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Don't they want to learn about the Truth? Or what is in their fictional book?

2006-07-27 04:30:53 · 41 answers · asked by acgsk 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

41 answers

Ignorence is Bliss. . .

Most people have a hard time with the truth, and they can't reconcile the truth to their faith. Very sad. . .

2006-07-27 04:33:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

What you speak of as "scientific evidence" may not be so: if you refer to geology and paleontology versus creation, you should consider that the "evidence" is not usually proof: it is much more usually "acceptable simple explanation" (a la Ockham's Razor). Historically the basis for these evidences has been anti-creationist from the start. A scientist arguing from them is using a method and arguments that are just inadmissible to those who believe the scriptures are the revealed word of God.
Asuccessful scientific argument -- one that has (almost) completely displaced traditional argument -- is that the earth is sherical rather than flat. But even there, it was not so long ago that an intelligent person could argue that the world was flat, and account for all observations to the contrary: it is simply that nobody today sees any point in refuting "sphericalism". Creation is a different story: an intelligent man (include several scientists) are quite capable of arguing against evolution, accounting for what you call "evidence" in all sorts of clever ways: in fact, they do NOT ignore the evidence -- they reinterpret it! Supposing that evolution becomes simpler and more direct as an explanation and creation as less consistent, then those supproting creation will slowly yield. In the meantime being intentionally offensive (as calling the bible "their fictional book") will only serve to broaden the gap and give them every reason to retrench their viewpoint. If evolution is satisfactorily scientific you need not decry nonscientific views.. jusst wai with a little more patience and truth will out.
By the way, you are right to observe that many Christians ignore scientific evidence -- but likewise many nonChristians ignore nonscientific evidence just as arrogantly. Do not be deceived to think that no intelligent scientist accepts biblical explanation of life and cosmology: don't judge them all by the naive an dscientifically unlearned.

2006-07-27 04:54:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Here is the best possible argument for both of them.

Concerning the debate going on about intelligent design and evolution: is it possible that the final answer about which of these two seemingly opposite ideas is correct could simply be yes?

With one position firmly held by the believers and the other just as fearlessly defended by the non-believers, if you happen to be in a position somewhere near the middle, it does not look all that complex. From this position, you wonder why either-or has to be the answer.

If you believe that some higher being created the universe by intelligent design, what more elegant and intelligent design could there have been than a self-regulating system that continually checks its own errors and makes its own corrections in mid-stream as an integral part of the process.

This all seems quite logical to me although it probably won’t satisfy the believers because they are afraid to see any truth other than the one they have been told to believe in. Inversely it certainly won’t satisfy the non-believers because it leaves them stuck with a god that they are so obviously terrified of.

To sum up this view from the center, it might be most easily be explained by saying perhaps the designer was intelligent. Problem is, the designer was likely so intelligent that those seeking to prove that it is intelligently designed may be incapable of ever understand it well enough to see it for the elegant self regulating design that it has always been.

The nonbelievers will be similarly handicapped due to the internal terror the have about the idea that there may be a God. Neither side being able to leave their entrenched position for fear they may have to admit they were wrong. While the rest of us stand by trying to figure out what all the fuss is about. Personally I don’t think anyone is wrong, I just feel both sides are about half right.

2006-07-27 04:36:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm not sure what scientific evidence exists that's counter to my beliefs. Are you talking about creation and evolution?

Most of us accept the scientific principles of evolution of life and even the big bang theory of how the universe was created. It really isn't contradictory to any beliefs of Christianity.

Is the sole purpose of your question and the train of thought behind it to logically argue against Christianity?

What a small, small mind you have to spend so much of your energy being "Anti-" something. We'll pray for you!

2006-07-27 05:03:40 · answer #4 · answered by DJ 7 · 0 0

My science teacher told me once that all science is is theories backed up by evidence. But even in a court of law some evidence can be biased or wrong. It all depends on whether a person wants to belive that evidence or not. Besides is there any scientific evidence that proves God doesn't exist or that Jesus is not his son? There isn't because if there was then we wouldn't be having this conversation. p.s. have you read our "fictional" book? before you say we're wrong you may want to know why we belive.

2006-07-27 04:39:56 · answer #5 · answered by waiting4u2believe 2 · 0 0

Scientific evidence of what? Evolution does not try to prove or disprove a creator. It is a scientific study about life ON earth. It doesn't even try to state where the damn material comes from.

If you are speaking of other scientific evidence, then give exact reference and we'll see if scientists are actually wasting their time trying to prove the existance of god.

And if that's the case... do you consider Parapsychology a true science? Or are you like some of these others who ignore such things because it obviously doesn't support your cause.

2006-07-27 05:47:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

For example? There hasn't been any scientific evidence against religion yet. I believe in evolution, just not the ape to man theory. I hope you understand that theory isn't fact, right? What I would like to know is why atheists continue to tell people that their "theory" of ape to man is fact. It's not fact, it's theory. If you wanna believe in the "big bang", go for it. Very logical, a big bang out of nothing, creating everything. Makes perfect sense. I believe its called magical thinking. I'd really like to hear some of your truth, but so far all you have is unproven theories, which means basically, we have more truth than all you, "ALL HAIL THE BIG BANG" believers do.

2006-07-27 04:44:34 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Christians are taught that questioning their faith is a Sin and that they'll have to do pentance for it (ask forgiveness). Given that they don't really have the freedom to question it's pretty clear that they can ignore any evidence presented.

Your case is not correct...you shold be making an arguement on theological grounds not scientific grounds because you can't prove/disprove God through the process of scientific experimentation. PEACE!

2006-07-27 04:42:49 · answer #8 · answered by thebigm57 7 · 0 0

Usually scientific evidence points to the truth of Christian beliefs. I am a physicist, so I am familiar with science.

2006-07-27 04:41:27 · answer #9 · answered by 1,1,2,3,3,4, 5,5,6,6,6, 8,8,8,10 6 · 0 0

Scientific facts go hand in hand with faith in God, if you know what you are talking about. Take evolution for example. There is NO link between bipeds and quadropeds, it has never been found, the 'missing link' because it does not exist. People with the 'intelligent design' theory are one step closer to realizing that God is the intelligent designer that they are talking about. God created this complex universe so that we would seek to find Him at the end of it. There are many scientists out there in physics and other fields that have finally come to the realization that God is behind everything in this universe. There is ultimately no other explanation.

2006-07-27 04:34:55 · answer #10 · answered by ♥ Luveniar♫ 7 · 0 0

For the same reasons Atheists ignore scientific evidence that goes against THEIR beliefs...

Anyway, You have it backwards... scientific evidence points directly to Christian beliefs... nothing in science that is true or can be proven is evidence against their beliefs...

The only things that are evidence against their beliefs are simply theories that can't be proven such as evolution...

2006-07-27 04:35:02 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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