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This is an honest question. Please, I am not assuming all Christians do but some of the ones I have met do. I have been investigating a few different Churches (Methodist, LDS, Baptist) and they have members that are really great, but then there are also a lot of homophobes. Is Homosexuality a greater sin than the ones Christians commit on a daily basis. Why can some of the old laws of the old testament be considered no longer applicable, but homosexuality is still considered a horrible sin.

It is such a shame that there are Christians out there that are really full of love, then they make themselves out to be an *** because they seem to really take homosexuals as an insult to their beliefs.

2006-07-22 20:23:46 · 30 answers · asked by bluenew 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

30 answers

They don't that's just what homo sexuals focus on.

Anyone that goes to church and hearing preaching on sin that they commit may feel they are being targeted. If you know it's sin and you pruposily do it anyway than there is a serious disconnect between you and God.

If you don't want to change than you need help.

Yes sin is equal homosexual sin is equal to murder, stealing, lust etc.

2006-07-22 20:25:11 · answer #1 · answered by double v 5 · 0 2

From now on, I'm going to call the atheist equivilant to the cross a Logic Stick.

The bible, and all of its counterparts, was written by MEN (granted some of them had really good relationships with imaginary friends, but they're still MEN). Religion has been shown historically to have been created as a set of rules and guidelines to establish society and morals. Some religions made it a point to ban certain foods, because if not stored properly they could cause illness, or even death. Most religions banned homosexuality, and call it a sin, because:
a) they didn't understand it, and therefore feared it.
b) diseases were transmitted thru sex (all sex)
c) it could be used as a tool against other cultures. The romans encouraged sex amongst the men in the army to foster a closer relationship. They were also a pagan religion, therefore, it was easier to claim that they were wrong or sinful when the christians were trying to convert them.
d) on a basic level (and I'm not condemning here) homosexuality is against a species best interest. All species exist to create new life, which frankly, homosexuality can't contribute to.

Taking out the religious aspect, people have a tendency to fear what they don't know or understand. Being friends with a gay person (is that still PC?) won't make you gay...it may make you more tolerant, which regardless of religion, race, or IQ is always a good thing.

Love is a beautiful thing, regardless of who you love. As long as that person is of age, sound mind, and loves back equally, go for it. Besides, the planet is already populated enough as it is...LOL.

2006-07-23 04:08:41 · answer #2 · answered by Bill K Atheist Goodfella 6 · 0 0

Even in the new Testament its a sin. Most Christians stick primarily or completely to the New Testament. This is WHY they are called Christians. The new testament starts with the birth of Christ (thus Christians) If they stuck to all the ways of the old testament, they wouldn't be Christians, they'd be Jews. Christians focus on this because its an OBVIOUS sin. It would sort of be like someone going around and being drunk 100% of the time and in your face about it. To a Christian this would also be detestable. Christians accept the fact that they will almost always be a minority, hated, criticized, persecuted, and the like. It says all these things and more in the Bible. Its even greater for those who truly choose to be a disciple of Jesus and take up his cross daily and do their best to walk with him.

2006-07-23 03:27:01 · answer #3 · answered by bombhaus 4 · 0 0

You seem to honestly want an answer and I want to honestly give you one. But!! It's something that I, having grown up in the church, have thought about a lot. The Bible is against members of the same gender having sex (or sexual relations, to broaden the definition). I don't think churches "focus" on it necessarily. I have never heard a sermon about homosexuality and have never really heard it discussed in church (not from the pulpit, anyway). People shouldn't fantasize about churchgoers having witchhunt meetings against homosexuals. If "Christians" are homophobic, that has less to do with Christianity than their own fears and insecurities.
In the past I had lots of gay friends. I say in the past because it had to do with my age, where I was working and hanging out, etc. I realized there are many types of gay people, just as there are many types of straight people. Some of them were looking for kicks, but many truly are looking for love. I can't condemn that. So my personal belief is that I do not understand why people are gay. It isn't for me to judge. Perhaps the answer will be revealed in the future. Only God has the right to judge, because all of us are far from perfect.

2006-07-23 03:46:45 · answer #4 · answered by tiger lou 4 · 0 0

First, I believe the word 'homophobic' was invented to attempt to shame people out of their beliefs.

Second, I don't think most Christians are focusing on homosexuality as a greater sin, but to some it is a more offensive sin. You do have to admit that it has really been out in front of us a lot lately.

The entire bible is applicable. The sin of homosexuality is mentioned in the new testament as well as the old. The only thing that has changed from the old to the new testament is the type of covenant that the Lord holds with His people regarding salvation and forgiveness of sins.

You need to understand that not everyone finds that particular behavior easy to accept. It is offensive to most. The bible refers to homosexuality as an abomination, (Leviticus 18:22), and an abomination is defined in the Hebrew language as something disgusting or an abhorrence. Because we are made in God's image, we tend to hold the same root values in our moral makeup. However, the Lord never said He hated the people who engage in homosexuality, just the act itself. Therefore, like our God, we need to have an attitude toward homosexuality that will allow God to draw those involved in it to Himself and out of their sin. Unfortunately, not everyone who calls themselves Christian is going to be able to respond toward homosexuality or any other sin the way the Lord requires.

Don't be deceived...being full of love does not negate sin...it simply dictates how you will handle the sin you come upon.

Homosexuality or any other sin does not insult my beliefs, but confirms them.

2006-07-23 03:51:00 · answer #5 · answered by steves_wifey 3 · 0 0

The problem isn't with Christianity.

As a religion, it was, in the beginning, all about being forgiven for one's sins in exchange for a commitment to 'sin no more, and walk in the light of God's love'.

Really simple. Own up to what you did wrong, ask forgiveness from those you wronged, and try hard not to do anything evil from then on. All in the name of the One who took on the sins of mankind so that mankind could be saved.

Now... fast forward a bit.

There's so many different versions of Christianity. Some are more tolerant than others, but for the most part, it's all about either finding fault with others in relation to oneself, OR trying to 'save' people from their iniquity before they meet the fate of Sodom and Gommorah.

It's the PEOPLE. They need a banner to rally under. A cause to get behind. A reason to think that they are important, that they can do something that Really Matters.

When all along, the message is right in front of all of us.

Ask for forgiveness of YOUR wrongs (not someone else's), accept God's love and grace to help you through your life, and try really hard not to screw up again.

As for homosexuality... I'm sorry, what was the question again? Oh yeah, whatever floats your boat, just don't flaunt it in my face. The same goes for religion, come to think of it.

Thank you and goodnight.

2006-07-23 03:36:44 · answer #6 · answered by dcnblues 2 · 0 0

I understand your point..and have seen it myself... homosexuality is no greater sin than many the christians commit...i think for a lot of ppl, christians and non christians alike...it is the fact that the idea is so foreign to them... i dont believe you can have it both ways... you cant say God makes no mistakes and in the same breath condemn ppl for being different than you... i believe that homosexuality was originally condemned because it was "against the family" ... and many believe that if you have a breakdown of the family unit, your society will die... (which may be true, look at all the problems we have now) ...many will tell you to consider the greeks and what happened to them... i say that after its all said Jesus gave us the ten commandments and condensed them down to two---- love God and love one another.. to blame homosexuals or any other group for the troubles we have is ignorant... and im always leary of those that do... if we get rid of all the homosexuals.... whose next to blame? maybe all the red heads or the mormons...or ????? If homosexuality is wrong..and Im not saying it is or isnt.... let God deal with that... its His area not ours

2006-07-23 03:33:34 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sin is not an "act" of doing, it is a state we all live in. Offspring of Adam. The Adamic Man is not taught to lie, cheat, steal. It is a state of spiritual lacking. Through Christ we receive grace.
Gay, Murderer, Gambler, Little white liar. It doesn't matter.
They that judge homosexuals are taking focus off themselves
and are just victims to the prince of the air. I condone no sinful act. {Note "SINFUL"} Adj. Sin is a state we all are in and the wages are Death. I can not pick a church for you to go to but go to one the worships The Lord in full gospel. Don't get caught up in the pettiness of squabbling. Seek Jesus Christ your only salvation ... I'm praying for every soul

2006-07-23 03:38:10 · answer #8 · answered by DJ SANDMAN 2 · 0 0

Actually Christians havent really been that focused on homosexuality until recently. Its not the act itself. Its no worse than any other sin. Its the great movement that Christians see of trying to get homosexuality to be EMBRACED by the church as it is by the world. Is the Christian church supposed to be about he world of salvation or of getting approval from the morality of the world.

2006-07-23 03:33:55 · answer #9 · answered by h nitrogen 5 · 0 0

Its always something with christians. They need someone to target, to hate.

BTW, I am a christian. But im intelligent and educated enough to be honest and open about this sort of thing.

After centuries of being the ones who were persecuted, the first victims to come along were those who just plain didnt believe in christianity during the Inquisition. Then it was the witch hunts. Then it was the illegitimate children and whores. Then it was other religions. And now its come to homosexuals and mothers who want abortions.

Not all of them of course. But in general.

2006-07-23 03:31:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because the bible was written in eras during which society was structured Taliban-style. That's one thing christians and the Taliban can agree on...hating homosexuals. Unfortunately, the bible, as evil as it is, is set in stone and cannot be rethrought by the faithful.

2006-07-23 03:38:28 · answer #11 · answered by s1rkull 2 · 0 0

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