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Do you think that this is it? Please give me your opinions and what you have noticed that may align the current crisis with the prophecies in the Bible.

2006-07-22 16:44:33 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

I think that the United States needs to mind it's own business, bomb Afghanistan to get Bin Laden and get the hell outta there, and let those countries destroy themselves.And frankly, all that talk about the Bible saying it was going to happen is malarkey.I honestly am not able to recall a time in the past 30 years in which the Middle East was EVER at peace.This sort of bullsh!t has been going on for hundreds of years, and will probably keep going on for hundreds more years.Armageddon, my @ss.

2006-07-22 16:51:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No, this is not the first time that we have known the mideast to be in the situation it is in - there are many prophecies that could appear to be in fulfillment process and that would be expected; but there are some things that must take place that we have yet to see - a one world government, which I believe we will see headed by the United Nations and under basically 10 heads of states - and one world finance - these are things that I believe could happen prior to Christians being taken out of the world through the Rapture. I also believe we will see a further decline in economics around the world so as to gender a need for world-wide economic reform - we aren't there yet - but I could see us there within 25 to 50 years without any problem. We have many diseases now, but I believe we will see a rise in disease and the inability to contain it in isolated areas and I believe that we will continue to see further natural disasters that will take lives - but we are a planet pushing 8 billion people and scripture makes it clear that we will see the population decline to less than a 1/4 of itself - now many would have us believe that the Christians will not be witness of this and many would have us believe that Christians will be a partial witness of this decline - I personally believe that we will see some atrocities to our eyes that we do not think humanly possible, but if we have studied our history, will know that they have been here before and in far greater degree. So, I do not currently see anymore or any less of a fulfilling of prophecy than what one would have expected to take place over the last 100 years. However, we are admonished to be ever watchful and ready - and I do keep an ear open for the trumpets in the eastern skies!

2006-07-22 16:57:47 · answer #2 · answered by dph_40 6 · 0 0

There is really know way to tell at this point if this is it or now, Russia has to get in the for front and take the lead of Iran,Turkey,Syria and some of the other smaller countries that hate God's Chosen people. I would say to you, to just wait and see what will happen next, with each day it should get clearer and clearer. I can tell you that i am very excited about the possible rapture because this seems to be the beginning of what what the prophet Ezekiel said in chpt 38. Right now, Israel has to strong allies and that is The US and Europe but that will come to an end soon too. For the Jews will be all alone when all the world is against them the bible says,

2006-07-26 17:31:28 · answer #3 · answered by SOONERT2002 1 · 0 0

We are seeing the stage (as it were) being set up for the antichrist to settle the mideast tension with the seven year peace treaty that shall usher in the beginning of the breaking of the first of 7 seals wriiten of in the book of Revelation.
However the rapture that will occur will not begin until the faith of confessed believer's in Messiah is tried to see who are really His own.
In Deuteronomy 33:22,Moses prophecies of Dan saying"Dan is a lion's whelp,he shall leap from Bashan."
This prophecy speaks to us in our day and will be the launching pad for the infamoua antichrist/beast.
The best that mankind has to offer.

2006-07-26 15:43:20 · answer #4 · answered by anya 1 · 0 0

I do believe the rapture of the church is near. It will probably happen within the next 5 to 10 years. Israel became a sovereign state (independent nation) in 1948, and more and more Jews have been returning to live in their homeland since. Also, it is prophecy that millions will flock to Israel in order to worship God. Church groups, individual Christians, and many of other religions have been flocking to Israel in order to see Biblical artifacts and locations for decades.

The major sign that is supposed to happen for the rapture to take place is that 10 nations will sign a peace treaty with Israel to declare their allegiance with them. This will be the "calm before the storm" so to speak. The current Israeli conflict is significant to this because Israel is finally going on the offensive against their persocutors (the Hezbollahs) for the first time in centuries. This in turn will (probably) end the conflict quickly, as Israel will be a tough force to beat (especially with God backing them). They have one of the best militaries in the world.

Another sign that end is nearing is that Russia will send an attack on Jereusalem. Lebanon is a heavy supporter of the Hezbollah (Hezbollah is a hero to the Lebanese people because of their social service and protection provided to them). Iran is a heavy supporter of Lebanon, and Russia is a supporter of Iran. It has been proven that Russia has been supplying Iran with weaponry. Be sure to watch the news. I guarantee that before this Israeli war is over, Russia WILL attack them. Of course, this action will probably bring on the start of WW III. (The threats and rumors of wars are another sign of the end times.)

Also, for the end to occur, God's word must be able to be spread throughout the entire world, to every nation. This was never possible before television and the internet.

Also, the Bible says that people around the world will be able to watch simultaneously as the two chosen prophets will attempt to spread God's world and will be killed. It's also possible for this prophesy to be fulfilled through TV and the internet. These two prophets will be spat on and assaulted by people of all races and creeds. They will lay where they died, and will be denied burial for 3 days.

Also, the prophesy doesn't state a unified world, or one currency for the world. It merely states that there will be a unified EUROPE. The euro was introduced years ago, and is a major step towards a unified europe. The process could be completed if Europe joins forces in WW 3.

The prophesy of all nations rising up against Israel will be fulfilled long after the rapture. This battle will be the start of Armegeddon, the battle of good vs evil. The exact number is an army of 200 million that will attack Israel. It says in the Bible - "and their number was 200 million". God will protect Israel, and will not allow them to be harmed. Armegeddon is the final destruction of Earth as we know it. This will clear the land for God's people to begin their 1000 year reign on Earth. It will end the 7 year tribulation. The rapture of the church will happen 7 years before Armegeddon.

Keep watching the news. Make sure you have a close and meaningful relationship with God, because time IS running out.

2006-07-22 17:05:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, I think we could very well be entering end times.
One prophecy that could be getting ready to happen is the destruction of Damascus. If Israel thinks that Syria is pushing Hezbollah to fight, Israel may go after Syria with bombs, could blow up Damascus in Syria. If Damascus becomes a ruins, you can pretty much assume that it has begun. Also, prophecy teaches us that the nations will all go against Israel, most of them already are. Then we have the Iranian President who believes that the Islamic Messiah, the 12th imam, will return in the next two years. He has gone as far as spending government money preparing the temples and roads for his arrival. It is said that this 12th imam will be the long awaited messiah of whom will bring peace and rule for 7 years, sounds alot like the Anti-christ to me.

A great site to learn about end times and prophecy is
raptureready.com, alot of great information and research on the site.

2006-07-22 16:52:59 · answer #6 · answered by Gardener for God(dmd) 7 · 0 0

Obama. He under no circumstances promised to carry the Mideast to their knees at the same time with his sweet communicate. yet a minimum of he would not outright lie and throw our us of a's diplomats less than the bus like Romney does. i do not trust only a stupid action picture is inflicting in this. The stupid action picture is purely an fantastically helpful and massive device for Islamic terrorists to apply to agitate the commonly used public. Conservatives, like the persons who made that action picture, are fools who trust they could shame those with vicious lies and insults into conforming to conservative beliefs . they don't realize that such techniques purely make those who disagree with them a lot less receptive to their perspectives. Does always calling you a racist for professing conservative values make you want to change right into a liberal or make you want to punch a liberal? Muslims are not that diverse than the different man or woman.

2016-10-15 02:35:18 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

By "do you think that this is it?", do you mean Armageddon? If so - hardly. I would venture to say "this is part of it", but while we are definitely on the road to many of the things prophesied in Revelations, we are not so near as to think that "this is it". First of all, before the grand finale, the man of iniquity will be exposed - and that has not yet happened.

"But as for that day and hour, no one knows..."

2006-07-22 16:50:21 · answer #8 · answered by LDRship 2 · 0 0

Hmmm....this is a complicated issue. Religion is at the hub of all war. It is quite insane because man in the name of religion has killed too many people. Will it ever end and is what is happening in the middle east over religion or territory?

2006-07-22 16:48:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The crisis is a consequence of human sinfulness.

I personally dont think that "this is it". However I am open to being convinced otherwise.


2006-07-22 16:50:03 · answer #10 · answered by John 6 · 0 0

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