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40 answers

I believe they are all the truth, along with some others as well.

Best wishes.

2006-07-22 22:22:29 · answer #1 · answered by K M 3 · 0 1

Killing is wrong in all these religions. Any deviation from this 'truth' is wrong.

The religions have double standards if you are a christian in America you may believe capital punishment is just fine but that is part of the double standards.

You will find true/real groups in all these religions and it is I believe our duty to find uncompromising brothers as part of our spiritual journey.

It has been said though if you find the perfect brothers don't join them or you will ruin them. But this is only a picture of how corrupt human nature really is.

So the real question is our the religions living the truth or compromising.

Another problem is the 'morally horizontal' person, he is unable to stand up against compromise, he sits it out to avoid doing the right thing. If this person was not in these religions all the great errors of the major faiths would not have occurred, and perhaps this question would not need to be asked

2006-07-22 22:48:47 · answer #2 · answered by j_emmans 6 · 0 0

The early Christian Church was considered to be a sect of Judaism. All the very early church was made up of Jews.
Most of the Jews today reject Jesus, so current Judaism declares that it is still waiting for its Messiah. The Bible talks of the moment when the Jews will realize that Jesus was their Messiah. It is when they will see him and "morn as for an only son." Paul writes of this day when he says "all Israel will be saved". The Jews of today are "blinded in part" but more and more are coming to Christ. All Jews should do the research because there are so many prophecies concerning their Messiah and Jesus (Yeshua) fulfilled them all.
Islam was started by a man who thought that he could please both Jews and Christians by taking some of both teachings and starting his own religion. Both Jews and Christians rejected the teachings of Mohammad and because of this he turned to a policy of violent conversion. Islam teaches hate to anyone who does not accept it (does this sound like a religion of truth?). The word Islam means submission. When we talk of Islamic Fundamentalist we are only talking about one who believes in the the fundamentals of Islam. If you run across a Islamic person who has friends that are Christians or Jews then he is not following the fundamental teachings of his religion.

2006-07-22 22:45:10 · answer #3 · answered by J-Artist 2 · 0 0

Since they all claim to be Monotheist, first of all, you have to establish what Monotheism is. Monotheism is the belief in the oneness of God. God is one, single, indivisible, unique, one of a kind, never changing, all powerful, all knowing, and he is without a beginning or an end. That is the core belief. Secondly, you have to establish which of the three still has the scriptures intact and secured because without the “documentation”, i.e., the scriptures, you don’t have a leg to stand on.

Is Judaism truly a monotheistic faith? Yes, it is, just consider the verses “1 Chronicles 17:20”, “Deuteronomy 6:4”, “Isaiah 44:6”. Jews are strictly monotheistic in their religious affairs. Their core belief is that God is one, does not have a beginning or an end, he is all knowing, and all powerful and no one competes with him.

Is Christianity truly a monotheistic faith? Not really. Well, they say it is, but they also believe in the “Doctrine of Trinity”. Trinity is not in agreement with Monotheism, please read at the very top what monotheism is. Trinity designates a three-in-one composition of God. It states that The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are the same one being that is our God. In essence, Jesus and the Father is the same thing. Hence Jesus is God. If this is true then when the Father sacrificed His Son, did He kill Himself? After all, Jesus is the same God, right. Or did he kill a third of himself (trinity, get it)? But then the Christians say that Jesus is the Son of God actually. Now does that mean he is half a god, or is he a god in addition to the Father? After all how can one kill the other unless the one is separate from the other? We will also hear that when Jesus died he simply went back and, in a sense, merged back into the Father. If this is true then why Jesus would say “I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will but the will of the Father which has sent me." (John 5:30)”. This shows that Jesus is subordinate to the Father and he was sent by the Father, like a Prophet. And what about John 14:28: "My Father is greater than I”. Isn’t Jesus clearly saying he and the Father are not the same being? In a nutshell, when you try to defend Trinity, you cannot defend monotheism and when you try to defend monotheism you have to let go of the Doctrine of Trinity. Since Trinity and modern Christianity are inseparable, you cannot define Christianity as truly monotheistic.

Is Islam truly a monotheistic faith? Yes, it is. Just consider the following:
Quran 112 “Say, He is God the One God, the Everlasting Refuge, who has not begotten, nor has been begotten, and equal to Him is not anyone." And again it says in the verse in Quran 2:225 "There is no god but He, the Living, the Everlasting. Slumber seizes Him not, neither sleep; to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. Who is there that shall intercede with Him save by His leave? He knows what lies before them and what is after them, and they comprehend not anything of His knowledge save such as He wills. His throne comprises the heavens and earth; the preserving of them oppresses Him not; He is the All-High, the All-Glorious."

Just as Judaism, Islam is very clear on monotheism. Question is who’s got the original text still intact. The Christian and the Jewish Bibles are translations of the original. And not just that, the translations have been translated and then further translations have been made from those translations. The original text is lost. Where is the actual Aramaic text of the words that Jesus spoke? Where is the original Torah that was handed to Moses or the immediate copy of the original text?

Islam is the only religion that still has the original text (in the old Arabic) that was revealed to Mohammad and then transmitted to his companions. Even God says in the Quran 15:9: “We have, without doubt, sent down the Message (Quran); and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)”. How has this been possible? First of all, the Quran was revealed to the prophet Mohammed over 23 years by arch angel Gabriel. It was memorized by the Prophet, dictated to scribes, and memorized by several memorizers. Every year, during the month of Ramadan, the entire Quran (whatever had been reveal by that time) was reviewed by the Prophet, verified by the scribes and the memorizers. Additionally, every year new memorizers were added to the group who had memorized the entire Quran during the year. Once the Quran was complete, the practice of reading the entire Quran in the month of Ramadan continued. Also, the practice of memorizing the entire Quran also continued. After the death of the Prophet, the Quran was compiled into a single book by a committee of the original scribes and memorizers. From that copy other copies were made with the help of the original scribes and memorizers and distributed among world capitals of that time. A few copies have survived to this day. There is one in Turkey and one in Tashkent, to name a few. And by the way, the practice of reading the entire Quran in the month of Ramadan and also memorizing the entire Quran by memorizers still continues. Millions have memorized the entire Quran. Every year, during the month of Ramadan, during prayers all over the world, the Quran is recited in its entirety by memorizers and heard and read by millions. So, even if you burn every copy of the Quran in the world, we can recreate it very quickly. In essence, God has kept his word; he is protecting his Quran (Quran 15:9).

And that is why Islam is the only real monotheist religion. All others may have been true in the beginning, but now have lost their “originality”. People can misinterpret the meaning of the Quran but since we have the original we can always return to the original.

2006-07-24 13:39:53 · answer #4 · answered by Whatever 3 · 0 0

The truth is Monotheism. There is only ONE GOD. Not 2, 3 or more.

This is the truth. A small school cant exist on 2 principals. Any organization has ONE final Authority. Therefore how can the entire universe be run by 2, Trinity or more GODs???

Then, the next truth is GOD is imageless. GOD cant be compared with anything on earth. GOD cant have wife and kids. If GOD can have wife and kids and still be called GOD then we all are GODs.

The final truth is that any religion that asks you to submit yourself to GOD is 'The Real Truth'. There can be no Law greater than the Law of 'The Creater'.

Apply the 3 principals and you get Islam. Which believes in Monotheism, doesnt give any image to GOD and asks its followers to submit their will (wholeheartedly) to GOD.

2006-07-22 22:30:43 · answer #5 · answered by flameslivewire 3 · 0 0

udaism would have been the truth had there been no Jesus Christ. They follow the Old Testament in an attempt to only follow God, but Jesus Christ is mentioned often in the Old Testament. Jesus Christ came along and there was Christianity. Because Judaism was first and its teachings reveal Christ, Christianity is the truth. There was not need for Islam because when Jesus Resurrected, it was finished...so there was no need for anyone to right the Islamic religion...It was finished...When Jesus returns, it will be the end of this world....

2006-07-22 22:33:49 · answer #6 · answered by Crazy lady 3 · 0 0

I've looked at all and studied them as I'm really very interested in other beliefs......and if you really study them... its quite funny really but they are all appearing to state the same thing... which is why I don't understand all of the conflict.....

The only thing they all seem to disagree with the worship of "false idols" such as in Hinduism....

I do believe that religion doesn't cause war, its man's own doing.... if there were no religion, we would simply find something else to fight about.... eye colour, skin colour and so on....

At the end of the day, we all have to find our own truth no matter what colour or religion we are, that truth is to find a little piece of God in each of us which enables us to do the right thing always.... be tolerant and embrace diversity and not surpress it.

Yes these holy books can guide us, but they are not an instruction manual, ultimately its up to us to do the right thing which is how I live my life.... I was born a muslim to an asian father and christian mother.... I follow no religion now but I try and be kind and considerate to others, not always an easy task in today's world though... but that is a test for my character.... is it a test from God.... who knows?

2006-07-22 22:31:03 · answer #7 · answered by Violent and bored 4 · 1 0

Like coins balanced on the rim of a cup, the religions are the coins, the cup represents the "truth." Not all the coins are balanced, some are falling in, some are falling out.

The part of the coin that resides inside the circle which is the rim of the cup, is equal to where all the religions agree. The outside part of the coin represents where they disagree.

So find the points where they all agree, and you are close to the truth. Get too hung up on the points where they don't agree, and you will be at war in no time!


2006-07-24 19:06:51 · answer #8 · answered by onebeeswax 3 · 0 0

well the religions came about in that order, so islam should be the truest as it was the final word of god. to strengthen this point, there's the fact that the bible has been altered a great deal so much of the truth in it has been lost (sorry i don't know much about the torah so can't comment on it), but the quran is still in its original form so you could try reading that. beware though, because some translations of it are inaccurate and give out the wrong meaning.

2006-07-23 08:15:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can't probably expect us to give you an unified answer. This matter is completely subjective and obviously one's religion is the right for HIM.

I find Judaism the most beautiful and fascinating religion. You may say my opinion is not quite objective, since I was born and raised as a Jew, but I've done some researches of my own and that is the right choice for me.

2006-07-22 22:51:48 · answer #10 · answered by yotg 6 · 0 0

Judaism was first and was God-given to the Jews. With Jesus, Christianity was born and built upon the beliefs of the Jews. Then Mohammed came along and wanted to create a religion of his own so he could have power and money.....he stole ideas from Judaism, Christianity, and the Saudi's religion of meteor worshipping and combined them to make Islam.

I think that qualifies the first 2 as real and the 3rd as a rip-off....

2006-07-22 22:26:13 · answer #11 · answered by gracefully_saved 5 · 1 1

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