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and safe and ur happy with ur beliefs and ready and willing to defend those beliefs why cant u answer questions with logical, debative responses???????? is it neccessary for you to attack the person who doesnt believe rather than use your own mind to answer the question????? and im sure i will get the usual responce of "if you dont believe why r u here" or "visit this web site"or "god loves us all" but please try hard to reach inside your minds and use it to assist you to type logical answers to why we should all believe.....im willing to listen are u willing to provide logical reasons why???? and by logical i dont mean quotes from the bible or re-runs of what u were told in church on sunday, i want your real thoughts and answers!

2006-07-22 19:07:25 · 12 answers · asked by Aussieblonde -bundy'd 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

All I can tell you is I believe in one true, real, living God because I can see and feel Him all around. I see Him in the beautiful blue sky, in my children's laughter, feel Him in times of pain, see Him in the flowers in my garden, feel Him in the love and friendship my husband and I share, etc.

I don't really know any other way to explain it. I know you don't want Bible quotes so I won't give those. But along with my belief in God comes my belief that the Bible is His letter to us, hence the reason for my belief in His Son Jesus Christ also.

I don't believe in "religion" necessarily. You can be "religious" about anything. But having a relationship with God and His Son is something totally different than religion. There's a constant peace deep inside that tells you no matter what happens in this life God is there for you and someday you will get to be with Him forever in Heaven.

God bless you as you search for answers! :)

2006-07-22 19:23:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

No, religion daes not. God makes you complete not religion but if want real thoughts okay then. Being a christian is great because you always know you have a whole society of people and God that you can go to people that are willing to listen and help with whatever you need. And if you have faith in God its even better because you have him to go to and you can always count on Him. Jesus IS a real person weather you believe he is a god or not he was alive still is and he is part of history. Christians have the highest rate for being good parents and just good people basically. Believing and accepting God is the best thing you could ever do. And there are facts the more scientists research the more they see that there has to be a God. All the prophecies are being completed, everything the Bible tell us will happen is most of all of it happening. There are so many true testimonials in my life and on other peoples life if you wanna know more just contact me and ask all you want.

2006-07-23 02:46:24 · answer #2 · answered by lukehps 1 · 0 0

I'm not sure what you mean by logical debative responses. Religion is an emotional issue and people are very defensive of their positions. Have you ever heard a Christian say that they have given their heart to Christ or that to become a Christian you must surrender yours? This is probably the single hardest concept for non-Christians to understand, but it is what makes us Christians. Not all Christians believe the same things. Some of us believe that every word of the Bible is literally true, but some of us believe that parts of it are allegory. Some of us belong to denominations that have lots of ritual and ceremony while some belong to churches which just preach and sing. However, with all our differences the one thing that ties us together is the belief that Jesus Christ was the son of God, that he died and rose from the dead, that his death and resurection was done so that we could be forgiven and that in order to have that forgiveness we must allow him into our souls. It may not be logical, but it is what we believe. The thing is that when one opens his or her soul (heart) to Jesus and invites him in, a wonderful sense of love and peace will settle all around and inside the person and he/she will know a joy that cannot be explained. We have never been promised that the Christian life will be easy. In fact we are tested everyday. The only promises Jesus made to us were that he would be with us always and that after we leave this life we will be with him forever. I believe in God and Jesus Christ because I feel his presense in my heart everyday, everywhere. I cannot be anymore logical than that.

By the way, I belong to a denomination which allows debate and differences of opinion. We don't believe that it accomplishes anything to yell, either in church or out. We do not attach non-believers, we just try to love and help them. If that brings them to God, then all the better. If not, then we have done what Jesus commanded us to do. Not all Christians are close-minded.

2006-07-23 02:41:27 · answer #3 · answered by Ereshkigal 3 · 0 0

The problem is that most Christians here are American evangelicals and therefore know nothing about their faith except that baby Jesus cries if you don't max out all of your credit cards in honor of his birthday.
The most noted Christian scholars, men such as Cassiodorus and Boethius (though he wasn't strictly Christian, and MAN, DID THEY LIVE A LONG TIME AGO!) were actually pretty thoughtful, and therefore celebrated in the Church before the dark ages fell, and it was left to science (consider the works of da Vinci -- I don't mean to imply science is superior to religion.. most good scientists are just men, or women, who trust in the faculties that God has given them) to lift Western Civilization from its plight. I suppose the church never really lifted its "kill the man who questions" attitude, which goes to the last part of your question -- the bible is the word of God. For a Christian to quote that is to quote absolute truth. Saves so much wear and tear on the brain. Oh the headaches you could save yourself, if only you were a believer! Join us! Think of how much you could save each year on Aspirin.

2006-07-23 02:39:13 · answer #4 · answered by QED 4 · 0 0

First off, religion isn't about US, its about GOD. Its not to make US feel better, its to save our lives and allow us to show our thanks to God for something HE DIDN'T have to do.

Second, its about faith, or something NOT SEEN. How can you explain your belief in the invisible? God DOES NOT want us to see or explain him in term that will make sense to anyone. If we could show a picture of him, point to somewhere in the Universe and say, that's where HE lives or say, Heaven is located in the nth dimension, and be able to prove it, IT WOULD SPOIL IT! Why? Because God is NOT for everyone, He is for the Lambs or those who are "his sheep" and they are always being weeded out of the goats. If you could "point" to god and prove his existance, then people would constantly lie and pray to god falsely just to "keep on his good side" when that would only anger him more, because as god says, "he hates a liar." And prayer can sometimes become "a sin" as in the case of King Saul who constantly treated God as a buddy and not someone who should have been worshipped. (1 Saul). So God wants only those who love him "out of sight" and see him in his "good works."

I would NEVER tell anyone "god loves you" because for the most part it would probably be a lie. Not that he doesn't love you enough to let Christ die for your sins. And would love for you to worship him. But God can SEE your heart and is a realist, and knows whether you will or not. This is why Christ did NOT waste his time on Unbelievers and instead spent his time with those who respected him. He didn't "argue" with people, he stayed with those who welcomed him!!! The SAME THING a christian should do! If they aren't interested, LEAVE. After all, that's what Jesus did.

So we see, God is not some simpering kindly god who just wants us all to "get along." He's a vindictive, jealous god who only wants to be worshipped his way, and if you don't want to do it HIS way, leave him and his alone. However, that said, He will leave YOU ALONE too. He would NEVER ask a follower to "bug" you or do anything nasty. Ever.


2006-07-23 02:23:25 · answer #5 · answered by AdamKadmon 7 · 0 0

Religion was never intended to make us complete...but having a relationship with our Creator was.

I would never encourage adherance to a religion because religion is not what the Lord is about.

If I had to tell you why to turn to God without using one scriptural argument to back me up, although I believe in the Word of God and adhere to it with everything inside me, I would tell you this-

There was a time in my life when I was fighting for my health and for my sanity. I was constantly thinking about suicide and I lived in fear of what might happen to me. I sat in the middle of my living room and cried out, "God if you are real, I need you!"

I have always believed in God, but I never felt any connection with Him. It's kind of like hearing about family you don't know and never see. I was raised in the Catholic denomination.

My aunt bugged me to come to church with her all the time and I dreaded it, because I remembered how boring Catholic church was, but I finally gave in to her to get her off my back. I figured I would go with her, then tell her I didn't care for it just so she would not ask me anymore.

Well, I went, and as the service progressed I was impressed with how alive it felt...I had never experienced anything like that before- the music, the way they worshipped, the way the pastor spoke...it was pretty cool. Then as I stood there, (the only way I can describe it is), my eyes were 'opened', and for the first time in my life I knew that Jesus was real. I was so blown away that it was true! My life has not been the same since, and I have lived my life for the Lord gladly. I have received much healing and deliverance in my life, and the things that oppressed me in the past are no long with me. I have come to know and love the Lord through His word and by the things He has done for me and in me.

Being a part of the Lord is not some restrictive religion, but it's freedom, liberty, and life. Yes, the Lord does personally require things of you, but those things are not restrictive as you would imagine, and He lets you know in a gently was. You always have someone much bigger than anyone you know watching your back and taking care of you. He performs mini miracles in my life everyday. When I pray I know He hears me.

This is a condensed version of my life since I gave it to the Lord. What you can't comprehend is the reality of a God you cannot perceive or experience, and that's what He is...an experience, not a religion. You have to personally "taste and see that the Lord is good."

If you have any desire to know if I am telling you the truth, He promises if you will seek Him with all your heart you will find Him. I will pray, in the meantime, that He will reveal Himself to you. Your life depends on it.

By the way, there is no logic in this answer, because who God is and what He wants to be to you defies all logic.

2006-07-23 02:51:18 · answer #6 · answered by steves_wifey 3 · 0 0

I am not into religion (in the sense of rituals and ceremonies).

You ask for logical discussion... if you are really interested in such discussion, feel free to email me.

I used to be an atheist. Over a period of time however, I grew convinced of the existence of the Christian God, and ultimately committed my life to Christ (e.g., see http://www.godsci.org/gs/chri/testimony/seek.html ).

For scientific and intellectual evidence for the existence of God, see http://www.godsci.org/gs/godsci/evidence.htm


2006-07-23 02:10:51 · answer #7 · answered by John 6 · 0 0

Aussieblonde are you looking for a reason to believe or are just here to pick fights.

If your inquiry is serious I will answer, but if I determine your inquiry is not serious I will not bother.

2006-07-23 02:13:02 · answer #8 · answered by Adyghe Ha'Yapheh-Phiyah 6 · 0 0


2006-07-23 02:28:36 · answer #9 · answered by flindo61 4 · 0 0

but the bible is so logical (sarcasim). ooh i find it so funny when people say not to take the the bible literaly when they are wroung.

2006-07-23 02:14:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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