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im so confuse, the things around me, don't let me grow as much as i can, how can i be happy from inside to outside???

2006-07-23 14:54:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

4 answers

We are where we are in life in large part due to the choices we have made, good or bad. I have decided to start making good choices, and thus good memories, and hopefully, I'll be in a better place after a while.

There is some silly poem out there about happiness being like a butterfly. If you try to chase a butterfly to catch it, it's very difficult, because they fly all over the place like they're drunk or something. But if you just sit down and relax and forget about the butterfly, it may just come and land on your shoulder.

I know - GAG! But it would seem to be true.

2006-07-23 15:10:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The world is moving faster than ever, people have no time to care for others, everything involve in money, people like you and me confused, but it's true that we need to change to face the present situation, that's take it easy and move on..

2006-07-23 22:20:13 · answer #2 · answered by Drone 7 · 0 0

Welcome to my life honey, lol... you are certainly not alone. Eveyone has their ups & downs, that's just life. But it's also entirely up to you how you should lead/ live your life.
Whether it be a bed of roses or a bed of thorns. Happiness is a state of mind. If you want to be happy for you, as selfish as that may sound... you NEED to want it first.
You certainly can't feel better unless you take that first step forward. So it's all up to you.
Best of Luck!

2006-07-23 22:01:00 · answer #3 · answered by ViRg() 6 · 0 0

There is a book by David Burns MD. called feeling good. It helped me allot. It is about cognitive therapy. Change the way your thinking change the way you feel kind of a thing.

2006-07-23 22:00:27 · answer #4 · answered by James L 2 · 0 0

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