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Does that mean the heads of the Mormon churches (there are a handful of different sects, each has it's own prophet) are crazy or atheist? The false ones either know they are false, and would go to hell if they believed in it, so they are atheist, or they are crazy and really think they talk to God. I would tend to believe the "mainstream" Mormons are the ones making it up because they change the rules when the government tells them to, and God wouldn't be that flakey.

2006-07-27 06:09:17 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Cool, I get to educate some people...
Each sect of the LDS church has it's own "living prophet" who talks to God and tells the sheep what he wants them to do. They don't trust Jesus because they don't trust the Bible.

2006-07-27 06:17:08 · update #1

24 answers

There is only one true church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Only one prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley.

I am a Christian latter day saint. Mormon is a nickname.

2006-07-27 06:14:58 · answer #1 · answered by Angel 4 · 1 0

What has been said before is correct. There have been many prophets before and after Christ. Adam, Noah, Moses, Abraham then Peter, Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and currently Gordon B. Hinckley. A prophet is someone who speaks for God. Jesus in that sense was a prophet, but more than than He is the Redeemer, the Messiah and the Son of God. Mormons believe in latter-day prophets. Mormons didn't change the rules when the govt said so, we believe in obeying, honoring and sustaining the law of the land. That's not conceding or flakey. Lastly, the prophet is not the only one who can talk to God- we all can as His sons and daughters. The prophet is the one person who can receive revelation for the church as a whole.

2006-07-27 06:26:18 · answer #2 · answered by squeezeplay00 2 · 0 0

K.. first of all, I'm Mormon, LDS as we say. There are different sects, but they have broken off of the main branch, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There is the FLDS, which the one ran by Warren Jeffs. He's nuts. I wouldn't follow him for anything!! He has secluded him and his followers and will not allow anyone in to their communities. There is the restored LDS church. They broke off after Joseph Smith died. Some of his children thought the next prophet should be from his blood lines, instead of who was called by God. So now they have a prophet who is still in their blood lines.

The main branch of the church, which I consider the true one, has always had a prophet. I don't think we are crazy. We believe in God and Christ, so we are not atheist.

As far as the other ones being false, who's to say that your religion isn't the false one and you are the one going to hell? Making that kind of statement makes you sound very uneducated. If we believe in hell and heaven, then apparently, we aren't atheist either. I think you need to look up the meaning of the word.

We believe that our prophet talks to God, as we all can, through pray and personal revelation. He does get some inspiration that we don't get ourselves, but it's to help all of us in the church to better ourselves and to know what God wants of us, as a whole.

We have only changed docterine when God has told us to!! We believe in following the law, so if a law was passed that effected our situation, it would more then likely be changed to fit the new law. The only way that we wouldn't cange it is if it would hinder our relationship with God.

We do trust Jesus. We read the bible. We believe that Christ is the same Christ that every other christian sect believes in. I'm not here to convert you to my religion, but I wish that you would do some research- ie talk to a mormon!!- about what we really believe before you make such statements.

2006-07-27 06:22:10 · answer #3 · answered by odd duck 6 · 0 0

Man, you are way off. I am mormon, and there is only one church, and only one prophet. We do have 12 apostles, and we do consider them prophets. But there is only one man that leads our church. We do not have sects or divisions. The only church that has ever broken of is called the reformed LDS church, and they aren't even called that anymore.

God has called prophets to lead His Church in our day, just as He did anciently. The current prophet and President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Gordon B. Hinckley. He is assisted by two counselors—Thomas S. Monson and James E. Faust. Together, they make up the First Presidency of the Church (much like Peter, James, and John after Christ’s death).
All members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles are apostles and prophets. The current Apostles are:

Boyd K. Packer
L. Tom Perry
Russell M. Nelson
Dallin H. Oaks
M. Russell Ballard
Joseph B. Wirthlin
Richard G. Scott
Robert D. Hales
Jeffrey R. Holland
Henry B. Eyring
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
David A. Bednar

2006-07-28 16:38:10 · answer #4 · answered by notoriousnicholas 4 · 0 0

Anybody can talk to God and anybody can hear God talking to them. Whats odd is that a lot of people think God only talks about important things, or earthshaking things. Perhaps because those who hear such are amongst those who have missed the mark by miles and need earthshaking revelations, but God talks to everybody who needs guidance. It can be the simplist thing like change lanes, or smile at that person. Some believe its angels but every mention of Angels in the Bible is an extreme event, not simplly advice. Don't you, when you love someone want to help them?

2006-07-27 06:32:32 · answer #5 · answered by Marcus R. 6 · 0 0

what r u talking about the only prophet is Joseph Smith and if I remember correctly the others followed or got words of god something like that it been a long time since I went to Mormon church

2006-07-27 06:13:32 · answer #6 · answered by barbie89032 3 · 0 0

The Mormons are following a false prophet.

2006-07-27 06:12:23 · answer #7 · answered by Ron K 3 · 0 0

When I was first reading your question, I was trying to figure out what you meant by "there are a handful of different sects, each has it's own prophet"... then I realized you were refering to all the break-off groups.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS)has a prophet- Gordon B Hinkley. We have had a prophet since 1830. At that time it was Joseph Smith. Joseph was killed by a mob of men who had disguised their appearance.

The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (RLDS) has a prophet... I think. They broke off when Brigham Young was called as the second modern (as opposed to biblical) prophet. They felt that the prophet should be Joseph's direct decendant. They asked his oldest surviving son to be their leader. At the time he was a child and didn't want to do it. He wanted to go west with Brigham, but had to stay with his mother, Emma instead. Eventually, he did become their leader. A while back, the RLDS were unable to find a male direct decendant willing to lead them so they then extended the priesthood to women and found a female direct decendant willing to lead them.... lost a lot of members over that one!!

Regarding the other break-off groups, I really don't know much about their leadership.

The only time I know of that this church (LDS) has "changed the rules when the government tells them to" was in the case of polygamy.

The law against polygamy was/is unconstituional.
1) It was passed into law to target a specific religious group.
2) It was enforced retro-actively, forcing men who had more than one wife to abandon their other wives.

Yes, one of my ancestors was a 2nd wife. When the anti-polygamy law was passed, her husband took her and their children to a different state. He built a home for her and the children and left. She never saw him again. In effect, he was forced to divorce her.

A couple other thoughts--
*We eventually had to leave this country to be safe (crossed the Mississippi River). An extermination order was written by the governor of Missouri that made it legal to kill a "Mormon" We were robbed, raped, killed, tortured, just because of our religion. We petitioned the government over 100 times for justice... never got it.

*The Catholic church has a bunch of break-off groups (Protestants) and they each have their own leader... does that mean that all the Protestant faiths are crazy or atheist?...
Guess you could actually apply that "logic" to Christianity in general... Christianity has all these different groups, with their own leaders, they all claim to be the only truth...

Unless you're a practicing "Mormon"..........
In the future, please don't talk out of your backside- it only makes you look dumber than you actually are... which for you, may be quite an accomplishment!!

2006-07-27 07:18:30 · answer #8 · answered by Yoda's Duck 6 · 0 0

I was baptized Mormon at the age of eight which is the age at which they feel you are old enough to know if you are doing right or wrong. My grandma and my uncle along with his 6 kids and their families are all mormon. They believe in God an many people think they talk to God, it's called prayer. None of my family is wierd or athiest but there are extremists in any religion.

I stopped going to that church or any church for that matter as soon as no one was making me anymore.

2006-07-27 06:15:13 · answer #9 · answered by Amy >'.'< 5 · 0 0

There is ONE living prophet and president of the LDS church. There is an organization under him that allows different levels of leadership. Each Ward has a bishop, each stake a stake president and on up. There isn't a buncha prophets... I don't know where you got that from...

2006-07-28 07:34:21 · answer #10 · answered by K8 2 · 0 0

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