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in the bible it says that if u don't believe in Jesus the u will go to hell???????????????????

2006-07-22 22:58:49 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

Okay, if you don't believe in Jesus how can you go to hell? just a quick question but If you don't believe in Christianity how can you believe in the afterlife involved with it? check ya later ♥

2006-07-22 23:02:55 · answer #1 · answered by ♥ The One You Love To Hate♥ 7 · 0 0

"Human beings always suffer the consequences of their errors. There is no violations of God's Laws that doesn't bring about a fitting penalty.
How severe the penalty is depends on the seriousness of the violation.
The length of a penatly is not definite; rather, it is subordinate to the wrongdoer's contrition and subsequent desire to right his life. The punishment last only as long as the person remains on the wrong path. Only if the individual persisted on the wrong path forever would the punishment be eternal; likewise, an early show of remorse makes for a short correction.
From the moment the wrongdoer cries for mercy, God listens and encourages hope. But repentance by itself isn't enough. The wrondoer must also make amends. This is why he or she will be granted new opportunities in which, out of their free will, they will be able to do good to make up for the wrong that was done.
In this way we are the sole arbiters of our destiny. We can shorten our suffering, or prolong it indefinitely. Our happiness or unhappiness depends ON OUR WILL TO DO GOOD.
This is the Law, the unchanging law that affirms the Goodness and Justice of God.
Stray and suffering spirits can always redeem themselves, because the Law prescribes the conditions under which redemption becomes possible. In many cases, what these spirits lack is will power, the strength, and the courage to do what needs to be done. Consequently, if our prayers inspire the will to change, if they encourage and sustain, if they help enlighten these souls who are still in the dark, these prayers, far from constituting mere pleas for God to revoke this or that law, turn us into accessories to the law of love and compassion. In allowing this to happen, God permits us to express the kindness of our hearts."

2006-07-22 23:33:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jesus is the way and the truth and the life and only through Him can you get to the Father who is in heaven. What's so hard to understand about that. Seems pretty simple to me. So yes if you don't believe in Jesus you will go to hell to spend all eternity.

2006-07-22 23:59:04 · answer #3 · answered by racam_us 4 · 0 0

I believe the bible says we may enter into paradise, by grace
"lest any man boast" I never read anywhere we are condemned to hell for not believing in JESUS. Please tell me where you read this?. I am a Christian,I do believe in JESUS,I believe he has worked many miracles in my life! I am far from perfect, I do not know if I am worthy of heaven,also I am not supposed to judge
but my feeling is I do not belong in the same hell as Hilter,Saddam Hussein,Jack the ripper and so on.

2006-07-22 23:45:48 · answer #4 · answered by gwhiz1052 7 · 0 0

The bible makes alot of outrageous claims...

In genesis, god made adam and eve at the same time, but then 2 chapters later, made adam, and made eve from his rib when adam got lonely.

It says that god told adam on the day he ate of the tree of knowledge he would die. It then says he lived about 900 more years. (coincidentally, the serpent told him he wouldn't die if he ate it...does that mean god lied and the devil told the truth?)

The bible says that an old man built a giant boat, and put a male and female of everything of the species into it...and then put them back to where they were supposed to go.

The bible claims that the egyptians held hebrew slaves and that an old man led them thru a desert for 40 years. (there isn't a single shred of evidence of either happening)

The bible says "thou shalt not kill" and yet has an angry (yet ALL LOVING) god kill the first born son of everyone who doesn't believe in him. On this same topic, a god who doesn't want you to kill, really shouldn't have encouraged a young boy to kill his brother, all because his sacrifice wasn't a blood sacrifice.

The bible also says that one man got nailed to a cross (proven to be physically impossible as described), died, and came BACK TO LIFE 3 days later...ok, they found an empty tomb. Did someone check it each day? Why was a church in France excommunicated for showing the resurrection happening at night?

It also says that you must follow the 10 commandments or go to hell, and then later says you only have to accept Jesus as your savior...make up my mind, which is it?
I could tell you that the flying monkeys in The Wizard of Oz are real...doesn't make it true.

2006-07-22 23:08:03 · answer #5 · answered by Bill K Atheist Goodfella 6 · 0 0

no the bible says that if you do not ask for forgivness of your sins from Jesus you are going to Hell (and you have to mean it)

it is possible to believe in jesus but just not care and still sin
and therefore go to Hell

2006-07-22 23:05:24 · answer #6 · answered by wisconbballgurl 2 · 0 0

if u dont have faith and fail to obey the 10 commandments without asking for forgiveness or not feeling sorry for what you did you will probably wont go to heaven. But then again its all what you believe - cause there are so many religions and so it is hard to say what will u go to heaven and what will make u go to hell. I guess the only way to find out the truth is to die but that should be left for many years to come.
Some questions are best left unanswered!

2006-07-22 23:03:14 · answer #7 · answered by Sammie 2 · 0 0

That's what it says and I'd rather be safe than sorry! But I do believe in Jesus ...too many scientific facts to prove the bible is real.....so gotta go with it!! Plus I know I'm going to heaven ! Hope to see yall there ;0)

2006-07-22 23:03:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The bible also says he turned water into wine, Moses parted the sea, Noah packed all the animals into a boat, etc., etc...

The Bible is full of nice stories, meant to frighten the small minded; if there is a God, it is not what this book purports.

I believe the afterlife is what you want it to be; think about your dreams, especially the important ones, that will give you an idea.

2006-07-22 23:03:19 · answer #9 · answered by taishar68 2 · 0 0

Lets get that part right, "For God [the father] "SO" Loved the world [that means you] that He gave [and Jesus gave Himself He was not forced] so IF YOU BE-LIVE in Him you will not perish but have everlasting life," "IF you love me keep my commandments" God is saying if you be-live Him enough to do what He says you will go to heaven with Him, if not you won't love Him enough to be there but the choice is NOT GOD'S its YOURS, also don't forget the seventh day sabbath, which by the way is Saturday, The SEVENTH DAY is the Sabbath, Jesus kept the Sabbath, and His deciples long after Jesus went back to heaven, in fact there is NOT ONE verse saying to keep sunday, and God is the only one that can make a day Holy, where does it say sunday is holy and how can you keep a day that God did not make Holy.

2006-07-22 23:05:39 · answer #10 · answered by wgr88 6 · 0 0

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