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I read somewhere that it is scientificly proven that only people who believe in a Christian God can be possesed by devil. It never happened that devil would posses atheis, muslim, buddist...What do you say about that.....
By possesed people I mean those who think they are possesed by devil and usually this people are manicly and with whole heart devoted to christian god.
I'm taliking about (devil) possesion like eating flys, seeing satan, vometing, speaking latin, maybe even flying. It's rare but it happened...

24 answers

2006-07-27 05:30:39 · 20 answers · asked by nelli 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

No. Spirits and other nonphysical entities cannot possess people, can't hurt people, can't control people like that. So-called possessions are going to either be epilepsy, schizophrenia, or merely overactive imaginations. Or they're used as scapegoats so a person doesn't have to acknowledge that something might be wrong with THEM...if they can blame it on a "possession" they can just do an exorcism and be done with it, can bury their problems under layers of denial and not have to do the work of going into therapy or changing their lifestyle.

But go figure why only Christians get "possessed" by Satan...only Christians believe in him.

But most possessions are all going to be in the "possessee's" head. Spirits and noncorporeal entities can't do that. Besides, I don't want anyone to think I'm sounding mean or anything, but you gotta wonder....who are YOU that the devil or some other spirit would take interest in you or want to use that energy to make your life miserable? Why not go after the President, the Pope, the Dalai Lama, or someone else?

2006-07-27 05:37:20 · answer #1 · answered by Abriel 5 · 1 1

Yes, demonic possession is real. Christians can be possessed by the devil ( I think Muslims and Jews can too, they believe in God and in Satan's existance too) Also voodoo type possession would also be demonic. Devils and demons are real, but they usually need an opening, such as occult, drinking, drug use, trauma. Some of it could be like mental illness, but there really is not much difference between a raving psychotic and one possessed. It's different ways of seeing the same thing. The person changes completely and for evil. I have personally seen someone who I believe was possessed and it is Really scary.
Many horrible killers seem possessed, Son of Sam the 45 calliber killer a serial killer in NYC said that satan spoke to him through a dog and told him to kill people.
Just pray and stay away from "openings" of sin.

2006-07-27 21:23:30 · answer #2 · answered by inzaratha 6 · 1 0

You're a little confused. Christians are the only people who can not be possessed by demons. Due to the fact that the Holy Spirit (God) lives in them. Demons can possess anyone else. The devil himself will only possess one person, that will be the anti-christ at the end of the age. However, regular demon possession is more common than you think. Go overseas and you'll see.

2006-07-27 05:37:59 · answer #3 · answered by David 3 · 0 1

Yes, it is possible to be possesed by demons. The devil is very real. If you are a Christian though, and have Jesus in your heart you have authority over the devil, the devil doesn't have any place in you. Rebuke the devil and he will flee from you. If you aren't a Christian then yes you can be possesed by demons, and you don't have any authority over them and they can rule your life.

2006-07-27 06:03:59 · answer #4 · answered by liz 1 · 0 0

In most cases, the people who believe they're possessed are actually just mentally ill, but their religious background, the poverty of their circumstances ("possession" happens a lot more in third world countries than here in the U.S.), and their lack of education causes them to attribute religious overtones to their illness.

People also used to think that disease was satanic influence... and then we discovered germs. Of course, in some other parts of the world where science is not really understood, they still think disease is caused by displeased gods. These places, btw, are the same places that one of the answers here hailed as "proof" that possessions exist... because they happen in 3rd world countries.

Well, obviously, the fact that uneducated people living in tiny, dying villages in the middle of the bush believe that disease is a demon working inside you is not proof of anything other than the fact that humans invent stories to explain away the gaps in their scientific knowledge. As Nietzsche said, "A casual stroll through a lunatic asylum shows that faith proves nothing".

Anyway, whether you believe in God and the Devil or not, it's easy enough to see that possession is not real. I've seen videos of a number of exorcisms, and there's never anything magic involved. There's never anything supernatural. There are no flying objects; there are no unknown languages being spoken; there are no demonic voices (beyond the person speaking or cursing or "growling" in a pretend-monster voice that they could do normally). Nothing.

If all this supernatural stuff was going on, surely someone -- in all the time that video cameras have existed -- would have captured at least ONE supernatural event on film. And yet, not once has this happened.

Same goes for ghost stories. There are a number of shows on TV that go to "the most haunted places in the world," week after week... and yet not ONE has recorded an actual ghost of any kind. Even at the places that claim that, e.g., "The lady in white shows up every Thursday in the ballroom..." They STILL never manage to see or record a ghost. If they did actually record something real, you know it would be all over the news...

Anyway, if you compare those "possession" videos with videos of psychotics, you'll find the same behaviors. The only difference is the religious meaning that the participants give it...

So, about the thing you read: "only people who believe in a Christian God can be possessed by the devil." I think what's actually being said there (whether intended or not) is that only people who already believe in Christian ideas will ascribe Christian ideas to their experience. Anyone else would attribute another (probably less magical) reason to their illness.

Another good point was made here: Why would Satan, assuming he existed, bother with the average person? What does possessing a 15 year old in Guatemala for 2 weeks gain a semi-immortal, uber-powerful entity of evil? What's the point? Why not spend his time sowing much larger plans with much larger payoffs?

Some christians have suggested that it's to cause the people around the possessed person to despair and eventually turn away from God. But what you actually see in practice (when someone thinks they're possessed) is that the faith of the people around them gets stronger. They think they've seen proof of Good vs. Evil in the world, so they side even more strongly with what they believe to be Good. They desire protection from evil... They're not going to embrace it after it's ruined their lives.

If that's really Satan's plan, it's a terrible plan. And it doesn't work. In fact, it backfires almost without fail. Why would Satan stick with a non-working plan for thousands of years...? It just doesn't make sense. Nothing about the idea of possession makes sense, even if you take it in christian terms.

I mean, imagine if you had proof -- right in front of your eyes -- that Satan was real and was mucking about in your life. You saw him appear, horns and all, and he kicked your mother, poured Coca Cola on your stereo, and rated you a 0.1 on Hot or Not. Then he set your house on fire, possessed your dog, and drove off in your car. You might be bummed, but would you then turn to Satan as your new lord and master. No. Instead, you'd side more heavily with God ("That Satan is a jerk!"), and -- if you'd never been a believer before -- the appearance of Satan would make you a believer. It would be the proof that you didn't have. Possession would result in the exact opposite of it's intended effect.

Anyway, if you can point me to even ONE video that shows something unexplainable or beyond human ability happening during an exorcism (or a possession), I'd be much obliged. I don't think you can, though, because I don't think they exist. I've looked at every available exorcism recording I can find, and they're all very mundane. I could do everything contained in the videos right now, unpossessed, and be just as convincing. There was nothing supernatural.

BUT, if you have an example that contradicts that (and you said "It's rare but it happened"), then please point me to it, 'cos I'd be very interested to see it.

2006-07-27 06:01:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Devil possession is possible. Devil is very real. Its not an imaginary thing. Its real. Possession is also real. Devil possesses only people who are not in line with its ideas. If someone from any religion is against the devil, then it will possess that person and torture that person. The devil enters our body through any or all the five senses of our body. Once inside, he will dictate terms to us. He is not bothered about what religion that person has. He only wants a body to possess.
There is a way to stop him from entering our body. Guard our five senses that we don't give him a chance to enter through them.

2006-07-27 05:40:13 · answer #6 · answered by sunilbernard 4 · 0 1

There is no satan or devil. Its all that you think and abstract from the books you read. But there is something called spirit that won't haunt you. No one can be possessed by devil or satan if they have strong mind.

2006-07-27 05:37:57 · answer #7 · answered by Prasthaanam 1 · 1 0

first off I want to say no you can not be , because the devil is as pretend as god. that is why only people who believe can be "possessed". It is like faith healing. it is in their head. there has never been one scientifically proven case of possession. the only "proof" is by the church.

2006-07-27 05:40:44 · answer #8 · answered by NIKK F 4 · 1 0

I believe that 'possession' is a form of mental illness exhibited by people who have (a) too much religious influence in their lives, and (b) crave attention.

Folks who are agnostic or otherwise not heavy into religion, and who are stable and mentally healthy do not get 'possessed'.

2006-07-27 05:37:35 · answer #9 · answered by sunfell2001 3 · 0 1

feels like a theory from someone of Buddhist mysticism or some jap proper philosophical device. The you maximum in all probability correlated to the ego, the "I" that we parade round in our daily lives. yet our genuine selves, what's left after the ego has dissolved, exists in one of those infinity. that is a eye-catching theory, it speaks to the grandeur of existence, the interior-connectedness of all issues. you're right here, yet you're also everywhere directly.

2016-10-15 06:37:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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