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17 answers

Penguins aren't mentioned in the Bible and that doesen't cause a problem, so why should dinosaurs?

2006-07-22 19:36:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

First of all, the scriptures don't provide much detail on the Creation. There aren't any specific time frames given, either. Each "day" of the creation could be referring to any period of time, and not simply 24 hours. Who can argue that the first day of Creation didn't last 10 million years? The Biblical account indicates that God created plants first and then the animals. Scientific discovery supports this notion. Dinosaurs aren't mentioned in the Bible, but neither are several other creatures. So what? The Bible doesn't list every animal God created. I believe dinosaurs were extinct before God placed man on the earth. Why did God put dinosaurs on the earth? I don't know, but maybe it was so we could benefit from fossil fuels, or maybe God just wanted to have a little fun with watching dinosaurs roam the earth. Or perhaps the earth was formed out of material from other planets already in existence, and the dinosaur bones came along for the ride. The fact is, we know dinosaurs existed, but they have little to do with Christianity.

2006-07-23 03:16:05 · answer #2 · answered by hmmm... 3 · 0 0

Im not sure why you think christians dont believe there were dinosaurs, but Im pretty sure they were around.. they are not specifically mentioned in the bible, however some ppl would say that they are ...by the word behemouth and leviathan...( i always considered those to be elephants and crocodiles myself)...i know there are christians that will tell you the world is only 6000 years old, etc.. but i say those ppl are either misled or misguided.. i also watch ppl on this site, the evolutionists and the christians banter back and forth over whos right and wrong... (which frankly, i wish they would both get some new material) .. i would propose to you that the world in all likelyhood is several billion years old...that God created life from scratch..and it would seem perfectly logical to me that He would allow it to evolve.. He seems to like to start things and see how it goes..God has no real need for time..it is a man made concept..He is infinate in power and wisdom and He is self inherent life.. I do draw the line at humans evolving from monkeys...but lets face it ... there were even other types of humanoids.. cro magnan, neaderthal... but still an entirely different species.. they evolved.... now about 6-7000 years ago our Father began the race of the Israelites...and Adam and Eve came about-- there were other ppl in the world..but He chose these two to begin His family... well as the story goes, they messed things up... and God said..ok, I will back off, let you make your own religions, your own civilizations, your own set of rules.. and lets see how it goes... and here we are ...fighting over idiotic ideas and ideologies....thats how this christian explains it--hope it makes sense to you

2006-07-23 02:57:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ancient cultures did not know about dinosaurs. However, they did tell stories of giants, dragons, and other mythical creatures. These stories often included references to the lands where the creatures could be found. In modern times, scientists have used references from ancient mythology to locate fossil beds.

Griffins were supposed to live in central Asia along the trade routes to China. In that same location, paleontologists have found the fossilized remains of protoceratops, a dinosaur like the triceratops. Its skeleton could easily have been misconstructed by ancient people to place the bones for the frill over the head slightly farther back as a pair of wings coming out of the shoulder. The other parts of the skeleton already look like a lion with an eagle's head and beak.

In Turkey, the ancient Greeks described a land of giant cyclops. In that same location, the skeletons of mastodons have been found. Mastodon bones are much larger than human bones, but the proportions between them are very similar. It would be easy to misconstruct the mastodon to stand on two legs. What does it look like then? It is a giant humanoid with a hole in the front center of its skull. This hole is really where the tusks fit, but it also looks like the proper position for the large central eye of a cyclops.

Ancient cultures, including the Israelites, did not have sufficient science to understand the history of the Earth in detail. To fill in the gaps, they made up stories that were consistent with their limited knowledge. As with the griffins and cyclops, these stories usually are quite different from reality. It is a mistake to take it on faith that they are the literal truth.

2006-07-23 03:07:48 · answer #4 · answered by scifiguy 6 · 0 0

In the bible, it talks of a "layer of water" above the atmosphere. That was when Dinosaures were big and all. Then came the time for that layer to be distroyed. Changing the enviroment. Now, the dinosaurs were able to live before, and after. But after, they had to adjust to the enviroment. They are still around, they just had to get smaller. Think of it as a ratio: Before the layer broke, they were 1:1. after, they got smaller. so now, they could be 2:1, or 50:1. or what ever

2006-07-23 02:36:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think it was called Leviathan, that some believe was a refrence to a dinosaur in the Bible.

Not all animals were mentioned by name, so yea, there could have been Dinos. Maybe before or just after Adam and Eve. I dont think creation happened in 6 literal days, so I believe there were millions of years, in a day, allowing for creation and extinction before we even came to be.

2006-07-23 02:40:41 · answer #6 · answered by sweetie_baby 6 · 0 0

No, dinosaurs are not mentioned in the Bible.
Not all Christians take the story of creation literally.

2006-07-23 02:33:05 · answer #7 · answered by CatholicDude 2 · 0 0

Yes, dinosaurs are mention in the Bible. In the book of Job it speaks of a giant creature that has a tail like a huge cedar tree, called "behemoth". I believe in Isaiah too it speaks of behemoth.It lists characteristics that we now know dinosaurs had.

2006-07-23 02:53:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The bible also mentions word of GIANTS. The 7 day creation could just as easily have been a millenium for each so called day. Meaning with each millenium an entire species could have come and gone. It couldnt; possibly discuss every single living creature. I dont think it mentions ants or cockroaches either but they're here today!

2006-07-23 02:55:11 · answer #9 · answered by Mom of 7 gramma of 3 3 · 0 0

When the bible was written people didn't know that dinosaurs had been on this planet millions of years ago.

2006-07-23 03:07:20 · answer #10 · answered by CaptWags 4 · 0 0

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