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Personally I think that atheists are basically hypocrites.

That's because they are QUICK to claim that people who believe should go watch a movie which insults their religion in order to be able to criticise it (a vision I actually agree with).

However, when suggested to read a bible, go to a church, LOOK somehow for a God, they quickly say it's not necessary because they know it all or something like that.

So what they say believers should do they don't do it themselves!

2006-07-22 19:01:21 · 33 answers · asked by fakifaki1 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

Usually atheists have already looked through the bible, through various religions, and have come to the conclusion that no god exists. Telling an atheist to look in the bible, go to church, etc, is tedious in the extreme.

2006-07-22 19:06:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't claim anyone should watch a movie, or believe as I do. A belief in something that you can't prove, there is not absolute proof either way, comes from inside of you. I was raised as a Christian and am married to one, I have read the bible. I have never said I know it all, I have said I have read the bible and attended plenty of churches, so it is not necessary because it won't change what I believe. Why does everyone assume if you are an atheist you haven't been to a church or read the bible? As for some points brought up in previous posts above mine. I am not angry at anyone, I have never had a bad experience in church or with religion. I just don't believe there is a God. As for curiosity, well religion is a part of my culture, whether I believe in a God or not. Any reasonably intelligent person likes to learn, discuss and debate. I don't try to convince others to believe as I do, someone can't stop believing just because someone thinks they should. As for thinking people who believe are stupid or treating them like they are, I certainly wouldn't have married someone who is Christian if I thought that way. I respect others beliefs, if I ask a question it isn't because I am trying to put them down or convert them, it is because I am curious about why they believe the way they do.

2006-07-22 19:43:10 · answer #2 · answered by curls 4 · 0 0

My experience with Atheists are that for some reason they can criticize, degrade, and basically talk down to anyone they want to and it is ok, but if a Christian reacts the same way the Christian is a Hypocrite.
Never mind that that Christian is just reacting the same way the Atheist would, (i.e being human and defending themselves.) I am Christian and I try to not be judgmental or mean but I have had it with the Atheist world.
They say that the Bible is full of Hypocrisy. I say to them, then maybe you are just to blind to understand what it is that is being said.
Then again, most Atheist that I have known claim to have such High IQ points,that is all they have. even the most intelligent person can be stupid in a common sense way.
I wonder, can all Atheist explain EVERYTHING and if not does it not exist then? Hmmmmmm
something to ponder I would say.

2006-07-22 19:23:10 · answer #3 · answered by melissa s 4 · 0 0

What gets me is if an Atheist wrote this question they would be labelled as racist for ridiculing or calling one a hypocrite. All the Bible bashers/do gooders would be reporting them to yahoo answers. Yet you as a religious person who should forgive and turn the other cheek doesn't, meaning you are adding fuel to the fire.

Whether you believe in God or not, what it boils down to is intolerance. Your ready to point the finger at an atheist and try and make a fool out of them and they are ready to do one of the same to you and your kind.

I am neither religious nor atheist. I have faith and dont like religious fanatics pushing their beliefs down my throat. That kind of bullsh*t turns people sour against religion. So does the extremists who say they believe in God and all that is holy and yet run around killing one another. That is what I call a hypocrite! Look at the holy land right now. That is the very place where Jesus was born and grew up and preached and look at the very people acting like savages and animals. Shame on the human race, shame!

If we all spent more time worry about ourselves and less time sticking our noses in everyone Else's business, the world would far be a better place.

It should be OK for everyone to believe what they want to believe in and we should respect other peoples beliefs. Its called "Freedom of Choice" and we all have the right!

Don't worry what others think or say about you or your beliefs, get on with life and enjoy what little time we have.


2006-07-22 19:22:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you look at it that way then alot of people are hypocrites, especially anyone who strongly believes in their religion. So someone who is a devout Christian would be quick to try to convert a Buddhist, but would think it's silly to believe that there isn't really a God or that God is in all of us. Still, Christians and Buddhists share some ideas and if they explored eachother's religions, would find a good number of things in common and would at least be more tolerant of the other. But most religions demand such blind faith that people are usually unwilling to consider other possibilities.
If this is more common in atheists, it's probably because they simply believe that there is no God, no afterlife, just the here and now and what happens happens and there isn't any reason to it, and therefor, it is easy for them to dismiss religions with a God or Gods because there are so many differences between theirs and the others.

2006-07-22 19:13:42 · answer #5 · answered by Some Guy 2 · 0 0

It is my experience that atheists generally know much more about Christianity, the bible, the history of Christianity, and other religions, than 99% of Christians do... and that includes preachers. And it is BECAUSE of that knowledge, coupled with the ability to THINK properly, that they are atheists in the first place. The Abrahamic cults of desert monotheism (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) simply cannot wthstand the glaring light of rationality and critical thought. The mere fact that you are here babbling this horse excrement indicated that youlack that knowledge, and that reason and critical thought are alien concepts to you.

"A thorough reading and understanding of the Bible is the surest path to atheism” ~ Donald Morgan

Things like a terrarium universe consisting of the earth and heaven, talking snakes and donkeys, demons, friendly spirits, evil spirits, walking on water, multiplying loaves and fishes, people raising from the dead, stopping the sun in its tracks, parting seas, people being bodily sucked up into heaven (which, by the way, lies on the other side of the sky), world-wide floods, creating people from dust bunnies and ribs, magical trees of knowledge, gods speaking from burning bushes... and ritual cannibalism by eating your god in the form of a cracker simply hold no basis for belief in the rational mind... nor does any of the horsesh*t that emanates from such nonsense.

2006-07-22 19:51:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe that there really are no atheists, just people that are angry at God for some reason. They seem to spend a lot of time trying to convince others that He doesn't exist. Why should it matter to them if I believe in a higher power. It gives me a peace that they don't seem to have. Atheist really have a religion. They are so dedicated to their atheism that they have made that their religion. Agnostics, on the other hand, freely admit that they don't know and they don't care. My feeling is that if they are right, and God does not exist, then I have lost nothing by believing in Him. If I am right and God does exist, then they have lost everything by not believing in Him.

2006-07-22 19:15:53 · answer #7 · answered by Ereshkigal 3 · 0 0

What's the name of the movie they suggest you watch? Why should someone look for something that has never, is not now, nor will ever exist? I can't believe in an invisible man in the sky who supposedly created everything in the Universe, including dinosaurs, and human emotions, and it only took six days. Then, I'm supposed to believe that the Universe is only about 6000 years old. It's superstition, fear, guilt, and ignorance. But if you don't tithe, the minister can't buy that new car.

2006-07-22 19:12:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well like John said, "hopefully not all"

I always presented it philosophically by saying "how is it possible to affirm a negative?" Whenever you deal with a ignorant atheist ( I didnt say they all were only a few ive met), I ask them " How can you affirm "there is no rock with white dots in the entire world? you cant! You have to have infinate knowledge to do so--or by definition you would be God. The same applys to God. G. K Chesterton once said, "If there is no God, then why are there still atheists?"

Good point though. God Bless.

2006-07-22 19:11:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yes, I agree mostly. They are just as much as anyone else and they really get offended if you push your beliefs or try to make you think that you are stupid for having your own thinking about religion. It is like they just gave up and want everyone else to. But I believe that people who are that way--are usually a little curious and they are lost. Sometimes it has to do with their lifestyle or their bad experience with a church to make them hate it. Shame on those believers for not acting like Christians and helping to give the devil another soul. But I believe that like the bible said--if you were raised up with the knowledge of God and were a believer then if you do stray away, you will come back. I really do believe that. I am so sad about that. I have had so many so called Christians still treat me and my family like we were nothing --disrespectful. But we sin and are only human--so I try to remember that and to forgive, but it has hurt me so much and I do not attend services at this time but I still love God and want to serve him.

2006-07-22 19:20:21 · answer #10 · answered by just julie 6 · 0 0

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