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As in we I mean all the atoms, molecules, cells, organs, living beings, thought, and energy? If he is a part of us wouldn't this be true. Is god math, science, history, literature? Was he with us when we daydreamed a fantasy world? Was he with us when time seemed to stop existing when we got lost in our passions? Was he there when we chose to experience this new extreme way of existing?
Or, was he there when you judge someone for not understanding their love and curiosity and knowns and were brought up into a different culture and would rather see them burn for eternity than to try and learn more truth?
I think we have a different set of eyes my friend.

2006-07-27 03:50:23 · 29 answers · asked by Corey 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

Here is one that always gets me.
When (at least in the Bible) Eve and Adam ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil God kicked them out of the Garden of Eden, right? They never got back inside that garden again either, right?
Then (here's the kicker) this would mean we now have the ability to tell the difference between good and evil, correct?
Then why do we refuse to open our eyes?
I think that that fruit allowed us to see like God sees but we blind ourselves with emotional addiction, causing us to live in the same circle of events and we wait for God to change it for us. But didn't he kick us out of his garden because we know how to do it ourselves?
Perhaps if we all try just one time for one day to rise above our human emotions we will see things as God sees them, and all the everyday madness in which we live, for just that one day, would disappear. Then, maybe we would like it so much that we would try it again another day and another and yet another until the odd behavior is human and the normal is God like.
....You may say I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one.....

2006-07-27 04:11:53 · answer #1 · answered by kiseek 3 · 0 2

I've walked the Pagan path for the past 23 years and have not believed in the Christian Mythologies since I walked away from the Church at 12. The world is my Church. I believe we are all, each in our own ways, our own diety. The only god I believe in is my conscience and I control my own fate. I celebrate Nature and the Sciences, hold all things sacred and stay true to myself and those around me. I live by actions, not words, and I believe in Equality, Balance, Knowledge, and the Interconnectedness of All Things.

These are only my thoughts in answer to your question, but you might like to read and research the many, MANY different religions and spiritual paths that exist around the world. You will find many books, essays, opinions, thoughts and facts that reflect your own beliefs. Never stop searching, learning! :-) It took these past 6 months of intense personal research for me to discover that I've walked the Pagan path all these years and never knew. It was quite eye-opening to say the least. Look within and enjoy what you see!

An' it harm none, do what ye will

2006-07-27 05:01:29 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Decide yuorself with your 'scientific' knowledge whether GOD exists!!!

1) Plug the wire of a TV into the socket. Dont switch it ON. leave it as it is.
My question to you, if no body switches it ON, can it switch ON by itself?

2) You are lost in a forest, there you see a house in the middle of the forest. you are certain that this house has been built by someone. you may not know who he is but you are dead sure that the house has a owner. WHY?

3)You dont see Infra-Red radiations, yet you believe its existence. you dont see the waves that are meitted while we talk, yet you can feel it. you have not seen a single galaxy yet you believe the presence of millions of galaxies. WHY?

4) You were not present when an Apple fell over Newton. And he discovered Gravity. yet you believe Newton discovered 'Gravity'. have you seen it? Yet you believe in the phenomenon called 'Gravity'.

5) Nobody knows where is the exact location of 'Mind' and the 'Soul' in the human body, yet millions accept its prescence.

If you can affirm all these without seeing them, Can not the whole of the universe be built by ALmighty GOD???

The house in the forest has to have an owner, The Gigantic universe running in precise equilibrium, without an Owner?

GOD exists and HE is only ONE

The truth is Monotheism. There is only ONE GOD. Not 2, 3 or more.

This is the truth. A small school cant exist on 2 principals. Any organization has ONE final Authority. Therefore how can the entire universe be run by 2, Trinity or more GODs???

Then, the next truth is GOD is imageless. GOD cant be compared with anything on earth. GOD cant have wife and kids. If GOD can have wife and kids and still be called GOD then we all are GODs.

The final truth is that any religion that asks you to submit yourself to GOD is 'The Real Truth'. There can be no Law greater than the Law of 'The Creater'.

Apply the 3 principals and you get Islam. Which believes in Monotheism, doesnt give any image to GOD and asks its followers to submit their will (wholeheartedly) to GOD.

You cant have your own laws. If you buy a TV. Dont you refer to the instruction manual for the TV? Or you just mess it up as you like it since you OWN it?

The body which we have is not ours. Its a ctually a gift of ALmighty GOD which we have to use it as per his guidelines.

All the rules and Laws made by Man are subject to fail as Man doesnt know whats in store for him in the future. So Bow yourself to The will of GOD... In other words Submit your will to Almighty GOD. Enter Islam which means "Peace acquired by submitting your will to ALmighty GOD (ALLAH)"

2006-07-27 03:53:31 · answer #3 · answered by flameslivewire 3 · 0 0

I have spent many years in Christianity, even exposing my self to others such as Moslum, I saw many religions run by fear such as going to hell ,harmorgeddon. Many wars in history were due to religion and wars in this present today due to religion. Millions of lifes snuffed out even though God says Do not kill , countries go to war and kill and have the blessings of there religious leaders.
If the true God is the father and we are the children why would he create a world that is so hard for them? If Satan is the cause of all suffering why did God let him exsist, being all knowing ,why did he not just snuff him out and prevent all suffering to his children? All I do know is that I exist And that every thing in exsistance is energy in one form or another even ourselves. We know that energy cannot be distroyed just changed into different forms. In conclusion i believe this energy comes form The allmighty source ,God if you like,and everything is part of this source.We are here to to gain experience, the experience that only humans can recieve , and through this experience we learn that it is true love for ourselves and others and the world. I believe what we focos on is what we get. Focos on love and get love, focos on hatred and get hatred, the energy you put out is what comes back. The energy of Love and peace happiness of loving others no matter what religion ,race is inline with the energy of the source. And I mean not just think it, but feel it and practice it. This is when we begin to know who we are and why we are here.We are part of the source or" God", we all have this power in us we just need to realise it. Just remember what ever we comdem,what ever we hate, what ever we judge it will return to us.So use the things that are higher than that such as true love happyness so if someone annoys you, love them and thats what you will get back.
P.S my spelling is not the greatest but I am sure you will understand.

2006-07-27 05:05:26 · answer #4 · answered by qantasmile 2 · 0 0

Good God no! Heaven help us if we were in charge! Think about it man! We can't uphold all things. Call life into being. Heal the sick, raise the dead, comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable all at the same time.

I'm too busy as it is! I don't have time to rule the Universe and set the stars in their courses. And heaven knows I wouldn't have patience enough for all these people!

2006-07-27 03:57:37 · answer #5 · answered by Makemeaspark 7 · 0 0

No, we cannot be God. We can become progressively like Him through the work of the Holy Spirit when we accept the gift of salvation. God is all around us, but we cannot be a part of Him unless we invite Him into our hearts through Jesus and live in obedience to His word.

And yes, we do have a different set of eyes, because I cannot understand what it is you are trying to see.

2006-07-27 03:59:10 · answer #6 · answered by steves_wifey 3 · 0 0

it would be more accurate to say we are a part of God. God is All There Is. I'm sure you'll get many Christian responses to this question. Ignore them. Seth speaks is the most detailed explanation of reality that i've come across so far. i'm sure there are other good books out there too. you're on the right track.

2006-07-27 04:03:12 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe that we are part of God. God is all there is. Everything, and everyone is God. Our reality is God. We are extensions of God playing a game in order to learn and grow through the living and creation process. When we die we will either be recycled by God to learn more or return to God to become one with him.

2006-07-27 05:14:50 · answer #8 · answered by cj 4 · 0 0

We are IN God. The entire universe is in God. I believe art and moral thinking are part of how He manifests himself within us. He doesn't stop existing when we get lost in our passions or make intolerant judgments, we just choose to ignore His message. When we realize our fault and feel guilty, it is Him calling us back.

2006-07-27 04:23:49 · answer #9 · answered by Lumas 4 · 0 0

No we are not God - we are made in His image

But when Moses asked God what to tell the Pharao and the Jew's who sent him, God told Him " I Am...
In other words or in my understanding God is whatever I need Him to be.... my Helper, Friend, Lawyer, Peace...etc.
And Yes God is everywhere and with everybody at all times

2006-07-27 03:58:39 · answer #10 · answered by delo 2 · 0 0

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