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... what they think of it!

No offensive answers please! I am a Christian and need to know if this makes sense for them as well (feel free to give a detailed explanation of why you agree/disagree)


THANK YOU and may God bless you for your input and time!

2006-07-27 00:48:51 · 15 answers · asked by Chellie 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers


What is so remarkable is that these scriptures were written long before the EVOLUTION IDEA was born! They hit right on the dot of the reasons why the world is like it.

It seems like the second one to answer your question, either did not faithfully read all that was written or did not understand the simple English on those verses or he does not want to accept the THE COMMON SENSE in the writing...Don't mind him if he does not want to open his heart for the truth...we love him but we can't force him to humble himself!

Even the simple probability principle redicules the idea of EVOLUTION...what are the chances of life that is so diverse and complex to develop out an explosion?None! Take for example the reproductive system of a woman: How blood clot becomes is a human being with hard bones and soft bones (cartilage) and a network of veins and an amazing level of intelligence and skill of life!

One must really be a fool to fall for the EVOLUTION idea! An honest scientist would tell you that life could not have appeared out of nothing.

Life cannot appear out lifelessness! I mean look at this:

The discovery of living coelacanths in this century electrified the scientific world. A fish that had thought to have died out with the dinosaurs was found alive. The first was taken in 1938 about three miles from the mouth of the Chalumna River, southwest of East London, South Africa. The second was caught in 1952 off Anjouan Island in the Comores Islands, northwest of Madagascar. Another was discovered off Sulawesi, Indonesia in 1998. The Indonesian locals call the coelacanth Rajah Laut, "King of the Sea."

How could the Coelacanth disappear for over 80 million years [ET*] and then turn up alive and well in the twentieth century?

God bless you!

2006-07-27 01:18:40 · answer #1 · answered by Hope Dollar 2 · 2 0

I think the issue here is that you are looking at a book, The Bible, and using passages from that as actual evidence. If you took some science classes you will see that scientists have many theories which they have backed up with all kinds of evidence to suggest an alternative point of view.

When you actually read all of the Biblical accounts of creation it becomes clear that it doesn't make any sense. There is talk about God creating plants before He created light (which plants need to live). There is talk about the sky being a solid structure. There is discussion that the stars are merely lights placed into the solid sky to light up at night (like candles). The Bible also explains that the earth is fixed on foundations which God rocks to make earthquakes. Rain is apparently caused when God opens windows in Heaven.

If you objectively read the entire account of creation according to the Bible it becomes abundantly clear that the Bible is merely the work of primitive man that did not understand how the world works.

So I read your link, and it is nothing more than a fundamentalists view that the world was literally created in a week about 6,000 years or so ago. Such nonsense has already been proven completely impossible. The only people who believe otherwise are those too narrow minded or ignorant to understand alternative viewpoints and scientific evidence.

2006-07-27 01:04:08 · answer #2 · answered by ZCT 7 · 0 0

Honey Thanks for your sincere question. It is obvious that you are a kind person who wants to try to help others. I took the time to read what you ask me to read. Please take the time to read my reply.

Understand that many of the People who do not believe the things that are talked about at the link that you provided, have come to the conclusions that they have after years of study, prayer and countless hours of contemplation about these things. They are not confused, being mislead or any of the things that are being said about them by the people who promote these ideas.

A great number of them are some of the most intelligent people you will ever meet. They are very spiritual and often have an amazing and unshakeable faith in God. A far greater faith I might add than those who teach nonsense about a judgmental God who would allow punishment. These people often care so much about God and their faith that they have become self taught religious scholars, who can speak at great length about the parallel teachings of the world’s religions. These people do not need to be saved; they need to be listened to.

They will usually tell you a very different story from the one organized religion tells us. They speak of an unconditionally loving God that they have finally found by their ceaseless attempts to find the truth. A god that loves each and every one of us exactly the way that we are. A God that has never had a single thought of any hint of imperfection on our part. A God that has no silly thoughts of Judgment or punishment or revenge disguised as justice.

These ideas may not seem to sound like the truth to you, but this is for a very good reason. If you have been told a lie about something your whole life, when you hear the truth it can be difficult to understand because it sounds so unlike the lie you have grown accustom to.

I was raised catholic. I attended their mass 6 days a week for 9 years. Studied their religious teachings for yet another hour each day. On my own I have studied Buddhist teaching rather extensively. I also studied Confucian thought, Zen wisdom, The Bhagavad gita and other Vedic texts. The bible and the many different Gnostic texts that never made it into the bible. The Dead Sea scrolls and The Nag Hammadi works. I have actually probably forgotten more than I can remember. I’m not trying to impress you, with all of this. Just trying to make the point that I take this very seriously. After nearly 60 years of careful consideration I have come to the conclusion that most of what organized religion teaches about God, creation, and the after life is simple nonsense. It is as though religion has set its self up as the worldly authority of something that it knows almost nothing about, God, spirituality, and the afterlife.

The only way these false ideas of A judgmental God have survived this long is because of the practice of indoctrinating young children with these false Ideas when they are to young to consider the validity of these ideas from a basis of logic. These children are then given no choice in the matter, it is essentially believe this or burn in hell.

Not really much of an option is it. If these teachings were actually true would they need to be guarded so carefully with threats of hellfire and eternal damnation? Not likely.

If you would like to discuss this further you may contact me directly at hoover-d@sbcglobal.net . I would be nice to correspond with someone as considerate of the feelings of others as you obviously are. If you wold rather not I can understand your reluctance.

Love and blessings
Your brother

2006-07-27 01:54:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi Chellie .
As a christian the first place that we should turn to for guidance is the Bible. What the article said was referenced by the scriptures. Man was created by God and God is the head and sovereign ruler over mankind. We should let him be our guiding force in everything that we do. My only problem with the article is that it claims that the soul is indestructible. God the Almighty has the power to create and destroy, so if he chooses to destroy someones soul then it cannot be said to be indestructible

2006-07-27 01:08:11 · answer #4 · answered by thebridge 1 · 0 0

as a non christian i hope you don't take offence please but thought i would offer my thoughts on it
i do not doubt that there is a creator , yet i do feel that we cannot ignore science and call it a lie
when we are given facts and shown evidence
now i think its wonderful that you have a book with great teachings that helps throughout your life
i have read the bible many times and took much from it
however i do not think men of science are lying to us , and yes some of it is still in theory but some is backed with great evidence
i try to incorporate belief in a creator and in science and feel it can be done
although this would mean that not everything given in the bible is absolute , but it does not take the meaning of the bible away if the bible is good teachings that promote a creator and speak of a great teacher such as Jesus
just my thoughts as i said and no offence meant xx

2006-07-27 01:04:17 · answer #5 · answered by Peace 7 · 0 0

I believe what it says. God did create the things around us, visible and the invisible things which we can't see. That is why in one of my answers that I said look around and you'll see God. (in the creation). If man was right in his relationship with God, we wouldn't have problems. This is why I look forward to the 1000 year reign.
When left to themselves, man will sink down deep and have every imagination. This is what happened. Imagine if there weren't any Christians...I wouldn't want to be around.

2006-07-27 01:03:34 · answer #6 · answered by RB 7 · 0 0

I too am a christian and this article is very true . GOD did create the heaven and earth . If you believe anything else you are not a Christian. aand GOD bless you too

2006-07-27 00:56:46 · answer #7 · answered by brian 2 · 0 0

I have to factor out that Dr. Lafave is a exceptional professor and also you could be doing each your self and her a want in the event you could simply placed within the miniscule period of time required to learn the tale as a substitute than dicking round on the net. Unbelievable.

2016-08-28 17:08:07 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I just read it and I applaud you for printing it. I know there will be much hate your way but good for you for standing by your beliefs. God Bless you in Jesus name.

2006-07-27 00:57:02 · answer #9 · answered by Theresa Rose 2 · 0 0

Creation and Evolution are not opposing theories.
The can both be true at the same time.

God made man........ he did NOT say how.

2006-07-27 03:56:33 · answer #10 · answered by Alexander Shannon 5 · 0 0

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