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Ok first off i believe that noone likes war less than a soldier. I have been fighting since i joined. First it was Bosnia, then Afghanistan, then Iraq, then Iraq again. I have spent 4 years of my life doing this job of protecting the world and my country.

I believe that unless you are in the military you shouldnt be making accusations against soldiers. Sadly enough those soldiers are dying for your right to have your crappy opinions. If you dont support the war, then that is fine, but you should always support the soldier. There i have said my piece. I feel a little better now that i have said that. Hope the blood i spilled for you was worth it.

2006-07-27 07:15:24 · 19 answers · asked by bored_army_soldier 2 in Politics & Government Military

19 answers

I totally agree with your opening statement. Fortunately because of our soldiers most Americans are spoiled. the have never had to live without the freedoms that the military protects. That is a great thing that has been provided by all of us that have served.
It is also a sign of what this country has become. When burning the flag is form of freedom of speech, but slapping the crap out of a flag burner is assult, it breads this type of behaviour. It is also a sign that most people do not have any respect for what we have given them. We have made it too easy for them and for this we should be proud.
I have found that the best way to disarm these morons is that when they start their talking just look them in the eye, and as hard as it is, smile and tell them their welcome. They usually get embarassed because they realize if not for you, they would not have the freedom to put you down, and they leave.

Thanks for what you have done, and are doing. Stay safe.

2006-07-27 08:01:17 · answer #1 · answered by Bill S 3 · 2 1

Well, it sounds like you don't know what you were fighting for to make those comments, The 1st amendment gives people the right to make crappy comments!

Don't get me wrong, i have said nothing that is even close to being crappy, and what I have said, the military deserves the criticism.

I am embarrassed to have my old unit in the limelight for murdering children and raping , then burning a 14 year-old. If you want to muck up your reputation, along with ours as a country that's the way to go! And they were not isolated.

If you are doing a job fine, but don't pretend that the reason we are in Iraq is to defend freedom. We are there to get oil! And you guy's are dying because of it, and that is shameful to your CIC! Not to you!

I have also spent a lot of time criticizing the president's cuts to the Veterans Administration, while our soldiers are coming back missing body parts for the past 3 years! I haven't heard one pro-war person say a damn thing. They support it. I have spent a lot of time criticising those who don't even have 1 hour to take out of their time to attend a Memorial Day parade (They are too busy getting drunk at a cookout), or visit a VA hospital. They put yellow ribbons on their vehicles and SAY they support you! They don't!

I don't like to see the military put into, and caught in. the crossfire, by being put into positions where they are unable to defend themselves. That is criminal and if you did it in Vietnam, you would have been fragged!

"And what the hell is terrorism, anyway? It's not a thing; it's not a place; it's not a person. It is a political and military strategy, that's all. Having a 'War On Terrorism' is as ridiculous as having a 'War on Flanking Maneuvers'. You'll end terrorism when there's no longer anything for anybody to get pissed off about."

"As for now, maybe if we looked at why people are pissed at us, we'd begin to understand. Hell, it doesn't matter whether they're right or wrong; it's what they perceive that motivates them. What you have to address is why they perceive things as they do. Only then will you start to get a clue. And spare me the bullshit about them hating us because of our freedom. We haven't been truly free in a long time. And now we're letting all this demagoguery convince us to give up what little liberty we have left. Big Brother Lives!" Hack, Col, US Army 2 DSC's 10 Silver Stars, 8 Purple Hearts. Nominated twice for the Medal of Honor.

I spent 1 year in Vietnam in 1966 and 1967. I suggest you know how little you are dumped on compared to my brothers! Not even close!

I wish you the best!

2006-07-27 07:29:27 · answer #2 · answered by cantcu 7 · 0 0

Ok first off my husband is a sailor and I'm a soon to be sailor. But what makes me pissed. Is our soldiers and our sailors go risk there @ss. For people to run there mouth about how against the war they are and the soldiers and Sailors. There the ones who is giving them there freedom of speech. Were I'm from some protesters went to a soldiers funeral. To protest the war. What a bunch of low lifes. They came from like 3 states over to do it. It broke my heart and pissed me off at the same time. That guy just gave his life and they do that to his family. It is sad that we give life and blood for people who don't even appreicate it. The good thing is most people do support our military. So that no life or blood is in vein.

2006-07-27 10:33:35 · answer #3 · answered by nay 5 · 0 0

First let me say I have nothing but respect and admiration for anybody who puts their life on the line for our freedoms.

I'm not buying any of this complaints about our soldiers. Now let's see some facts and not second-hand BS. My brother, my friend says that one time....yeah, yeah, yeah. Hard cold facts with sources such as magazines or newspapers. I think the one who is disrespected the soldiers is you. I'm 53 years old and I remember people protesting wars but they were protesting against "The Government" not the soldiers putting their asses on the line for our freedoms. If you support any administration more power to you that's your right but don't make up horses*** because you can't come up with any solid facts for your argument. Do a little research and make your point but don't use the soldiers as a shield for your laziness.

Sorry your question just seems like one big line of BS. I can only hope some real vets kick your butt good for bring such a wimp.

2006-07-27 07:33:43 · answer #4 · answered by Thomas S 4 · 0 0

The soldiers are those upon whose lives nations are built. Never have anything but support for those who protect us. I have had many students join the military after graduating high school, our school has a wall dedicated to photos and news of our alumni-in-arms. The war was a lie, still is, but that is not the fault of those who have been put in harm's way to carry out the pigheaded desires of another.

2006-07-27 07:20:11 · answer #5 · answered by gadjitfreek 5 · 0 0

I have the utmost concern and sympathy for you and the rest of our troops. I support our soldiers in that I wish for your speedy and safe return and for the well being of your families while you are gone. However...... I refuse to be brainwashed into believing, and feel sad for those who are, that our military is in Iraq to "protect our freedom". From what? Iraq didn't attack us. They can't even find WMDs that could possibly attack us. Anyone who thinks they are there to protect anything other than the Bush Administration's political agenda has been duped. I feel terribly sorry for that.

2006-07-27 07:24:00 · answer #6 · answered by junebug 3 · 0 0

personally, I do not agree with the war or the president, but there are Americans on the ground in Iraq that need our support. The best thing I know to do is to try to get them home as soon as possible.
As for GWB, it's wrong that a man, who has never had to look down a gun sight at his enemy, has ordered so many to do that very thing. Probably it's easier if you never had to learn what it feels like to have to pull the trigger.

2006-07-27 07:24:22 · answer #7 · answered by Alan S 7 · 0 0

I have never seen people protesting the soldiers themselves on this board, I happen to be against the war, but I support the soldiers as human beings willing to fight for our country.

2006-07-27 07:20:55 · answer #8 · answered by RATM 4 · 0 0

You are not in this alone.. thank you..

Who’s got your back

I am a small and precious child,
My dad’s been sent to fight.
The only place I’ll see his face,
Is in my dreams tonight.
He will be gone too many days,
For my young mind to track..
I may be sad, but I am proud,
My Daddy’s got your back

I am a caring Mother,
My son has gone to war.
My mind is filled with worries,
Like I have never known before.
Everyday I try to keep,
My thoughts from turning back.
I may be scared, but I am proud,
My son has got your back

I am a strong and loving wife,
With a husband soon to go...
There are times that I am terrified,
In a way most will never know.
I bite my lip, and force a smile,
As I watch my husband pack.
My heart may break, but I am proud,
My husband’s got your back

I am a soldier.....
Serving proudly, standing tall.
I fight for freedom, yours and mine,
By answering this call.
I do my job while knowing,
The thanks will sometimes lack.
Say a prayer that I’ll come home,
It’s me who’s got your back

2006-07-27 07:21:04 · answer #9 · answered by psstoffagain 5 · 0 0

It grow to be an extremely solid weapon while it grow for use in the commencing up years of the Vietnam conflict. The gun grow to be fairly solid and it used a 7.sixty two mm around the comparable by using fact the AK-40 seven and it would provide up somebody ineffective of their tracks. the only court instances have been that it grow to be very heavy and it had significant balk. Then colt presented a gun that grow to be easy-weight and did no longer have lots balk. This grow to be the M16. squaddies theory "whats up this solves my matters with this gun." And so it grow to get replaced. The M14 continues for use right this moment as a lengthy variety weapon for unique Marksmen. And maximum squaddies right this moment would not have journey with the M14 until they are Vietnam conflict veterans. So fairly to respond to your question it grow to be the heaviness and balk.

2016-12-14 14:58:37 · answer #10 · answered by lumene 4 · 0 0

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