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Ok big question we have the ten commandments and if you break one of these is it a bigger sin than any other sin. I was raised a sin is a sin no sin is bigger than the other. But like divorce I know alot of people think it is wrong but my first marriage was a brutal one i was beaten everyday and i am sorry but i dont feel that god intended on any of his children being treated that way so in your opinion in the eyes of god should i have stuck with the marriage or was i right for moving on and having the great husband that i have now

2006-07-22 16:11:13 · 18 answers · asked by goodgirlads 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

You Were Right To Move On, I'm Sure That God Wouldn't Like You Getting Beat, It Wouldn't Be Humane To Stay In A Relationship Like That, Besdides You Could Always Ask For Forgiveness.

And Just For The People That Say There Is No Commandment On Divorce,
There Is " Adultery" Pretty Much Meaning Divorce.

2006-07-22 16:16:04 · answer #1 · answered by alyssa! 3 · 0 0

Although the 10 commandments do not mention anything on divorce, I would have to say that you were wrong in getting a divorce. I think marriage vows are to be taken seriously and every effort should be taken to make a marriage work even with the worst of problems.
However, since you did get a divorce and got remarried, you should do everything to keep your marriager alive. There is a passage in the bible that says that if a person is divorced and marrys a woman that is divorced they cause that woman to commit adultery. I just don't remember the passage right now. I will have to look for it.

2006-07-22 23:26:20 · answer #2 · answered by robin rmsclvr25 4 · 0 0

I agree that no sin is bigger than another, and no, I don't think God would have expected you to stay in an abusive marriage. I stayed in a marriage far too long, thinking that God wouldn't want me to give up on it. The abuse wasn't as bad as some, and I fooled myself into thinking I must be overreacting--it isn't really abuse. But even though he didn't beat me every day, the threat of it was always there, and the emotional abuse can hurt just as bad. My divorce was final 2 months ago, and God has been with me all the way.

2006-07-22 23:25:58 · answer #3 · answered by cj_justme 4 · 0 0

Divorce, nor fornication, nor homosexuality was specifically sited in the commandments, however "adultery" and "covet" are.

Adultery has multiple means. A "meat loaf" is adulaterated meat. It's cut with fillers. It's intentfully adulterated. I'm reminded of that Hebrew National Hot Dog ad in which is says The Government says we can add non-meat fillers, we can't, we're Kosher and have to answer to a higher authority!

Fornication can, therefore, also be said to be a form of "adulteration."

This is a big quandary for a lot of people. All men like sex, for example. Some women I know aren't that thrilled with it. Now, take a female virgin who is Christian and never experience it and she gets married and finds out she hates sex, hates the whole process and finds it repulsive.

Now, what do you do.

Get a divorce, stop having sex, see a shrink to "maker her normal"?

IF a man loves the WOMAN he would work out a compromise, one of great sacrifice and limit it to a few times a year and the woman should return the favor and offer to endure it for him from time to time.

Sex is not a right of marriage, it's a privilliage, an exclusive privillage.

The problem is that people get married for the wrong reasons and have no concepts of what marriage is about. Perhaps we really need to look at upping the age limit or requring a waiting period of maybe 3 years from proposal to day you can get married.

During taht time the couple should do things together, including things with each others family and learn what the likes, dislikes temperment and habits are.

The marriage ceremony is about BETTER OR WORSE, SICKNESS AND HEALTH.

I get back to my age old rant about children. Do you divorce your children. Your kids go off and use and sell drugs. Your kids go off and become pole dancers at gentelmen's clubs. Your children become Moonies or Mulims. Your children come out of the closet. Do you divorce them!?

I would expect -- actually DEMAND that Adolph Hilter's mother stand beside him and tell us "he's a good boy!"

I wouldn't beleive her for a second, but if she's a mother that's her job. That's what she's supposed to do!

Something I learned about mothers and women.

Your kid is sick in the hospital and comes out and says

They're gonna die if we don't find a compatible heart.

The mother almost instinctivley says: Take mine.

I find it very difficult to beleive in the concept that "love dies."

I don't think most women know what the concept of love is untill they have and feed a baby.

I don't think men can truly understand it at all.

I don't think they're equipped to understand it naturally.

If they truly find it, that's rare.

It's rare to find a man who'll say: Take mine, without thinking twice.

This isn't truly the answer to your question as you want to see it.

It's the reason things happened the way they did.

Does God grant second chances? Some say he does.

Did God predestined it? Some say he does, if he does then how can you be at fault.

My view, and I don't know if it's workable and I don't know if I can even follow through, is that we need to truly understand the way things are in reality, including God's ways, and live that way.

Mastering the concept put forth by Jesus to Love Your Enemy the Most is not an easy thing to follow. Do those who fail, fail to be Christians in the true sense of the word?

If so, then 99.9% of the world will not be saved, no matter how many Baptisms you have, no matter how much time you spend in Church, no matter how many times you say Praise Jesus!

At the same time I have problems with fornicators, adulterers, liars, cheats, who claim to be Christian, go to Church, Praise Jesus.

I have once said if I see them in heaven after all the sacrificies I make, I might ask God to send me to hell, at least I'll be with a more honest group of people.

2006-07-22 23:49:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no one sin is bigger than the next, so yes, a sin is a sin, is a sin. now as for your marriage, i think a divorce was appropriate. God judges your heart, he knows your every sin even before you do. So he knows all you went threw and why you felt the need to get a divorce. the best thing i can tell you is to pray that all will be well in the futrure. pray for his continuance to guide you all day everyday so that the next guy won't suffer from your ex husband's mistakes, and so that he won't be abusive but a supporter. Pray and wait on god to send you the man for you.

2006-07-22 23:21:34 · answer #5 · answered by Shuggah 2 · 0 0

The reason God sent Jesus to the earth. Was for forgiveness of sin. The law of the ten commandments was to hard to keep. So before Jesus let the earth he explain it to his disciple. I'm not going to tell you where it is because if I tell everyone where to look in the bible. Then I feel that they are not reading it enough. But I'll give you a good idea where to look. Find where Jesus is on the mountains preaching. There are a few places in the new testament where he is doing that. Read those. Then you'll have your full; answer. If you still can not find it post another question. Then I'll give you the scripture.Look in Matthew.

2006-07-22 23:22:09 · answer #6 · answered by lovely soul with insite 3 · 0 0

Unless you are Jewish, you are bound (or freed) by 1 Cor 10:23-24. If you are Jewish, you have 634 commandments. [I claim no expertise in Judaism or Judaic law].

Divorce is the termination of marriage; it is not a sin. It is practice in the bible and Jesus talks about it. (Search the scriptures for divorce.) Remember Jesus is a Jewish Rabbi addressing Jews. Paul talks about divorce in a non Jewish settings.

In any context, you must applied 1 Cor. 10:23-24 with emphasis on verse 24. There is another section 7:15 God has called us to live in peace. I would suggest that you careful read this chapter after you fully understand 1Cor 10:23-24.

Unfortunately for us, the bible is an eastern book, so its written style is difficult. If you have a minister/priest, ask for his/her help. You have made your choice, but by your question, you have not moved on.

2006-07-22 23:27:19 · answer #7 · answered by J. 7 · 0 0

I'm not sure which of the ten commandments you think you might have broken by getting a divorce, but having been divorced twice myself, I don't think there is any sin you can commit that God is bigger than your sin.

2006-07-22 23:15:57 · answer #8 · answered by wild1handy 3 · 0 0

According to the Bible, a sin is a sin is a sin...... All sin is view as breaking the law of God, no matter what it is, and the wages of sin is death. But thankfully, Jesus has paid the price of our sins if we will accept the offer that he has given us.

It seems like you want others to say that it was OK for you to divorce your first husband because divorce is not part of the ten commandments. God knows all of the details of your first marriage, and He will judge fairly.

Your first husband is also a sinner; "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;" (Eph 5:25) By abusing you, he was not loving you as Christ loves you.

Women often hear the phrase "wives, submit yourselves to your husband, as unto the Lord" (Eph 5:22) but there is another verse that also sheds light on this topic: "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord." (Col 3:18)

If your husband is not treating you the way that Jesus would treat you or if he wants you to violate God's law, then you are not bound to obey him.

I can only give you my opinion becuase the Bible does not indicate whether it is permissable to divorce because of abuse. I think that because your husband was abusive to you it was acceptable. God allows us to suffer the consequenses of our sins, but He does not abuse us. I also believe that God wants us to be happy. Personally, I think that you did the right thing.

2006-07-22 23:42:00 · answer #9 · answered by Marty 4 · 0 0

u was right with moving on with your life. God did not intend for his children to live in fear and humiliation. if you felt your life was threaten then it is OK consider your life more important then the marriage. your divorce is not a sin. but no sin is bigger then any sin. sin is sin and if u die before you repent of committing a sin that is not a commandment your still liable to go to hell.

2006-07-22 23:32:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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