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Can anyone, using scientific reasoning, explain the belief of the existance of God? That is, the reason as to why humans create an image of a superior deity to explain the unknowns of the world, and whether it is likely to be true.

2006-07-27 02:08:39 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I don't want prove of God existing, but an answer as to why humans resort to a superior deity as an explaination for the unknown.

2006-07-27 02:15:01 · update #1

28 answers

Nobody can. It's all about Faith. I don't believe in God by the way, but if someone wants to have faith then good for them.

2006-07-27 02:11:40 · answer #1 · answered by matt2002 2 · 0 2

People who are riding the fence better soon take a stand. I will not attempt to prove or disprove. I will say, Don't you watch the news, read the news and see what is happening in this world? Are people being like the bird that sticks their head in the sand and lets their butt stick out? Didn't you read that the second in command wants a Jihad from Spain to Israel? Didn't you read that militants was heading to Israel from Iran? Where is everyone? There is going to be a war, if these things keep up the likes of mankind will not believe. It is nice to sit and describe these theories I guess, but the one thing I do want to tell you, if you are a Christian, be prepared for what is coming, if you are an Atheist be prepared for what is coming. We together are considered infedels. The petty differences will not make a difference in the near future. Read the news and keep up with what is going on. No matter where you live, do you honestly think you are safe? Christians attack no one. Consider that. Chrisitans want peace and love, consider that. Open your eyes and look around, you will see, of course something you don't want to see, the devil's handiwork. It is all done in the name of religion. Do I need to prove that God exists, no. Do you need to prove otherwise, yes. This is with an undeniable proof with no doubt that can lay in anyone's mind. So many seek proof if you can't read the New Testament and judge for yourself, that is fine. It is not required of me to give you the burden of proof. It is required of me to know in whom I believe.

2006-07-27 02:37:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Personally I believe that "God" was invented in a time of ignorance. Similar to Greeek/Roman Mythology times of when things couldn't be explain, a "God" was invented to explain why something happened. Like the Sun God that carried the sun across the sky in his chariot. They obviously didn't know about our solar system and revolution around the sun. Poseidan was responsible for storms at sea rather than the moon's gravity, hi/low pressure systems and currents.

I also believe that at some point, you humans began thinking that with all our trials and tribulations here on earth... there must be something better out there for us. We can't just die and rot in the ground... we deserve better.

I am a scientist and am on the fence as to God's existence.

2006-07-27 02:20:52 · answer #3 · answered by MadMaxx 5 · 0 0

You are asking for hard proofs of something that is a social science. Social sciences like sociologiy, psychology, anthropology etc. do not have the kind of solid, math-based, experimentally testable structure that sciences like physics, chemistry and biology do. This makes your question impractical.

The belief in dieties is much older than recorded human history. There is evidence that primitive ancestors of modern man (pre-humans) held burial rituals, which strongly suggests a belief in an afterlife and/or a faith.

Throughout recorded history there has always been some kind of belief structure within every society. So the impulse within humanity for religious thought appears to be universal.

The strong similarity between the moral codes of most faiths is also remarkable. They all pretty well contain the Golden Rule: to treat other people the way you want them to treat you. This also suggests this desire is in someway hardwired into us.

For me, as a man of faith, these truths (the innate nature of faith itself and of the Golden Rule) suggest that there is a God of love who imbued us with these qualities. But I recognize that this is merely belief, not proven scientific fact.

That, essentially, is the point. Whether you are talking about the very existence of God himself, or merely about the reasons for the rise and persistence of religion as a phenomenon in human history, you are still talking about things which can only be addressed through belief, not scientific knowledge.

If I believe that the propensity towards faith is an innate quality of humans inspired by divine design and you believe that it is merely a quaint defect in our makeup we are both merely holding and expressing a belief. There is no way to prove either of us correct.

Nor should there be. Having faith means accepting certain truths without requiring proof of them. (Only when these "truths" contradict proven fact does it descend into delusion, in my view.)

2006-07-27 02:27:15 · answer #4 · answered by Rory McRandall 3 · 0 0

pink Eye hits component to it. the subject is unquestionably with the reality interior the bible and the negation of that. that's referred to as a important subject for the Christians. If Evolution is authentic then Adam and Eve isn't good. If Adam and Eve did no longer exist, did no longer eat an apple and get booted out of paradise then the unique Sin does no longer exist. If there is no unique Sin then there is no choose for customary redemption. which ability no choose for God to have an illegitimate son and have him crucified. which ability no choose for Christians. which ability the top of a three billion dollar a year industry. Do you comprehend now why faith fights against evolution, and why that's quite the Christians that are the main upset with it? that's that easy.

2016-11-03 02:43:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What logic compels you to accept that empirical science has a monopoly on proof concerning objective reality?

If we use empirical science as a vehicle to understand that which is beyond itself, we will always procure a less then satisfactory result.

As an analogy,it would be like taking a barometer and insisting that the barometer tell you what time it is, and unless the barometer can do this then you refuse to accept that time exists.

The deity form is established to accept worship and service, it is not a material interaction, this system is helping people to revive their relationship with the supreme.

What is unknown to you, is known by others, you must approach a bona-fide spiritual master to understand spiritual science.

There are many learn-ed people who contribute to this forum, who can assist you beyond this platform of non acceptance.

Here is one link, I invite you to seriously pursue your question in detail :Sriman Sankarshan Das Adhikari (sda@backtohome.com)

2006-07-27 17:03:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I guess that we just want something to explain everything, and things we can't explain, we say is a miracle...how we came to be alive for instance....scientists say the big bang theory created earth and proteins evolved into us. But then they are really saying that our life is an accident. I guess people can't emotionally deal with that, so they look to God....even if they don't know whether he exists or not, at least he gives the human life a meaning.

2006-07-27 03:19:56 · answer #7 · answered by Al 2 · 0 0

Why do u believe in a superior diety when it comes to the running of ur state, u place a president or Prime minister and he runs ur state affairs then how can humans believe that the affairs of the entire universe r running wihtout the handling of a being superior than all of us. The proof of his superiorty is evident in his creations,even his lowest creation is better than man's best creation.

2006-07-27 07:48:17 · answer #8 · answered by goraya 1 · 0 0

I personally believe that religious ontologies are made up of a combination of intuitive and counter intuitive claims. That is, some parts of these ontologies confirm intuitive knowledge of God being human enough to relate to us all but other violate other parts of psychological and physical intuitive knowledge. For example abilities to see people's thoughts and feelings and omniscient presense respectively.

Therefore, humans wanting to believe in God is in the same cognitive realm as fantasies except rather than just being a 'catchy mystery' it is given more plausibility through confirmations of intuitive knowledge.

2006-07-27 02:30:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No. God is way beyond Science and the thinking of man. He does not fall under mans microscope. God reveals himself to those he chooses and cannot be recognised by mere flesh and blood. God is available to all who seek him but reveals himself to those who seek him with the correct heart those who recognize there need for him to him he becomes a persoanl rvelation and leaves no doubt what is reality. That is why many chose death rather than denounce Christ because to those that know God He is as real as your earthly father is to you.Have you ever considered why there are so many that believe and would die rather than deny him and whay religion has last for all these thousands of years? While it seems easy for an athiest to proclaim he himself has norevelation so it cannot be real so many would rather die than deny him. The answer is simple he becomes reality to those who have value in him. that is why it is written that many are called and few are chosen.

2006-07-27 02:19:02 · answer #10 · answered by djmantx 7 · 0 0

i cannot give you proof of a god
all i can do is give you proof that suggests and leads to the existence of god
hows that for honesty lol
but my proof is that i have evidence of spirit this evidence leads to the proof of spirit guides and teachers , who speak of a creator
now i cant show you god or give you facts about god
all i have is what i have said so far
it is enough for me as the proof has been personal and first hand
this would not be proof for you however and there lies the problem lol
you would either have to look for this proof first hand for yourself
or take my word for it which we both know would be silly right or you wouldn't be asking a question like this
but anyway i have my proof and would be happy and willing to share thoughts and answer any questions that you may have on that

2006-07-27 02:15:35 · answer #11 · answered by Peace 7 · 0 0

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