 4 · 0 0

I'd say good point, but I'm pretty sure the bible says that Christians are supposed to be selfless and try and bring the word of the lord to others so that they are saved. I honestly think that's rediculous:

If you're right, then be right and leave it at that. If you're wrong, then not evangelizing makes things better off too. Christians should stop preaching to people who don't want to hear it. You don't see the Hebrew people trying to do a lot of conversions, now do you?

2006-07-27 07:35:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You're so right. But it's hard to see people getting faulty answers when I have the truth. If I don't answer, I'll walk away thinking,
"What if there was a chance that I could have made a differance, but I didn't because I was selfish?"
It's true, most of our effort as Christians has very little fruit in this kind of setting, but God could still use it, and He has in some cases. :o)

2006-07-27 07:42:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We keep preaching and teaching because someone out there is actually listening and their lives are being changed because you have spoken up.
We just have to pray for the disrespectful people, they will either face God now or they will face Him on Judgment Day.
We shouldn't let them discourage us.

Plus some of them when you read their questions, you can already tell that they are being ignorant and just trying to start an argument or get attention so I don't even give them a second thought.

2006-07-27 07:41:02 · answer #10 · answered by Friend 7 · 0 0

Simple, because the Bible tells us that it is God's will that everyone be saved. If we don't then why did Jesus give his life on Calvary?? If someone thought that way, then i would have never been saved. My friend would pray for me, I would use him to get high, and do all types of stuff, but God didn't see the drug addict he saw the beautiful woman that i am today. Jesus didn't come for the saints, he came for the sinners. It's our duty as believers to share the love of Christ. I cursed my friends out lots of times, even cursed God when things didn't go my way, but they never gave up on me. My mom is battling with drugs and alcohol, and when i got saved , she didnt even wanna call me anymore, because I didnt get high, she would avoid me like the plague, and she still does except when she needs money. But as long as I can breathe, I will continue to love, and pray that she has the same experience that i did. In the end, no one can say they didn't have a chance to know the Lord. That's between them and God. Just keep on keepin on girl, u'll be aight, Luv ya.

2006-07-27 07:42:44 · answer #11 · answered by Muchacha Mala 2 · 0 0

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