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Which ultimately wins? I only ask because I've recently scene, especially with the current administration, that the Bible is starting to take presidant over the Constitution. Is that right? What do you think?

Examples of current issues raging between the Bible and Consititution:
- Banned Gay Marriages (Bible is winning)
- Prayer in school (Consititution is winning)

2006-07-27 05:08:06 · 12 answers · asked by kris_rynshall 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

This makes me wonder if you've ever actually read either document. Where on earth does the U.S. Constitution allow for "gay" marriage? Where in the U.S. Constitution does it prohibit prayer in schools?

Just so that you know, George Washington signed his first major federal bill - the Northwest Ordinance, drafted concurrently with the creation of the First Amendment. That act stipulated that for a territory to become a State, the “schools and the means of education” in that territory must encourage the “religion, morality, and knowledge” that was “necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind.”

And the Constitution doesn't address marriage at all, gay or otherwise. The only remote attention it may pay to it is the "full faith and credit" clause. (And this is why states are being pushed for gay marriage, to get the "full faith and credit" clause to apply to gay marriage.)

Therefore, you are merely parroting whatever someone told you. And people call CHRISTIANS ignorant!

2006-07-27 05:50:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

The constitution was greatly inspired by the Bible. Furthermore, the bible is a document by the people, for the people, and if the people will that something should be a certain way then that's how it should be. What's more is that your two examples are flawed, the constitution doesn't really address Gay Marrige or Marrige at all for that matter. We are simply debating over whether or not to change the constitution to protect marrige. Prayer in school is also not addressed by the constitution, if you think it is than you have misunderstood the First Amendment due to the constant indoctrination by secularism. The First Amendment simply states that "Congress shall make no law...." that's it. Nothing more. It doesn't say religion shouldn't effect government or that prayer shouldn't be in schools. The idea of separation of church and state is misunderstood by almost everyone. The idea came from a letter that said:

“Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with solemn reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church and State.”

He was writing to some Danbury Baptists who were afraid that their minority religon might be legislated against. In this letter be borrows the term "wall of separation" from Roger Williams who said there should be a "wall of separation" between church and state but that it should be a "one way wall" Government should keep out of religion, but religion should effect Goverment. After all, where do men draw their beliefs and convictions from? Washington said that we should be a "moral and religious people" and that is what we still are, if much less so than we used to be.

2006-07-27 05:26:49 · answer #2 · answered by derajer 2 · 0 0

The bible bans religious freedom, there can be but one God. The constitution guarantees religious freedom.

The bible limits freedom of association, the constitution guarantees it.

The bible permits slavery, the constitution currently bans it.

The bible prescribes penalties for specific offenses as determined by God, the constitution vests that power in the people.

The bible limits the roles of women, the constitution currently grants women largely equal rights to men.

I prefer the following ten commandments of Solon, upon which our nation was also founded. Most people prefer to forget that our founders were often Deists not Christians. The ten commandments of Solon are:

1. Trust good character more than promises.
2. Do not speak falsely.
3. Do good things.
4. Do not be hasty in making friends, but do not abandon them once made.
5. Learn to obey before you command.
6. When giving advice, do not recommend what is most pleasing, but what is most useful.
7. Make reason your supreme commander.
8. Do not associate with people who do bad things.
9. Honor the gods.
10. Have regard for your parents.

If you look at the edits in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, you would realize they were deChristianized and were very much a product of the Enlightenment. For example, we are endowed by our Creator (deist) as opposed to endowed by God (Christian).

Our constitution reflects more on the Enlightenment, Solon who may be the father of democratic civil thought, and the outcomes of the various English wars and common law than Scripture.

All that said, I am glad as a Christian that this is the case. Otherwise, it could be argued that people don't learn anything useful despite the passage of 7000 years from first story to current decisions.

2006-07-27 05:25:05 · answer #3 · answered by OPM 7 · 0 0

I do not think there is a contest.

The US Constitution is the living law of the land an extension of the will of the American people.

The Bible is the living Word of God and the law of many believers' hearts.

As a democratic republic, the United States Constitution and accompanying laws are a reflection of the morality of the majority of the voters.

If the majority of the voters have Christian values then any Constitutional Amendments or other laws will probably parallel those values.

With love in Christ.

2006-07-28 17:08:32 · answer #4 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 0 0

Depending on who takes over the White house next election we'll see who will win..
with this administration it's the Bible that's winning especially when GOD speaks to the president.

2006-07-27 05:15:53 · answer #5 · answered by Oracle 3 · 0 0

sure, the structure develop into written with suggestions from adult males. no one claims in a special way or argues that some supernatural being created it. there is little doubt as to its foundation or purpose. The Amendments haven't any connection to the ten ideas and do not resemble them in variety or content textile. they don't look to be "written in stone" and may be altered or negated by a democratic procedure to in good structure the favor of the folk or to fix any "holes" if, in reality, those "holes" existed. The bible is anti-democratic, anti-liberty and rigidly dogmatic without mechanism for revision or correction. As for freedom of speech, no one has been damage with suggestions from speaking their minds. they could were injured with suggestions from those who oppose what they say, yet it really is an completely diverse remember all mutually. sure, freedom of religion (alongside with the different freedoms contained in the first change) ought to preserve a faith even if its tennants coated the conception that the U. S. is evil and ought to be destroyed. it isn't, even if, a license to act by violence or different variety of coercion on those beliefs to the detrement of others. it really is between the beauties of the structure. It helps freedom at the same time as insuring that the loose are secure. The structure, as a lot as now, is the most appropriate socio-political record and governmental foundation ever created. it is unique purpose is to reduce the flexibility of authorities at the same time as insuring the freedom and safe practices of the folk. The unique purpose of the bible, on the different hand, is to reduce the freedom of the guy at the same time as permitting no dissent, grievance or enter from those who renounce their lives and the lives of others to its teachings.

2016-11-26 02:46:41 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Lets get something straight first. The constitution separation of church and state. Which in correct meaning is state has no say over the church or decorations or its rules. Seems now a days government doesn't understand. The government is giving is rules concerning church stuff. That's not what our forefathers wrote. There should be no winning. Church has its rules and government has no say in them..

2006-07-27 05:18:30 · answer #7 · answered by Mit 4 · 0 0

The separation of church and state means that the government has no say in any religion. But the reverse has to be true also! The majority of citizens of this country are Christian, but this isn't a Christian country!

2006-07-27 05:23:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The bible is going to win in my opinion.

2006-07-27 05:14:15 · answer #9 · answered by bf_powell 2 · 0 0

God will always come out on top. Man made the Constitution and God made man so how can he beat him? We are still "One Nation Under God".

2006-07-27 06:51:30 · answer #10 · answered by Coco 5 · 0 0

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