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And how do you think the universe came into being? The big bang? Some other theory? And why do you like to crisize christians so much?

2006-07-27 06:58:44 · 41 answers · asked by Greg 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I am NOT attacking atheists even though it may look a little hostile. And I was not "brainwashed" by anyone. I made up my own opinions and views. No one helped me. To me there was more evidence that there is a supreme being/divine force than there was not.

2006-07-27 07:39:36 · update #1

I meant are atheist born in an atheistic house hold or in a theist one.

2006-07-27 07:47:39 · update #2

41 answers

I think I have always been an atheist, but have just come to terms with it over the last few years. I am almost 26, BTW. I believe the universe was created by the big bang. I belive in evolution, not creation. I do not criticize anyone based on their religion, or lack thereof, just as long as they do not try to shove it down my throat or "save" me. I do not need to be "saved", I am happy the way I am.

2006-07-27 07:05:02 · answer #1 · answered by voodoo_moonbaby43968 5 · 2 0

I'm an atheist, and I think religion is a personal decision, so everybody is born an atheist until you are exposed to religion. The Universe expanded with the big bang, The origin of the universe is a little sketchy, but we're working on it. Don't think that just because we don't know now doesn't mean that it MUST have been a higher power, it is entirely possible we just don't know YET. Not all atheists criticize all christians, my best friend is a very dedicated christian and I've been to his church (I've attended many religious congregations for education) and I only criticize the christians who try to impose their beliefs on others, who are unaccepting of other people, who attack my views or who act hypocritically. (It may be unrelated, but I think government policy also should not reflect the "values" of any religious community as many christian politicians believe, the government should be a religiously ambiguous institution) I believe in physics, the possibility of dieing with uncertainty in my life and the importance of helping people because it's the nice thing to do.

2006-07-27 07:08:23 · answer #2 · answered by robert k 2 · 0 0

1. I used to be a Christian but could never get reasonable answers to reasonable questions. I decided to step back and act as if I had never heard of any religion and take a neutral, objective look at the whole belief structure. I imagined as if i had come here from another planet and my job was determine the truth. I started with a clean slate. I took about 5 years to do this, I read books, watched videos, did research. I came to the conclusion that god does not exist.

2. No, no one os born with any belief - see #1.

2. The Big Bang - It is a proven fact that all galaxies are moving away from each other, this is a fact. For them to be moving away from each other they at one time would have to have been together.

3. No, see #3

4. I only criticize them when they bring up senseless, illogical ramblings with no real substance. It really annoys me when they answer a question with a phrase like "Read the Bible". They act as if that is the only true source of info, when in fact I consider it nothing of the sort.

I took many years of my life to determine my beliefs, i wonder how many others have done the same?

2006-07-27 07:16:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i am atheistic for the reason that you are not, its just a belief. i with my gaining knowledge learned to question things, one of these things where my religion, it just didn't make sense. as for how the universe came into being well:

who the hell created the universe?
who the hell created god?

the answer to both are that they have always existed. which one is better.
the one with an associated proof.
that is how that go's for me.

as to why there is so much hate between Christians and atheists, i cannot tell you for sure who started it but someone insulted the other party and they have been at each others throats since. it was probably that Christians felt the need to tell an atheist that they are praying for them, to a lot of atheists this is an insult. how would you like it if a person of another religion said they would sacrifice a kid to "save" you? it go's against your beliefs so you might take it as an insult. the person who said it was not trying to insult you they where trying to be nice but it could come off as an insult. this is my best guess. i think that the whole thing is pretty ridiculous.

2006-07-27 07:11:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know that someone is born a theist (whatever religion) or an atheist. But I would tend to say that we are all born atheists, because we don't have any beliefs when we arrive into this world. We develop them through a process called "enculturation".

(And fyi: I'm a theist)

P.S. Please limit the number of questions you ask in one post. Give up the five points per if you would like each of these addressed. Thanks.

EDIT: If, as you claim, "no one helped you," then how did you gain access to any information that would help you to decide?

Perhaps you mean "no one MADE you"?

2006-07-27 07:06:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The only thing I can't stand about Christians is that, every time a Christian learns that I don't belong to their particular denomination, their immediate response is to tell me why I'm wrong and try to convert me. I did an experiment for my sociology class a couple of years ago, where I pretended to be different religions when talking to Christians, and only 1 Christian out of 50 (fifty!!) did not insult my professed belief system, whether it be Judaism, Buddhism, Atheism, Deism, or even a denomination of Christianity that differed from that of the person I was talking to! The worst thing: I once heard a professor in the religion department tell a Jewish student that he was going to hell!

No wonder no one else likes to be around you people.

My best friend's husband is a minister and he's one of the only Christians I can stand to be around. Why? He's nice to me. He's CHRISTIAN to me, if you actually believe that the word "Christian" means "of and regarding the qualities of Christ." Which, for the most part, it really doesn't.

2006-07-27 07:14:24 · answer #6 · answered by Whedonist 2 · 0 0

Was not born an atheist. I am an atheist because those people that profess to be Christians are hypocrites. The bible is a contradictory POS, and the majority of the reason people believe in a religion is to cover their *** and make sure they don't end up in hell or something. They'll tell you another thing but it's not true.

2006-07-27 08:06:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

atheists are obvously not born. is that sarcasm or just a way to disguse your insult as a question?
Atheists are simply people who have thoughtfully considered the question of god and the evidence of gods existence and rejected the usual theories and find themselves unable to believe in any of them. At least they use their minds to come to a conclusion and do not just accept whatever pap is taught them without question.
they may be wrong but they are sincere in either case. can christians claim as much. there seems to be less hypocrisy among atheists than among religious people.

God gave you a brain to think with, so use it for that and do not simply believe anyhting you are told because it is hard to think about it. maybe there is a god and the truth about him is complicated and difficult to understand and takes study and effort. so maybe the atheists have a better chance to eventually discover this truth.
there is a joke about an atheist. he says.
"my father was an atheist and I am an atheist and God willing , my son will be an atheist too."
( ha ha)

2006-07-27 07:08:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

kathy1000 - youre a complete moron.

Im an atheist, because after years of being forced to go to parochial schools in foreign countries, something dawned on me - how could all of these Chinese people be wrong? How could all of these Indian Hindus be wrong?? And they are all burning in Hell??? Yes, a priest told me - unless they acccept Jesus as their Savior, they are doomed to burn in Hell.

That, my friend, is what is called TERRORISM. You are using the threat/fear of eternal damnation to get people to come to your viewpoint - and that is wrong.

How did the universe come into being? Im not sure - but I can be pretty certain that some sky pixie didnt create it.
Why do I critcize Christians so much?? Becuase, I truly beleive that if half of you had an understnading of the history of the times that Jesus lived in, and understood how the Bible was created, then you too would be non-beleivers. But instead of thinking for yourselves, you simply swallow moronic dogma that has been PROVEN wrong. And then you force it on others!

2006-07-27 07:09:22 · answer #9 · answered by YDoncha_Blowme 6 · 0 0

I don't like labels because then you can form rules around them.

But I stopped being religious, I feel that just because I cant explain something doesn't mean its proof of god, it just means myself and other aren't smart enough yet to prove or explain it. Falling back on God to explain whats beyond current comprehension just seems lazy to me.

the way I look at it is, Everything that happens we set in motion ourselves whether we realize it or not, and those actions can interact and have unforeseen results. Those results are nothing more than coincidence that whether I planned for it to happen or not, I need to take some responsibility for it.

To say that everything happens for a reason, or its all predestined by god, seems like a waste of time and an excuse created by the week minded who just want simple answers to life.

You may now begin your verbal jihad against me, i know you will.

2006-07-27 07:09:03 · answer #10 · answered by puzzle55usa 3 · 0 0

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