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Again this question is for non-believers who are very very realistic and believe in anything that has proof.

You see God with your own eyes. It's proof that God exists and then you see the Devil.

God is looking for his people to take them to Heaven, and Satan is going to stay in the world or find some souls to take to Hell. Satan offered the people all the things they always desired like fortune etc but is all false and he just want you as his slave. In Heaven there is everything you need, is a beautiful and peaceful place, nothing that you have ever seen before. But in Hell is the opposite, Satan fooled you and didn't gave you the things you desired but God did.

With who would you go?

Don't give me facts, just give me your opinion.

2006-07-27 04:18:34 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I am not asking this to make a fool of you nor convert you. It the same if you asked me if I find solid proff of Evolution.

2006-07-27 04:22:20 · update #1

Yes I believe in both, but both of them are looking for souls in the end of the world, in this situation I am giving.

2006-07-27 04:24:01 · update #2

To understand this question you need to read the other one I made. And you aren't being realistic, which is sad.

2006-07-27 04:24:56 · update #3

Ok then answer whatever you want. I'll give the 10 points to the mature person who answers the question right.

ByeBye I have things to do.

2006-07-27 04:27:03 · update #4

This just shows that maybe atheists are influenced by Satan himself and is hard for them to chose the real good guy in a situation like this that it justs imaginary.

Not being able to chose between God or Bad, isn't rocket science.

But to some closed-minded people it is.

2006-07-27 04:30:25 · update #5

Also is very dumb of you to be in this section of Religion and Spiritualism and not expect questions like this. You are somewhere you aren't supposed to be and expect not to be disturbed and bothered? The title says it all Religion and Spiritualism? Don't have one? Leave. Go to the Biology section instead. That shows how ignorant people are. They arent Religions nor Spiritual but that's the section they loved the most, instead of the Science section where that's were they belong. Ciao.

2006-07-27 04:39:58 · update #6

26 answers

I would be surprised if anybody answered seriously that they'd rather go to hell and be punished for all eternity (assuming that was all true) rather than go to Heaven, but I'm sure some people will say so just to be contrary.

I don't know that I'm a non-believer so much as a non-Christian. I don't follow any proscribed religion, because they're all twisted by humans. I think there's truth in the thread that runs through all religions, but I think the ceremonies (and differences between them) are created by men and culture (and therefore, in christian terms, are really "golden calves" that everybody's dancing around).

That being said, I would -- of course -- go with God. I live a far more Christ-like life than any "Christian" I know, and believe in love as the answer. I'm realistic enough to know that, in the world as we find it, it's not an *easy* answer. But it's the right answer. Just watching the never ending tit-for-tat violence that has plagued the Middle East since at least the 12th century is enough to confirm that. Violence solves nothing. It just continues the cycle of violence. I mean, have any of Israel's incursions into Gaza brought peace to the Middle East? Have any of the rockets fired by Hezbollah since they came into existence brought peace to the Middle East? No and no. It just makes the other side want revenge... forever.

Unfortuntely, most alleged christians don't actually follow Jesus's teachings (I've had people on this board tell me that Jesus would "crucify all the terrorists" if he were here today, and that he led wars in the Mid East while he was alive and so would bomb Iran back into the stone age. These people -- all of whom classify themselves as "Christian" and told me I was going to hell for not believing like they do -- obviously have never actually read the bible).

Anyway, if God exists, he knows my heart. He knows my mind. "Christians" will tell you that that doesn't matter and you have to go through this whole official song-and-dance to be saved, but I don't buy it. Any God who would turn down a tolerant, loving, moral, peaceful person just because they didn't participate in a ceremony of subjugation is not wise enough to be God. Which means, in my opinion, the current "Christian" idea of God is a false one. It's too human in its concerns.

Still, assuming it all exists, I would obviously go with God. Why would anyone choose to go to the place you know you'll be punished, you know will lie to you, cheat you, steal from you, hurt you, etc? That would just be dumb...

BY THE WAY: While the question is a little loaded (with it's descriptions of heaven and hell, particularly), it's not a bad question, people. It's HYPOTHETICAL. It's asking IF you were to find that God and Satan were real, and had to choose one to give your allegiance, whom would you choose? You don't have to be a true believer to answer a hypothetical.

Anyone who called this question-asker an idiot for asking this question is the real idiot, because YOU didn't understand the question. It's like asking a guy, "If you were a girl, would you rather date Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom?" You don't have to be gay to answer... you just have to be able to put yourself in someone else's shoes for a minute and *imagine* what you might do...

This is not a dumb question. It could've been phrased a little better, but I actually find it interesting. It's asking about the underlying moral leanings of those who don't get their morality from that particular book. I.e., if you were given a choice between good and evil, which do you choose? Is religion required to make an ethical person? Do "non-believers" desire evil and pain?

Asked and answered well, this sort of question could help both sides to understand the other a little better... Instead, you're all wasting the opportunity by ignoring the question and spitting unwarranted vitriol (that, honestly, just makes YOU look dumb for not understanding what a hypothetical question is...).

2006-07-27 04:39:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 9 6

well this is why religion is so appealing to people who are suffering

it is why so many choose to have faith, or, in other words, to suspend reason and ignore that which it tells them to say about religion (ie that god doesn't exist)

why so many have faith is that they don't have the mental resilience to cope with the stresses caused by the way we perceive the world sometimes by virtue of being self conscious. ie, we feel threatened sometimes, like we're about to die or we have a huge failure.

if people lack the mental resilience to cope with these 'close shaves', then the idea of an all knowing, all good and all powerful god looking after them becomes very appealing

on the other hand, if they possess the mental resilience to deal with these struggles, then the whole religious get up seems like a massive expediency

so if i didn't have the mental resilience then i would choose heaven, and god, of course.

however, i do have the mental resilience, and know that, as it points out so eloquently here:


god is imaginary. and where i find i don't have the mental resilience, i try to take a break. i try to approach the situation at another time, out of a different frame of mind.

if that doesn't work, i try to recruit people from my community to help me out. friends and family are a good start.

so, since i do have high mental resilience and a good social network, i feel like i can have some fun here and say i would just go with satan

cos satanism really, without all of its cultish trappings attached to it by the media who are only after a buck, satanism is about advancing one's self development.

what could be better for someone trying to improve their mental resilience?

2006-07-27 04:30:27 · answer #2 · answered by Smegma Stigma 4 · 0 0

This is a loaded question. It's not worthy of an answer, since you already need to accept your background information in order for the question to have any relevance. Many people do not accept the information that you take for granted. (That being, the existence of God and Satan.)
While I have a belief in God, it's not quite the God as Judeo-Christianity portrays him.

2006-07-27 04:23:22 · answer #3 · answered by Lunarsight 5 · 0 0

"Candy kills"

as a moderate Moderator ,
you are going right "over the top"

WHERE DID u see God ?
You CLAIM heaven is a beautiful ,
peaceful place. Been there , done that ?

I went to Heaven , and did not like the place
so I came back !

Christian Heaven = in Orion
but Mooselums , Hindoos etc. are in
different Galaxies !


AND Candy does NOT KILL ...

Brainwashed , Lunatic Religious Monkees
will look after THAT ......

God Bless......

2006-07-27 04:53:22 · answer #4 · answered by Moonlite gambler 3 · 0 0

you said that both of them were looking for SOME souls to take with them, i would stay in the world. buit if i didnt have that choice, i would go to hell. being a slave is better than going to heaven and being rewarded because i believed in a sadistic dictator (god). no offense

2006-07-27 04:49:08 · answer #5 · answered by tomcat 3 · 0 0

This isn't going to help the cause of Christianity in here. Your just insulting their intelligence and starting a tit-for-tat thing again.

What the Atheists need is Grace, not arguing.

2006-07-27 04:24:25 · answer #6 · answered by Makemeaspark 7 · 0 0

I would go with neither the Christian God nor Satan since I don't believe in Satan. I would go with my Gods and go West.

2006-07-27 04:26:36 · answer #7 · answered by Mawyemsekhmet 5 · 0 0

i am a believer of God. My being Catholic tells me so. Sad thing is, many people would think you are crazy coz God does not exist and all of that crap. I pity those people.

We are very lucky that we believe in God and i hope by this question of yours, people will start thinking about God too.

2006-07-27 04:25:32 · answer #8 · answered by arthurmljr 3 · 0 0

If I was a non believer, why would I have to choose at all?

Ustupid 24:7

2006-07-27 07:58:38 · answer #9 · answered by PUINSAI 3 · 0 0

# The facts?

It is a scientific fact that millions of humans on Earth need to believe in the existence of "God" & "Satan": that is the fact.

There is no scientific proof for/agaisnt their existence.

# My opinion = my answer:

And my answer: "huh?"

2006-07-27 04:43:39 · answer #10 · answered by Axel ∇ 5 · 0 0

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