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I find it amazing how many persons on this website claiming to be Christian are so offended by others who try to talk to them about the bible. I know it is not all of you, and I am not speaking to everyone on here. I see so many comments from people who claim to believe in the bible and in Jesus, saying that the preaching that Jesus commanded his followers to do is offensive to them. How can you claim to believe in Jesus yet be offended by the preaching work that he commanded his disciples to do? Does it offend you when you read about the preaching Jesus did? If you are a Christian, isn't the preaching work something you yourself should be doing? (see Matthew 28:19, 20 and 1 Corinthians 9:16) We go out of our way to bring people in the world a message of hope and peace in world filled with hate, death, and darkness. We take time out of our personal lives, out of our own expenses, to try to help others, and somehow all you can do is be irritated?

2006-07-27 05:18:53 · 21 answers · asked by Daniel L 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

Daniel, remember what Jesus said would be a sign of his presence in the last days. Luke 21:7 "Then they questioned him, saying: “Teacher, when will these things actually be, and what will be the sign when these things are destined to occur?” 8 He said: “Look out that YOU are not misled; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The due time has approached.’ Do not go after them. 9 Furthermore, when YOU hear of wars and disorders, do not be terrified. For these things must occur first, but the end does not [occur] immediately.”

10 Then he went on to say to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; 11 and there will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another pestilences and food shortages; and there will be fearful sights and from heaven great signs.

12 “But before all these things people will lay their hands upon YOU and persecute YOU, delivering YOU up to the synagogues and prisons, YOU being haled before kings and governors for the sake of my name. 13 It will turn out to YOU for a witness. 14 Therefore settle it in YOUR hearts not to rehearse beforehand how to make YOUR defense, 15 for I will give YOU a mouth and wisdom, which all YOUR opposers together will not be able to resist or dispute. 16 Moreover, YOU will be delivered up even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and they will put some of YOU to death; 17 and YOU will be objects of hatred by all people because of my name. 18 And yet not a hair of YOUR heads will by any means perish. 19 By endurance on YOUR part YOU will acquire YOUR souls."

Remember that Jesus told his followers that a teacher is not greater than his master, they persecuted him and they would persecute those who followed him too. We are not trying to convert people, we are only trying to find those honest-hearted ones that WANT to learn about Jehovah God and obey him. Jesus, when instructing his apostles how to preach, told them to shake the dust off their feet if someone receives them inhospitably. Just keep preaching, brother, even if there is persecution for following Christ's command at Matt. 28:19, 20. Even if there is no listening ear, we are still giving a witness about Jehovah and being obediant to him, and by doing so we will "acquire our souls."

2006-07-27 05:32:51 · answer #1 · answered by 1big teddy graham 4 · 10 11

LOL. Of course, preaching is offensive... almost as offensive as the willful ignorance that comes along with it.

Christianity is essentially a criminal business enterprise... in fact, it is the world's longest running and most successful Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) scam. The product they are selling is 'salvation'... and the 'pay plan' doesn't kick in until after you're dead. What a racket! FORTUNATELY, it only works on those who are gullible enough to fall for it. UNfortunately, THAT accounts for about 62% of the population of the USA. (There are a lot more people who DON'T know how to think properly than there are people who DO know how to think properly.) That is why there are a lot more religious people in the USA than there are 'Free-thinkers'... including Atheists. Also, Christians are generally too dense to realize that proselytizing (spreading the 'good news') is a key element of the Christian MLM MARKETING PLAN, which was instituted after Christianity lost the political power that had previously allowed them to simply torture and kill anybody who did not comply. Now, they attempt to just pester people to death, through persistent obliviousness and obnoxiousness. If you stop to think about it, you will realize that Christians are very much like the Borg, on Star Trek Next Generation: "You will be assimilated. Resistence is futile." I would not be surprised to learn the thoughts of Christianity provided the 'creative spark' for the Borg concept.

Interestingly, statistics on supernatural beliefs count the USA with backward, developing Third World nations, rather than among modern, advanced industrial powers.


"Selling eternal life is an unbeatable business, with no customers ever asking for their money back after the goods are not delivered." ~ Victor J. Stenger

"Businesses may come and go, but religion will last forever, for in no other endeavor does the consumer blame himself for product failure."  ~ Harvard Lamphoon, "Doon" (paraphrase)

2006-07-27 05:24:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe spreading the word of God is a beautiful thing, but you must be respectful and acknowledge basic skills in human relationships. If somebody resists hearing 'the word', then ramming it down their throat certainly won't bring them around to your way of thinking. Spreading the word of God also means different things to different people. To some it may mean standing on a street corner preaching to anyone walking by or going door-to-door (both of which are annoying to most people). To others it means teaching others through words and example how to live your life in a positive and productive manner, always consistent with the golden rule, and with truth and understanding. Maybe you're not spreading the name of Jesus, but if you are spreading the teachings, is the name of Jesus or the word Christianity truly necessary? Just food for thought.

2006-07-27 05:34:43 · answer #3 · answered by chris m 3 · 0 0

Preaching the way Jesus did is a lot different than the harsh insulting attacks against those unlike themselves that SOME christians--not you necessarily--make under the guise of promoting the gospel. Unfortunately the people who do this obscure the Christian message and drive people away from the truth of Christ.

2006-07-27 05:24:22 · answer #4 · answered by surlygurl 6 · 0 0

No, regrettably. Preaching 100% reality ought to offend some, yet being insulted isn't the right thanks to look on the genuine guidance set forth for us all contained in the Bible. in case you study verse 2 of two Timothy 4 you'll observe that it says “pontificate the be conscious …. In favorable season, in troublesome season, reprove, reprimand, exhort, with all lengthy-suffering and paintings of coaching”. Favorable season and troublesome season ability even as preaching the reality is common and likewise even as preaching the reality is meet with competition. That verse also mentions that preaching will also from time to time contain a reprimand. 2 Timothy 4:3, 4 is a caution of a era of time, it is now, that their will be ones that educate falsehoods, or because the scripture says, “…instructors for themselves to have their ears tickled”. yet observe verse 4 says that “they're going to turn their ears faraway from the reality, while they're going to be became aside to pretend thoughts”. Please evaluate 2 Corinthians 13:5 which says “save sorting out no matter when you're contained in the religion, save proving what YOU yourselves are…. this isn't continuously ordinary or mushy. Ephesians 4:22-24 says: “that you could placed away the former personality which conforms on your former procedure habit and that is being corrupted in accordance to his deceptive needs; yet that you would possibly want to be made new contained in the rigidity actuating YOUR options, and may placed on the hot personality which replaced into created in accordance to God’s will in genuine righteousness and loyalty. in case you try this stuff, God will bless your efforts.

2016-10-15 06:37:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jesus didn't force anyone to listen, he talk and if you wanted to listen you did ,if you walk away OK. He didn't chase you down an yell to you how dumb you were and you were going to hell! Jesus understood free will and that it was your choice. Jesus was a teacher not a preacher, He knew it was better offer with gentle tongue, than to force by yelling an scaring, you catch more fly's with honey than you do vinegar. So do yourself an GOD a favor an speak with a peaceful mind, an live with a peaceful mind and win souls for GOD! Remember Jesus did not win with everyone, why would you think you can. GOD BLESS YOU

2006-07-27 05:54:52 · answer #6 · answered by play dough 3 · 0 0

You miss the point... NOBODY likes to be PREACHED TOO... unless they WANT to be preached too... like in CHURCH.

Personally, I don't believe in any of that nonsense... I don't believe in the Bible, God or Geezus and I find people preaching their own values to me as if I'm too dumb to understand religion, is irritating.

I am a practicing ATHIEST... but I don't preach my values to you and try to conver YOU... so why do you think you have a right to spout all the bible nonsense at ME?... Makes no sense.!

2006-07-27 05:25:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We all have our own perceptions of things and we all are here to experience things. We must try to keep it all in perspective of what the true meanings are to our experiences. It is not the greatest thing to try and make someone believe something. It will only frustrate and aggitate. So, I feel that we must be in our own thoughts and live the best lives that we can. The others salvation is in their own hands. Everyone thinks for themselves, so they have the power to create what they need for themselves. I limit my advice to people that are really seeking guidence.

2006-07-27 05:24:35 · answer #8 · answered by Metacoma 3 · 0 0

People are offended when they hear that their sin will condemn them to hell. So sad, but true. Most will prefer to die in Sin. But that is not the topic to dwell on. The Good News is that Christ provides a way out. He died for our sins. All we have to do is turn away from our sinful ways and bow down to Him. By bow down, I mean to acknowledge him as our Heavenly Father, Lord, and Master.

Sorry if this sounds "preachy". The Truth is the Truth.

Go to http://www.liveprayer.com/bdy_salvatn.cfm to find out more.

2006-07-27 05:31:20 · answer #9 · answered by Dood 2 · 0 0

Yes/No and listen . Now preaching is very precious. The wrong interpretation can doom a nation so be careful. And people really have to decide for themselves. We can show them our joy, then just answer their questions.

2006-07-27 05:26:26 · answer #10 · answered by Pierre C 2 · 0 0


Every time you walk into the Grocery Store I hope the butcher is standing there and he/she smacks you in the face with RAW MEAT and says "I like RAW MEAT don't you".

You Christians don't get it, we don't want to hear your Biblical Babble! Go to Church and pray that God will make you less Arrogant before the Devil finds your Arrogance appealing and invades your soul, if he hasn't already. :-(

2006-07-27 05:33:14 · answer #11 · answered by TommyTrouble 4 · 0 0

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