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i saw the answers earlier, for my question "should i go?" mmmm..there's one thing i want to ask, how do we pray? i never been to church before, well been once with my grandmother when i was very small, how would we know our hope would be answered? if its so, wont everyone in the world would be going through a better life happily?each of my answers has the word bless how are we sure if we would be blessed? i never prayed, no one tought me how, but i know iam a christian, because we celebrate Christmas,

2006-07-22 16:11:43 · 16 answers · asked by Rivern 2 in Family & Relationships Family

16 answers

Dear Rivern, GOD is our Father, our true Father. Your dad and my dad, are our earthly father's. GOD created the heaven and the earth, and all things. Everything that is, came from GOD, He either created it, or He gave people the knowledge for its creation. GOD had one Son, Jesus Christ. GOD placed Jesus in the body of Mary, an honorable woman, whom He chose to bear His Child. An angel told Joseph not to be afraid to marry Mary because, what is conceived in Her, is by the Holy Spirit. Mary then married Joseph. Jesus was born to live in this world, and to prove that it could be done, by Him, without sin. He lived His entire life without sin. Jesus was also destined, to die on the cross for our sins, for the sins of all Men, Woman, and Children. That is, those who believe in GOD as their Father, and accept Jesus Christ, as their Savior. Jesus died on the cross for our sins after being beaten horribly, He was flogged. (Beaten with whips), repeatedly. He was made to wear a crown of thorns. And as He was placed on the cross, His hands, and feet were nailed to the cross. The nails piercing His flesh. He was mocked, insulted, and His clothes were divided up, and lots were cast for them. He suffered for over nine hours. He did this for us, so that there would be hope, hope for all of us that sin, (which is everyone), to be able to acquire redemption.

cafe blue note (above) has given you the Lord's Prayer.

Matthew 6:9

"This, then is how you should pray:

" 'Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10) your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven
11) Give us today our daily bread.
12) Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13) And lead us not into
but deliver us from the evil

14) For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

The prayer is in the book of Matthew, of the Holy Bible, the new international version. Say chapter 6, Verses 9 through 13, then say Amen. Or You can say in Jesus Name Amen.

If it is the will of God the answer is yes, if not then no. But God gives us what we need, moreso than what we want. And it sometimes comes immediatly, and other times it takes some time. That is where faith comes in. The faith in beleiving that God is good, that He loves you, and that His Will, will be done.

You also need to give praise and thanksgiving througout the day, every day. Thank you dear God, that I am alive, thank you dear God for the beautiful birds, flowers, and sun. Give thanks to God for everything good in Your life, and pray to God for everything that needs help.

Dear Father God, or Dear Heavenly Father,

We ask that You give Rivern the knowledge that He is seeking to become a good Christian. We pray for him to have a better understanding of Your word, and to use this knowledge in his everyday life. We pray that You will send Your angels to keep him safe, and without harm of injury, and to protect him always. Dear God, please help Rivern to not be in pain, and if possible to not have to take the medicine he receives daily. If it is Your will, may the doses not need to be as much. God please direct his life, and his heart towards You. If it is Your Will, in Jesus name, Amen.

Amen, means so shall it be.

One of the prayers that has helped me most, is when I bless my food, all of my food.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for this food You have provided for us. (Then you can give thanks for anything else wonderful happening at the time, or to ask for any help You might need, or to pray for a sick family member).

I pray that You will bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies, (or my body, if it is just me).

And I pray that You will bless my body into thy service.

If it is Your will, in Jesus name, Amen.

I understand what You mean about celebrating Christmas. A celebration of Jesus's birthday. At least it is meant to be a celebration of Jesus birthday. And that You are trying to convey that You are not of a religion that does not celebrate this holiday. But there is so much more to being a Christian, and You are on your way.

Best Wishes, and God Bless

2006-07-23 11:07:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

You are not a Christian because you celebrate Christmas. You have to know God for yourself. You're on the right track.

Prayer is just you talking to God. Tell him your needs and wants, blessings for others and your thanks for things like "waking me up this morning." You can close your eyes and get on your knees, but anyway you do it..God hears all. He answers every prayer. He doesn't do it when you want him too, he does it when it's right. The Bible says to "pray without ceasing" this means pray until you feel that you are finished. Don't be ashamed or feel the need to stop, pray until you get everything off of your chest.

Know that you are blessed everyday. Remember, everyday someone is going through something worse then you are. Did you eat today? Did you wake up today? Were you in your right mind? These are blessings. Someone died and didn't wake up, someone didn't have money to feed their family...so you are blessed.

Your next step would be to start reading the Bible and to develop you're own personal relationship with God.

Good luck...and I hope that I've helped some.

2006-07-22 23:19:59 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Praying is like talking to a friend. First, you say that you are a christian. This means that there has been a time when you knew that you needed a savior to come and live in your heart and forgive you of your sins. If you have not done this yet, ask Jesus to come and live in your heart. It's not so much what you do like celebrate Christmas as who you are. You can ask Him in today. This will open the lines of communication between you and God.
God already loves you, He just wants you to accept His son as savior of your life. The praying part is easy. He wants to talk to you now. Talk to Him as you would talk to a friend. You don't need to worry if he wants to talk to you. He always wants to talk and listen. Next try to learn as much as you can about Him through the Bible and talking to other christians who walk with Him. It is a journey that you will be taking that will go though your whole life. That's okay though, He'll be with you all the way.


2006-07-22 23:26:09 · answer #3 · answered by firechap20 6 · 0 0

Before I answer this question, I want to say that I agree with a lot of what the other people are saying: just celebrating Christmas doesn't make one a Christian (but that doesn't by any means mean that God won't listen to your prayers), praying is like talking to a friend, and you need to believe.

I have been a Christian for ten years, and I've still a lot to learn. Recently God has been teaching me quite a bit about how to pray to him. When I was little, prayers always went something like this "Dear God, thank you for the day. Please help me to be good and get along with my brother and sister. Thank you for everything. Amen." Now I am learning to call him by his many names (recently I have been using "Father") and tell him about my day and what I think about things and how I've been struggling in certain areas, etc.

For you, since you haven't been much of a pray-er, I'd say what the others are saying - talk to him as you would your best friend. Tell him everything you feel about the situation, how you wish it would turn out, etc. Sometimes it helps to look up and talk out loud, but you can also talk in your head. I prefer writing my prayers as a letter to God. Oh! God is so aching for you to talk to him! Don't hesitate; just start.

I must caution you; God does not always answer our prayers the way we want, but he always answers them in the way that is best.

2006-07-22 23:46:48 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are no real "rules" on how to pray. Many people say to bow your head, but Jesus raised his head and prayed many times.

God wants a relationship like you have with your best friend. Talk to Him like He's your best friend. Let Him know how you're feeling. Talk to Him about the good things going on in your life and thank Him for them. If you're angry about something, tell Him!

If you have anything you NEED, ask Him and trust that God will provide it. in James 4:3 it says "you don't have the things you need because you don't ask or you ask for the wrong reasons." Many people ask for things they want to fulfil their own desires. This is wrong. Ask for the things you NEED or that others NEED.

Don't be afraid to talk to God as if he's you're friend, because He is!

2006-07-22 23:24:41 · answer #5 · answered by David T 4 · 0 0

just because you celabrate xmas does not make you a christian
Christ said dont worship me , only worship God. and what is christmas all about? the worship of Christ. yes he is the son of God but He said when you pray say Our Father who art in heaven ect...
as far as praying pray for the peace of Jarusalem and that the comming of the Lord Jesus so he can set up his kingdom for the people that love him and bring an end to all the hate in the world also Christ said what ever you ask, ask it in the name of the LORD and if you belive your prayers will be answered.

2006-07-22 23:31:40 · answer #6 · answered by joy4soy 2 · 0 0

Prayer is the key to heaven but faith unlocks the door. If you do not really believe that your prayers can be answered then you are wasting your time. At the close of my prayers I always thank the Lord for the good I know HE has done and will continue to do in my life.

2006-07-22 23:18:40 · answer #7 · answered by JRandy 2 · 0 0

You can sing a prayer, say a prayer, or dance a prayer. Anyway that gets your heart and soul to God will work. Just be prepared-praying is not like ordering at a drivethrough window. Sometimes the answer is no.

2006-07-22 23:17:44 · answer #8 · answered by TXChristDem 4 · 0 0

Jesus said to the disiples; when ye pray pray ye: 1. Our FATHER which art in Heavin, hallowed be Thy Name.(give adoration and praise to GOD and acknolage that He Is"GOD").
2.Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done In Heavin so in Earth.(Pray for the coming kingdom of Christ and for his will to be done).
3.Give us this day our daily bread.(ask GOD to provide our daily needs).
4.And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.(Ask GOD'S forgiveness, and forgive others who have sinned against us).
5.And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.(ask for GOD'S direction)Remember GOD cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man.
6.For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, And the Glory, forever Amen.(Aknowlage that the Kingdom is GOD's and that he is the "ALMIGHTY GOD", and that all the power is in Him.)
This is a model prayre, by which Jesus taught the disiples to pray, all the elements are therein, I hope this gives you an idea of how we should pray.

2006-07-23 00:52:54 · answer #9 · answered by cafe_blue_note 3 · 0 0

No one needs to teach you how to pray. Praying for me is a dialogue with God. I tell him what is going on in my life, I ask him for help in areas that I need help. I ask him for assistance in making a decision.

You don't need to know "prayers" and recite them. Just talk to God, he'll hear you!

2006-07-22 23:19:06 · answer #10 · answered by chic_sag79 1 · 0 0

Prayer is a time to just think - what do you want in the world?, what are you grateful for?, what would you like to see happen in your life?

Stay positive.

2006-07-22 23:18:01 · answer #11 · answered by LKD 2 · 0 0

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