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How does an athiest explain the admiville horror they say they want proof of thing now read this
Facts surrounding the "Amityville Horror House"

The Amityville Horror has turned from a real suburban American tragedy into a horrific myth. It has become the source of bestselling novels and the subject of several movies.

These are some of the facts as they are known.

On November 13, 1974, in the house at 112 Ocean Ave., Amityville, 24-year-old Ronald DeFeo murdered his family. DeFeo used a high-powered rifle, shot to death his father, mother, two brothers and two sisters. All six members of Ronald DeFeo’s family were killed as they slept and all, said police, were found lying in the same position, on their stomachs with their heads resting on their arms.

At his murder trial, Ronald DeFeo testified that he had killed his family because he had heard voices. "Whenever I looked around, there was no one there, so it must have been God talking to me," he said.

On December 18, 1975, more than a year after the terrible murders, a family of five moved in. They were George and Kathy Lutz and their children Daniel, 9, Christopher, 7 and Missy 5. Twenty eight days later the family fled the house, claiming it was haunted.

According to the Lutzes and their priest, the following events took place during the 28 days the Lutzes lived at 112 Ocean Avenue:

•While the priest was blessing the house as the family move in, a strange masculine voice clearly said to him "Get out!" As he drove back to the rectory, the hood of the priest’s car flew open, smashing against his windshield. One of the welded hinges tore loose. The right door flew open. The car stalled. The priest summoned a friend for help and later the friend called the priest and said, "Do you know what happened to me after I dropped you off? The windshield wipers, they began to fly back and forth like crazy! I couldn’t stop! I never turn them on! What the hell is going on?"

•In the house windows flew up and down and doors were repeatedly ripped off their hinges in the house even though they were securely locked.

•Mrs. Lutz levitated a foot above her bed on several occasions and floated toward an open window. On one of the occasions, when her husband pulled her back, her 30-year-old face had been transformed into the face of a 90-year-old woman - "the hair wild, a shocking white, the face a mass of wrinkles and ugly lines and saliva dripping from the toothless mouth."

•In the dead of winter, hundreds of buzzing flies materialized in one of the upstairs rooms of the house.

•A 12-inch crucifix hung in a closet by Mrs. Lutz revolved until it was upside down and gave off a sour smell.

•The insides of the toilet bowls in two upstairs bathrooms turned absolutely black, "as though someone has painted (them) from the bottom to the edge just below the rim" even though Mrs. Lutz had recently scrubbed both bowls with Clorox.

•Lutz discovered a small secret room in the basement, a room that appeared in no blueprints of the house. It was painted solid red - and had the smell of blood. In one of the red walls, Lutz saw a vision of a face - a face that he would later find from newspaper photographs was that of Ronald DeFeo.

•Every time the family priest would attempt to help the Lutzes, bleeding blisters would erupt on his hands. Telephone calls between the Lutzes and the priest were continually interrupted or cut off by loud noises and eerie sounds, making it impossible for them to communicate.

•While standing outside the house one night, Lutz saw the face of a pig with glowing red eyes in the window of his daughter, Missy. Missy began to continually talk of "my friend Jodie, the biggest pig you ever saw." One night Missy pointed toward her window and there were the two red eyes again. "That’s Jodie," Missy said. "He wants to come in." Mrs. Lutz swung a chair at the window, breaking it and "there was an animal cry of pain, a loud squealing."

•The flowing red eyes again appeared at a downstairs window. When Lutz ran outside, there were tracks in the snow - "No man or woman had made those tracks. The prints had been left by cloven hooves, like those of an enormous pig."

•A bartender who had worked at a party in the house at 112 Ocean Avenue when the DeFeos had lived there told Lutz that he had found the secret red room in the basement and that after seeing it, "I used to have nightmares about it. Sometimes I’d dream that people - I don’t know who they were - were killing dogs and pigs in there and using their blood for some kind of ceremony."

•Mrs. Lutz continued to feel invisible hands gripping her and one day found flaming red welts covering her body, "as though she had been burned by a hot poker."

•Green gelatinous slime began to ooze from the ceiling and from door openings.

•A white-hooded figure, its face half-blasted away as if by a gun, appeared in the living room fireplace and was permanently burned into the fireplace wall.

Today, the home is occupied by a family that is living there in peace. The front of the home, as well as its number on Ocean Avenue, have been changed and despite the regular visits by the curious and believers in the supernatural, life along Ocean Avenue in Amityville is fairly routine. Sometimes a car will pull up in the middle of the night. A passenger will get out and cut away a piece of grass from the home. Sometimes another car will pass in the middle of a hot, summer afternoon, stop and the occupants will stare. Sometimes a deranged individual may even try to break into the home. But mostly, it is just another house in Amityville with nothing more than a horrific history.

how do you explain this because it some how proves god

2006-07-27 02:45:59 · 42 answers · asked by 5445 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

42 answers

That's the longest question i've eva seen on here... good back up for your question though... lol i'm not an aetheist
oh yea, for those who are aetheist, how come they won't live there... the house should be cheap by now

2006-07-27 02:54:05 · answer #1 · answered by rosepassions 3 · 1 6

So we can tell you have read the book. Too bad you did not read more on the subject, however. "The Amityville Horror" was proven a hoax several years ago & the current owners report no disturbances besides the annoying tourists that stand outside taking pictures of their home.

The best book on the subject is Stephen Kaplan's "The Amityville Horror Conspiracy (0963749803). For background information on why the hoax was perpetrated read
"The Night the DeFeos Died: Reinvestigating the Amityville Murders" by Ric Osuna.

"Amityville Horror" was actually the first horror movie I saw & it scared me because it was believed to be true at the time. we also lived in a house that was beleived to be haunted (not possessed). The facts in these two books however are indisputable.

Also refer to the site below for more information:

2006-07-27 03:13:34 · answer #2 · answered by Selkie 6 · 0 0

Keep reading and you may figure it out. Some call it mass histaria and some believe in ghosts but it is quite easy to mind set a group of people to believe anything. It did make a good movie though. Oh, have you ever been there? Go and see if you feel anything different. You will because that is what you have set your mind to. Carefull the little green men will get you. Just goes to show how an idea can create so much miss information. Amityvill again like god is in the head.

2006-07-27 03:17:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I explain it by saying the DeFeo boy was a psychopath who had previously threatened to kill his dad several times. He planned his alibi before killing his family, and then came up with this demonic possession story when the police investigation destroyed his alibi. The Lutzes and Ronald DeFeo's lawyer saw a way to make money from the tragedy, and they took advantage of it. The Lutzes have since retracted much of what they said occured, the lawyer confessed to making up the story with the Lutzes, and the Catholic Diocese that the Preist was from issued a statement that none of the events concerning the Preist reputed to occur there actually did.

2006-07-27 02:55:21 · answer #4 · answered by Rev. Still Monkeys 6 · 2 0

This only proves how you can take some actual events, add a lot of supernatural elements and people will end believing more in the supernatural story than the "average" everyday's murders.

First fact is, the whole supernatural elements on the story are a hoax, it started with a movie that was loosely based in the real story of the events.

Second fact, you are gullible, probably you'd believe the Anneliese Michel supernatural story as well.

So, what is there to explain? One thing, it's pretty clear a good portion of people are gullible and that they will pick a hoax with supernatural elements rather than a plausible and verified story. It just keeps validating my feelings, people believe because they are gullible by nature.

2006-07-27 03:05:03 · answer #5 · answered by Oedipus Schmoedipus 6 · 0 0

you can be an atheist and believe in amityville. it has nothing to really do with religion. According to the Lutzes they say that some of it was made up or exaggerated but still happened. nearly all investigators who investigated the house seemed to find something. there was a guy or two he said it was all fake but they had motives against the family so their word can't be trusted.
I think amityville happened but some stuff seems blown out of purportion. I Believe that Warren investigations is telling the truth about their investigations, no one can really say for the book.

P.s. alot of those movies got their a**es sued because of inaccuracies or exaggerations

2006-07-27 02:55:44 · answer #6 · answered by Michael J with wings 3 · 0 0

this story is totally exaggerated , yes there were murders at the home , yes there were strange happenings , but not anywhere near what was portrayed
now i do believe in god so I'm not saying this from an atheist point of view ... but paranormal happenings can now be explained in many other ways and not only that of spirit/demons/god
the human mind in many cases have been behind most hauntings and children accountable for many .. in fact the statistics show that it is usually when a pubescent female aged 13 - 18 is in the home and fear created by paranormal happenings can only add to the energy
please provide better evidence that some Hollywood blockbuster for proof of god if you feel you must

2006-07-27 02:54:44 · answer #7 · answered by Peace 7 · 2 0

The priest was driving a Ford. and the Lutzs' were on drugs.

The Amityville Horror is a fiction novel by Stephen King.

2006-07-27 02:51:53 · answer #8 · answered by Jet 6 · 2 1

A lot of this is sensationalized and I'd like to know your source for all these "facts." I hope it wasn't the movie.

Our minds are very powerful things, they are constantly playing tricks on us. There have been experiments done where groups of people have all agreed that something happened when it in fact never did.

When it comes to hunting and possession claims you have to be very skeptical. Also, i don't see any way that this story "prooves god"

2006-07-27 02:57:59 · answer #9 · answered by ChooseRealityPLEASE 6 · 0 0

It is easy - the book is bs.

If you grew up in the 70s, you know that the book was exposed as a fraud and the author and the people that lived there at that time, used to make up the stories while having dinner and drinks at local hang outs.

Anybody that believes in the Amityville nonsense needs serious drugs.

2006-07-27 02:49:36 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

I am a Christian and have very little need of a ghost story whether real or fictiicious to explain my faith in God. There were millions of believers before the ghost story was written. I have the word of God who died to atone for the sin of man and reveals himself personaly to those who seek him with the proper heart. I have no need for Ghost stories and I certainly hope that believers bse there faith on a personal relationship with God not a silly ghost story.

2006-07-27 02:54:24 · answer #11 · answered by djmantx 7 · 2 0

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