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9 answers

The oracle got high on natural gases, and said what she saw in the hallucination. That was more accurate than the bible. What does that say about Christianity?

2006-07-27 05:43:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The problem is that people re-interpret prophesies to fit current events, so as to make them seem more accurate.

Hell, look at the number of people who have been called The Antichrist over the centuries. Each time, people selectively re-interpret the prophesy and the current events to make it fit.

If you don't engage in that B.S., then there are no accurate prophecies, be that from the Oracle, the Bible, Nostradomus, whatever.

2006-07-27 12:36:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Are there texts of the Oracle at Delphi with which to conduct a statistical analysis?

2006-07-27 12:37:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Bout the same.50/50

2006-07-27 12:35:13 · answer #4 · answered by Wounded duckmate 6 · 0 0

If you're a person that believes in biblical inerrancy, then you have to say that all prophecies were fulfilled by 70 A.D. with the destruction of the temple of Jerusalem... in order to make it work.

2006-07-27 12:35:23 · answer #5 · answered by Eldritch 5 · 0 0

Bible prophesies never come true. That way, people can keep reapplying them year after year.

2006-07-27 12:34:48 · answer #6 · answered by Davie 5 · 0 0

100/100 accurate

2006-07-27 12:36:08 · answer #7 · answered by lucky 4 · 0 0

lol .... u sly so and so!

I understand the game now.


2006-07-27 12:36:34 · answer #8 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Oracle at Delphi may have predicted some things that came true, but these predictions were of Satan and demonic nature, not an Oracle of God. Please read below - Paul, in the book of Acts, discussed this:


In the first Matrix, everything revolved around the prophecies of the "oracle" woman. In the Bible, when Paul wrote to the church at Rome (Rom. 3:1-2) concerning the oracles (logion, "divine utterances"), he referred to the revelations of the Old Testament Law and Prophets. The word "oracle" meant "supernatural utterance." It could also refer to a device used in the production of divine utterances, such as the Urim and Thummim (sacred devices) of the Old Testament. When anointed men or women spoke as true prophets of God, they likewise were considered "an oracle of God" (1 Pet. 4:11).

New Age pagans, many of whom are enamored of The Matrix, are extremely interested in such oracular phenomena, and they readily accept certain portions of the Bible as divinely oracular (the verses they believe support their ideas of God, reincarnation, spirit communing, and the afterlife). But in the quest for spiritual knowledge, modern pagans reach out beyond the "confines" of the Bible into a veiled world of mystical utterances, visualization, channeling, and other esoteric forms of prognostication.

I once lectured on oracles and the "death of the Olympian gods." I boldly proclaimed that Christianity had swept the globe and that, as far as I knew, not a living person remained on earth that bowed in reverence to Apollo, or consulted at his sacred shrines. The message was received with rousing applause by the listening audience, and I sold some tapes. The only problem was, I was wrong. Apollo’s Oracle at Delphi, the most famous oracle of antiquity, is in ruins. But the worship of the Olympian god, and the order of his pythian priestesses, are actively involved in New Age paganism and popular media as we enter the new millennium.

The fact is, it’s unclear if the worship of Apollo or the consulting of his oracles ever ceased. There is some evidence that generational witches may have continued the worship of Apollo and the secrets of his pythian divination for centuries. Whether or not that’s true, the admirers of Apollo number in the tens of thousands today. This is primarily because Apollo is an oracle god, and his disciples are granted "divine audience." Unlike other underworld spirits, Apollo audibly communicates (at times with amazing accuracy in antiquity) through the vocal chords of the pythoness to his followers. This characteristic originally caused, and apparently continues to cause, the tremendous cult popularity of Apollo.

The Greek historian, Herodotus (considered the father of history), recorded an interesting event. Croesus, the king of Lydia, expressed doubt regarding the accuracy of Apollo’s Oracle at Delphi. To test the oracle, Croesus sent messengers to inquire of the pythian prophetess as to what he, the king, was doing on a certain day. The priestess surprised the king’s messengers by visualizing the question and by formulating the answer before they arrived. A portion of the historian’s account says:

The moment that the Lydians (the messengers of Croesus) entered the sanctuary, and before they put their questions, the Pythoness thus answered them in hexameter verse: 'Lo! on my sense there striketh the smell of a shell-covered tortoise, Boiling now on a fire, with the flesh of a lamb, in a cauldron. Brass is the vessel below, and brass the cover above it.' These words the Lydians wrote down at the mouth of the Pythoness as she prophesied, and then set off on their return to Sardis [when] Croesus undid the rolls [he] instantly made an act of adoration [declaring] that the Delphic was the only really oracular shrine. For on the departure of his messengers he had set himself to think what was most impossible for any one to conceive of his doing, and then, waiting till the day agreed on came, he acted as he had determined. He took a tortoise and a lamb, and cutting them in pieces with his own hands, boiled them together in a brazen cauldron, covered over with a lid which was also of brass (Herodotus, book 1:47).

The demon Apollo established an enormous following through such prophetic trickery, and evidently continues to do so.

At Delphi the Olympian gods spoke to mortal men through the use of a priesthood which interpreted the trance-induced utterances of the Pythoness or Pythia. Like the Matrix oracle, the pythia was a middle-aged woman. She sat on a copper-and-gold tripod, or, much earlier, on the "rock of the sibyl" (medium), and crouched over a fire while inhaling the smoke of burning laurel leaves, barley, marijuana, and oil, until a sufficient intoxication for her prophecies had been produced. It was under the spell of such drugs (and spiritual forces?) that the Pythia prophesied in an unfamiliar voice thought to be that of Apollo himself. During the pythian trance the medium's personality often changed, becoming melancholic, defiant, or animal-like. The aforementioned psychosis may have been a source for the origin of the werewolf myth, or lycanthropy, as the Pythia reacted to an encounter with Apollo/Lykeios--the wolf god. In either case, the Delphic "women of python" prophesied in this way for nearly a thousand years and were considered to be a vital part of the religious order, and of the local economy, of every Hellenistic community. An interesting example of this is found in the New Testament Book of Acts:

And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination [of python, a seeress of Delphi] met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying: The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation. And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour. And when her masters saw that the hope of their gains was gone, they caught Paul and Silas....And brought them to the magistrates, saying, These men, being Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city (Acts 16:16-20).

The story in Acts is interesting because it illustrates the level of culture and economy that was built around the worship of Apollo. It cost the average Athenian more than two days' wages for an oracular inquiry, and the average cost to a lawmaker or military official seeking important State information was charged at ten times that rate. That's one reason the actions of the woman in Acts is so difficult to understand. She undoubtedly understood the damage Paul's preaching could do to her industry. Furthermore, the Pythia of Delphi had a historically unfriendly relationship with the Jews and was considered an enemy of the truth and a pawn of demonic power by both the Jews and the Christians. Quoting from Spiritual Warfare:The Invisible Invasion, we read:
Delphi with its surrounding area, in which the famous oracle ordained and approved the worship of Asclepius, was earlier known by the name Pytho, a chief city of Phocis. In Greek mythology, Python--the namesake of the city of Pytho--was the great serpent or demon who dwelt in the mountains of Parnassus, menacing the area as the chief guardian of the famous oracle at Delphi....In Acts 16:16, the demonic woman who troubled Paul was possessed with a spirit of divination. In Greek this means a spirit of python (a seeress of Delphi, a pythoness)...[and] reflects...the accepted Jewish belief...that the worship of Asclepius [Apollo's son] and other such idolatries were, as Paul would later articulate in 1 Corinthians 10:20, the worship of demons.

It could be said that the Pythia of Acts 16 simply prophesied the inevitable. That is, the spirit that possessed her may have known that the time of Apollo's darkness was coming to an end, and that the spread of Christianity would ultimately lead to the demise of the Delphic oracle. This is possible. Spirits are sometimes aware of changing dispensations (compare the pleas of the demons in Matthew 8:29, "What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?").
Perhaps the ancient spirit of Delphi understood the dispensational timing and power of the gospel Paul was preaching? The last recorded utterance of the oracle at Delphi seems to indicate the spirit of the Olympians understood his time for domination was over. From Man, Myth & Magic, we read:

Apollo delivered his last oracle in the year 362 AD, to the physician of the Emperor Julian, the Byzantine ruler who tried to restore paganism after Christianity had become the official religion of the Byzantine Empire. 'Tell the King,' said the oracle, 'that the curiously built temple has fallen to the ground, that bright Apollo no longer has a roof over his head, or prophetic laurel, or babbling spring. Yes, even the murmuring water has dried up.'

Modern pagans are fascinated by delphic-like oracles because they ostensibly prove the existence of a spirit world, and because they seemingly provide a method of communicating with an alternate reality. Literally dozens of New Age books describe the use of oracles as methods of communicating with unseen dimensions. In one such publication we discover the interesting "identity" of the power operating behind the oracle as the author describes his experience:

The Swirling fog began to dissipate, and I could see the flicker of a light ahead—a darting, pulsating glow resembling a fire-fly. I paused for a moment to observe, and the tiny flare expanded in size and appeared as a small full moon touching the earth. As I moved closer to the radiance, it suddenly changed into a vertical beam, a pillar of transparent light.

'Are you the angel I am seeking?' I asked.

The soft yet powerful feminine voice replied, 'I am the Angel of Creative


'Do you have a name?'

'Some have called me Isis,' she said, and with those words the pillar of light slowly materialized to reveal the face and form of a beautiful woman wearing a flowing white robe trimmed in gold [emphasis added].

Can you believe it! Isis, the ancient demoness of witchcraft and spells is identified as a positive power operating within New Age Oracles! Satan is clever.

2006-07-27 13:25:18 · answer #9 · answered by Gardener for God(dmd) 7 · 0 0

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