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I respect everyones religion or lack there of but with so much documented history I dont understand how anyone can be Catholic unless you were raised one and its a family tradition. I get how it seems solid by the interpretation of the verse when Christ says to Peter 'On this rock I shall build my church" and how the claim is made that Peter was the first pope(non biblical by the way), But two things just seem very obvious and would bother me.

1) If the Pope is Gods voice on Earth, then how can so many CAtholic teachings and practice be in contradiction to biblical ones. Unless God is schizophrenic.

2) If the Pope is Gods voice on Earth, how could so many wrongs like charging people to forgive their sins, killing and turturing heretics, The Inqusition, aiding Nazi's, the worship of the wealthy patrons(AKA saints) and Mary, be giving the blessing and approval of God.

This alone would make me have doubts in my faith.

2006-07-22 18:42:29 · 14 answers · asked by h nitrogen 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

It is the mythical false history about Catholicism that gives people a bad impression of it. But serious study of history and the lives and writings of the early Christians is what leads people to convert to Catholicism.

I'm a convert to Catholicism and there are many others including atheists and Protestants who used to be very anti-Catholic. Many went on a quest to try to disprove the Catholic Church but instead, they ended up converting to the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church does a lot more to help the poor and the needy in the world than anyone else. And this help is not just physical help but it is spiritual to help them find eternal salvation with God in Heaven.

The Catholic Church runs the world's largest system of hospitals and medical care. And for centuries the Catholic Church has been the biggest and most devoted helper of the poorest of the poor in the world.

The Catholic Church was founded by God 2,000 years ago, and Jesus gave all of His authority to the Apostles (first bishops) of the Catholic Church, and in particular to the office of Peter (the first Pope), to teach infallibly on all issues of morality and salvation.

The Catholic Church is the only one that has apostolic succession going back 2,000 years all the way to when Christ founded His Church with Peter as the first Pope.

Catholics are the original Christians. Protestants or "denominations" did not exist prior to the Protestant Reformation of Martin Luther in AD 1517. And before AD 1054, when the Eastern Church separated from Rome, if you were Christian that meant that you were part of the Catholic Church with the Pope in Rome. There were various rites within the Church just as there are today -Coptic, Maronite, Chaldean, etc., but all recognized the supreme authority of the Bishop of Rome.

The Church was never in early Church history called the "Christian Church". In the early days, it was simply called "The Church". The Christians were those who belonged to "The Church". Later, the word "Catholic" (which means "universal") was in use by early Christians by as early as the year 110 AD in response to the heresies of that time. The early Church fathers wanted it to be known by all that the revelation given to us by Christ through the Apostles was for everyone to know about. That's why the Church started to call herself Catholic.

Ignatius of Antioch (Early Christian, written in the year 110 AD)

"Let no one do anything of concern to the Church without the bishop. Let that be considered a valid Eucharist which is celebrated by the bishop or by one whom he ordains [i.e., a presbyter]. Wherever the bishop appears, let the people be there; just as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church" (Letter to the Smyrneans 8:2 [A.D. 110]).

The bottom line for me is knowing that it's the only Church that was founded by Jesus Himself (God in the flesh), there is no reason for me not to trust in what Jesus said when He promised that He would be with His Church always until the end of time and the gates of Hell would not prevail against His Church. There will always be Judases within the Church, but that's not a reason to leave Peter.

If you are serious with your question then try these links:
Selected Chronology of the Church
The Catechism of the Catholic Church
Compendium (Q&A) of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Catholic convert websites
The Coming Home Network
Catholic Answers
Teachings of the Catholic Church
Crusades-The Real History
The Real Inquisition-Investigating the popular Myth
Quick Questions about the Catholic Faith
Expert Answers to Catholic Questions
This Rock Magazine Quick Questions
This Rock Magazine Quick Questions
Catholic Online Encyclopedia
CATHOLICISM According to the Early Church Fathers
The Real Presence Association
Code of Canon Law
The Christian Catacombs of Rome
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Early Church Fathers
Association of Hebrew Catholics
St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology-Scott Hahn
The Fellowship of Catholic Ex-Jehovah's
Catholic Rites and Churches
Priests For Life
The Conversion Story of
Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe of Roe VS. Wade)
The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC)
Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (Fr. Benedict Groeschel)
Cross International Catholic Outreach
Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB)
Catholic World Mission
Catholic Relief Services
CNEWA (Catholic Near East Welfare Association)
Franciscan Missions
Saint Vincent DePaul Society
Catholic Charities USA
Catholic Charities USA Responds to Hurricane Katrina

2006-07-22 18:45:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Thank you for sharing your viewpoint...

I am not a Catholic (I'm a Protestant/ nondenominational Christian).

However if I may comment regarding the two points you mention.

1) Some RC teachings match the Bible, the others dont. The ones that dont arise from Tradition not from Sola Scriptura.

2) Yes, the RC church made mistakes, however they have also done a lot of good (serving the poor, the needy, the sick, the dying etc) in this world, and we should give them credit for those things.

Re aiding Nazi's this wasnt the entire RC leadership, but rather individual priests who did so after the war.

The Inquisition wasnt solely a RC thing; it was partly a political governmental thing.

RC saints are not merely wealthy patrons; most of them were indeed virtuous Catholics who were good examples for others to follow.

RCs state that they venerate Mary and the saints rather than worship them. In practice this can easily become worship.

And prayer to Mary doesnt make sense, unless Mary has super-human powers (no offense meant). Same thing with the RC saints.


2006-07-22 18:45:29 · answer #2 · answered by John 6 · 0 0

People sin, God knows that. There is not a religion out there that does not have dark parts of it's history or skeletons in it's closet. As humans it's impossible to have sinless, perfect leaders. The Saints and Mary are not worshipped. If you're Catholic you don't then become "Christian". You were a Christian when you practiced catholicism. You may now be chjosing to follow a different form of Christianity, but Catholics are Christians - just not all Christians are Catholic.

2006-07-22 18:50:56 · answer #3 · answered by Steph 5 · 0 0

I'm a Catholic by conversion, and you've asked a very big, broad question. To attempt to answer breifly, I must first say that you have absorbed a lot of erroneous information about the Church and history. To address them briefly; first of all, the Catholic Church determined the canon of scripture, that is, the Bible is a product of the Catholic church. There is nothing in Church teaching that contradicts the Bible. There are church traditions that are not in the Bible, but the Bible itself said that the Church is the pillar and foundation of truth (not the Bible). Second, the Pope's infallibility has very limited, specific applications: it applied to specifically doctrinal statements, pronounced in specific ways. He is not infallible in his personal life, maters of policy, or in political decisions. He is imperfect as all men are, and papal pronouncements of the type you are talking about are rare, made only with great consideration and care. You view of history is biased as well; there have been some abuses of the papal office at various points in church history, but these were rarer than you assume, and did not persist/prevail. That the church aided Nazis is a myth; rather, the Vatican served as a refuge for many who were fleeing the Nazis. Most canonized saints were not wealthy patrons, but penniless religious (nuns or preists), or martyrs, or lay men and women of ordinary means, and saints are not "worshipped" by any Catholic who is knowledgable about church teaching. Saints are honored as examples, and Catholics may ask a specific saint for their prayers; we believe that those already in heaven are able to pray for us, just as you might ask a friend here on earth to pray for you, and since they are in the presence of God, their prayers are especially beneficial. Church teaching about Mary, our Lady, would take pages and pages to detail, but please know that Mary is the first among the saints, but she is not worshipped. Worship is due only to God, not to his creatures, and Mary is a woman, albeit one graced by God with a degree of perfection unparralled, for the purpose of bearing our Lord. Please find some books on Catholic teaching written by intelligent, thoughtful Catholics for more detailed information about these issues.
As I said at the beginning, I am a convert to Catholicism. I was raised Protestant, but spend several years as an agnostic before my conversion. The Catholic church makes historical claims that no other Christian church can make. After I came back to Christianity, I wanted to find the church that was most authentic, most like the Church that Our Lord founded. I studied early church history, and discovered that all the supposed "additions" that are found in the Catholic church were present from the beginning, and even hinted at in the Bible. I encourage you to look into this further, with an open mind. Below is one web site that can get you started. God Bless you.

2006-07-22 19:10:19 · answer #4 · answered by materfamilia 2 · 0 0

Well, the problem is both of your points are wrong. Our teachings are not contradictory from the Bible. There are some (such as structured mass) that are not outlined in the Bible, but do not contradict it.

As to your second point, the Inquisition was a terrible thing. We did not aid nazis. The Church no longer charges you for reconciliation (it should never have). We do not worship saints or Mary, we only pray for their intercession -- we do not pray TO them. I'm not sure what you're referring to when you say we "give" the approval of God.

If something isn't in the Bible, it doesn't make it wrong (or right either, in some cases).

John (the person who posted before me) pretty much says the rest that I failed to mention.

2006-07-22 18:50:43 · answer #5 · answered by CatholicDude 2 · 0 0

I used to be a catholic, and it was for reasons like this that i left the religion.
It was the law-making nature of the church that made me leave it, because I know Jesus came to fufill the law, and has paiid the price for me!
Now I am a missionary in Asia, filled with the Holy Spirit, and I don't think it would have turned out thta way if I had stayed in the tradition of the Catholic Church

2006-07-22 18:48:19 · answer #6 · answered by Chris K 4 · 0 0

I was going to answer you but first it seems that many of my fellow Catholics have beat me to the punch and answered this quite nicely. Second it seems you have chosen to believe the negative and untrue things about us. Do you also believe that the U.S. was ours to take or traded for nicely? How can you be an American? Watch out what you believe because not everything you read or hear is the truth. Much of history has been distored to fit anothers view or purpose.
Peace Be With You,

2006-07-22 20:49:00 · answer #7 · answered by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7 · 0 0

Charging people to forgive their sins? Aiding the nazis? What church have you been going to?

2015-01-16 07:41:24 · answer #8 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Thats why im now a Christian. I broke away from Catholism after all those doubts. You should see some guy "WHYNOTASKDON" ? on here he pretty cool and has a TON of info!!!

2006-07-22 18:48:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Go to church and ask God to forgive your sins.

2006-07-22 18:47:34 · answer #10 · answered by Andrea 5 · 0 0

Err, I didn't read the whole description but a catholic can be a catholic by being one!! -.-

2006-07-22 18:45:38 · answer #11 · answered by ButterflyAngel 4 · 0 0

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