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Of course!

Here is a major scientist who saw the light! Will you even see what he has to say?

He was the youngest child having three older brothers. He and his brothers were homeschooled on a farm in Virginia. He is married and has two daughters from a previous marriage. His parents were "only nominally Christian" and by graduate school he was an "obnoxious atheist." However, dealing with dying patients led him to question his religious views, and he investigated various faiths. He became a Christian after reading Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis, and he now delivers lectures at churches concerning Lewis. He considers scientific discoveries an "opportunity to worship". His book,The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief was published in July 2006.



2006-07-25 17:45:31 · 17 answers · asked by happymrzot 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

Here's my answer for that absurdly complex question: I like your wig.

2006-07-25 17:51:02 · answer #1 · answered by bionicRod 3 · 0 1

Like the good doctor in this tale there was one great physist James Jeans. He had been knighted for his significant contribution fo physics. Now the atomic theory of particles has been well-established. While measuring the movements of the electrons that male i[ tje protons certain irregularities were observed. At the good doctor in the questioner tale had been affected by the suffering of the patients. There was no such predicament before Sir James Jeans and he was a confirmed atjeost/. However, the irregularity of the movements of the sub-atomic particles so upset him that he joined his voice with the atheists who hold that the universe is moved by god. To lend a scientific semblance to his belief Sir James said that it was God who was sitting at the centre and contrplling the movements of the world from there. When Albert Aeinstein heard this he dryly remarked that here James had ceased to be scientist and has become a poet. Same is the case with the good doctor in our story. In fact we cannot blame such simple soul(no spiritrual sense meant) because they are too weak to break away from the traditional thinking and atr the first opportunity change campsAn atheist has to be a single-minded individual focussing his gaze on the midday sun not winking for a moment.He is a realist and believes in the evolution of world according to laws of physics and will go on like this in futrure also.He appreciates that the end of the giant dinosaurs came strictly on account of some incidents in the physical world. It was not a case of an angry god striking down the giants with either the vajra of Indra or lightening of
Zeus. He has quite an open mind and does not count out the possibility that this world which started with a big bang may end into a pitiable whimper. But that would be strictly according to laws of physics and not the moods of some celestial tyrant.In fact the firm adherence to development according to laws of physics is incontrovertible evidence of the everlalsting faith of scientists.is a positive hope unsullied by any belief in some mallleable god who may make everything cypher according to his whims. He does not believe that not even a million offerings to god could change the laws physicsin favour of or against.The jagguernaut of evolution will go on majestically like a royal elephant ignoring the dogs barking by wayside.The theists are like the frogs in Aesop's TalesThey pump in all sorts of powers inthe divine so that ultimately it is crushed under its own weight.

2006-07-26 01:31:15 · answer #2 · answered by Prabhakar G 6 · 0 0

Of course it is assuming atheists are wrong... And why would it be wrong to assume that atheists are wrong...? Someone has to be right, which means the other has to be wrong... Both cannot be right. But how do we decide who is right...? When a jury weighs the evidence, they listen to both the prosecutor, and the defense attorney, to the witnesses, and then they come to a decision. None of them were there when the crime occurred, but they must come to a decision which could put a man to death or set him/her free...

Likewise, you must listen to both sides, listen to the witnesses, and you "must" come to a decision. And just as it behooves the jury to search out the matter carefully, you must do likewise! Can a jury be lazy and just listen to heresay or let movies like Da Vinci Code make the decision and then put an innocent man to death or even set a criminal free? God forbid!

But in this court, the accused is you, facing possibility of eternal death, and you are your own jury. And the witnesses are the Christians on one side, and I suppose the atheists on the other side...

My question to you is, "do you have ALL the facts"?

And my testimony to you is... it is not like "one cannot really tell...", or "there is equal evidence for both", or "it's just a matter of blind faith".

There is only "one" possible conclusion when you have "ALL" the evidence, friend...

2006-07-26 00:58:42 · answer #3 · answered by Mr E 1 · 0 0

Hmmm... C. S. Lewis. The writer who says he hates children, and then decides he likes them later and writes a goofy series of books about Jesus being a lion and the Devil being a white snowy witch.

Atheism does not disclude belief in God. Atheism says that God is not a person, that's all. And no real Christian should see God as being a person anyway. It's a silly idea. God is a spirit, Jesus says.

2006-07-26 00:55:05 · answer #4 · answered by Beorh House 6 · 0 0

wel lthats nice for the scientist. i find it amusing that you dont seem to know his name (lowers the credibility of your claim) although i have heard the story before.

im glad for the scientist. the problkem is is that the vast majority of scientists choose the atheist/agnostic side. interestingly i reccomend The Case Against God EDIT: BY GEORGE H SMITH, alhough i strongly doubt you or anyone reading this wil lever read it, i doubt even more that if you do purchase the book youll understand it.

unfortunately (for you) the story of a single scientist going christian doesent in any way validate your claims that god exists. as a matter of fact atheists become christians every day. and christians become atheists every day. so i doubt that a single scientist (who by thje way wasnt an atheist, he was a catholic gone agnostic, the story of him being atheist wasnt true) turning to religion assists your position in any way.

nice try though!

2006-07-26 00:47:09 · answer #5 · answered by johnny_zondo 6 · 0 0

A farm boy that got desperate when he lost his parents. Super.

Looks like he flip flopped a bit

Lewis said there are three options:
Jesus was telling falsehoods and knew it, and so he was a liar.
Jesus was telling falsehoods but believed he was telling the truth, and so he was insane.
Jesus was telling the truth, and so he was divine.

"I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about him: I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God."
-Clive Staples Lewis

2006-07-26 00:47:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

are you SUCH a good person that you are really trying to save my soul?

Or, are you just trying to add more to your list of good deeds so you can go to heaven..

OR - are you just trying to make everyone JUST LIKE YOU, so you can push your lifestyle on everyone Else.

Cause guess what..... most of us - dint want to be saved.

And even more of us - dint want YOU to be the one to do it.

If God was watching, where was he during the holocaust?

Did he let it happen because the Jews dint accept Jesus?

What about the crisis in Darfur. Whats the problem - god wont help because they dint accept jesus either?

here's the REAL answer - sorry buddy - no father figure is watching over us. Get over it. Move on.

2006-07-26 00:51:47 · answer #7 · answered by oneakmusic 2 · 0 0

What has he got to say that hasn't been said 1000 times before?
We ( atheists) are not the way we are because we've never heard what someone has to say or because we just don't understand what it is you (Christians) are talking about....we've listened, we've read, hell, some of us even went to church to hear and see and after all of that we can came to one conclusion. Our conclusion doesn't agree with yours but that doesn't mean it's wrong.
It's our opinion and we have every right to it, as you do yours.
Deal with it!!

2006-07-26 00:58:18 · answer #8 · answered by Chatty 5 · 0 0

There is hope for all of us only until up to a certain point. After the Book of Life and Death are closed, there is no more hope.

2006-07-26 00:50:21 · answer #9 · answered by Sushiboy 2 · 0 0

Sure. The problem is you guys are beyond hope. While we'll chase women you'll fight a religious war because your ayatollah or priest or rabi told you is god's will hahahaha

2006-07-26 00:56:13 · answer #10 · answered by lazioeterna 1 · 0 0

Not all atheists are as weak minded as C. S. Lewis.

2006-07-26 00:48:18 · answer #11 · answered by lenny 7 · 0 0

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