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Ofcourse peace and diplomatic ways are the best but if all people are not in the same wave lenght as you are , wars will happen. Should government also try to bring the diferences with other means with short term deals as well as long term education. Is war inevitable any how ?

2006-07-22 22:12:49 · 16 answers · asked by fedup 3 in Politics & Government Military

16 answers

War becomes inevitable when all peace talks fail. At times war is the only solution to certain problems such as global terrorism actively engineered by cross border groups with support from the government.

2006-07-22 22:18:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Of course wars are avoidable.

We avoid them all the time. Perhaps that is good or bad. We need to start getting real news and stories of what happens in places.

Ruwanda vs. Mid-East ... Ruwanda was a human tragedy. It is terrible that we cannot do something to stop usophisticated weapons and engage the problem to stop this. Would this be a war or humanitarian engagement?

I do know that we need to be careful what we support monetarily and otherwise. If aid is given to a country but is hijacked by powerful people doing terrible things, we are supporting the problem.

As for the middle east. Third in importance topic, the UN and the Israeli / Palestinion conflict? The UN is corrupt and ineffective - listen to the debates sometime - complete sick nonsense.You can go back hundreds of years and justify Israeli / Palestine conflicts and local Arab conflicts. In current time, according to the UN, Hezbollah should be disarmed already.

Second topic, Israel has given up lands it has taken over in it's recent war. Arabs and Muslems exist in peace in Israel. The Palestinians, Lebanese, and Iranians for that matter, are being used by people who require schools to teach desperate people that hatred against someone in the form of killing, suicide bombing and wiping Israel off the face of the earth is the only answer. I do not believe that these people are born any more terrible than any US or European or Asian child. I guess weapons are a problem, but would not be used if the terrible deception of hate being taught to those kids did not exist. Here is where the UN and world community should take a stand.

Most important to the US led conflicts is the same problem. When freedom of religion / ideas allows people to actively promote killing the infidels, the world community has to say no. Whether wat as we have acted is appropriate I am not sure. Does this have to be stopped? Yes - It takes a lot of people to work together and do well for each other. It only takes a few to be terribly harmful. I believe the few is holding back an entire region, largely to protect a few powerful oil rich so called religious "barrens" to stay in control.

War avoidable - usually and hopefully yes. Will war come to us if we allow Ruwanda (purely evil actions) and purely evil speech to influence generations of people? Allow the above, and war becomes unavoidable. Hitler spoke and showed what he would do long before the world was forced into war. Perhaps we should listen to the speech.

Sorry so short?

2006-07-22 23:59:02 · answer #2 · answered by Ron 1 · 0 0

First off, what do you mean by war. War is just a vague concept made by humans.
Do you mean proxy wars, contained conflicts between states or world wars?

There is a huge misconception that war on the international scale is constant and is always occuring. It just appears to be so because of certain periods of time we live in. However, if war is always constant, how could it explain for large periods of times where there has been no war in this world?
I guess it does seem that war has accelerated a lot in the past 100 years due to new technology. Anyways, if you look at it this way and think war is inevitable, the wars that are fought today are actually a continuum of the First World War, that spawned the second, the cold war, and so on....I'm all for diplomacy, and if we don't end this war now for good, it will inevitably beget another war.

2006-07-22 22:39:41 · answer #3 · answered by Tulip 3 · 0 0

it all comes down to power and power means controlling resources, and that means oil. Would Bush be in Iraq if there was no oil, of course not. Look at the Rwandan tragady where millions of people were hacked to pieces bymachetes, the UN were pulled out and all becuase the states decided it not want to get involved.
War will also happen if you try to force changes on it that it is not ready for. Iraq is not ready for democracy, they need to find their own way there even though it will continue to be painful.
As resources dwindle, war will happen more. Soon the next big wars will be over fresh water.

2006-07-22 22:20:41 · answer #4 · answered by Bryn H 2 · 0 0

My feeling is, as long as there are bad people and there are good people willing to do something to stop them, there will always be war. Most governments do try to use peaceful means to preclude conflicts, but look at history. Tyrants like Hitler, Saddam, and all the others simply don't care what other governments do or say. Then there's the United Nations who seem ineffective at best and useless at worst.

'nuff said?

2006-07-22 22:44:22 · answer #5 · answered by Mr. Peachy® 7 · 0 0

As long as countries and governments don't STOP making ammunition, selling then buying - war will always be here. Declaring war on another country should be a crime! Whatever the reasons! Can't these people just sit down in a padded room and fight it out there instead of getting innocents killed in the crossfire? ENOUGH WAR!!!!!

2006-07-22 22:18:05 · answer #6 · answered by Equinox 6 · 0 0

Are you asking about techniques to do analyze for a classification? if you're arguing that warfare is inevitable, analyze "realism," the ideology. truly the concept that guy is evidently self fascinated and that wars are inevitable. there are a range of arguments on the concern so that you received't have a difficulty looking what you favor.

2016-12-10 14:02:17 · answer #7 · answered by mijarez 4 · 0 0

War is inevitable. When diplomacy fails, war begins. When common ground cannot be found, wars begin. There are many reasons for war: power, control, territory, religion, ideology, revenge, provokation, change, and so on. As long as there are people differing points of view who are willing to fight it out to make their case, there is war. As long as someone dislikes something about somebody or something and wants to take action, there is war. Fighting is basically the first of man's instincts, first beginning with the fight for survival. When each fight is won, a new one begins, and then another, and another, until something or somebody puts an end to it. Look at history: Alexanders fight for conquest, Crusades fight for religion and territory, World War II's fight to stop Hitler, America's fight for independence, War on Terror provoked by 9/11, and so on. Even if weapons are abolished, war can be fought. Humans are intelligent enough to develop its own way of creating a weapon. If you think about it, humans themselves are weapons for war.

2006-07-22 22:35:05 · answer #8 · answered by 2-3,2-4,4-3,4-4,3-4,4-2,5-4 3 · 0 0

Yes, as long there are people who hunger for blood and the need to satisfy their ego and ambition!

This goes both way, no difference between the government and the terrorist! They just kill and kill and kill!

Somehow we need to say NO to war even if jail terms are behind it! Killing for your country is still murder!

Can't we all abolish all weapons? Do we really need them? For what to kill each other or to please those who send us out to get kill? Do you ever see the son of a president or a king or anyone up high there get kill in a battlefields in modern days?

They just send us, the lower people and the irony is we pay their salary and vote them into office to get us killed! Sigh

2006-07-22 22:32:10 · answer #9 · answered by Zal I 2 · 0 0

So long as anyone wants to initiate force against another for any reason there will not be peace. This includes forcing someone to give up their hard earned money (taxes), forcing someone to not put certain things in their bodies (drug laws), forcing someone to live by the ways of your religion, etc.

2006-07-24 21:58:47 · answer #10 · answered by e1war 3 · 0 0

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