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21 answers

its a fairy tale

2006-07-22 16:12:26 · answer #1 · answered by jokedrugs 4 · 0 1

Oh for the love of God...Have you ever heard the saying that "history is written by the winner"? Lets have a lil history lesson shall we??? Ok, the story of Jesus' crucifixion puts him at about 33 years old. Well...that story wasn't probably written untill 80ad/ce during the first major revolt/war in the region... (did you ever wonder who and when the years stopped going backwards and started at zero? The Jews don't, they've kept going with their original calander. That little detail and a bunch of others were decided upon at the Council of Nicea.) ...anyway...how well can you remember things that happened 45 years ago? Granted, we all remember where we were and what we were doing on 9/11. Considering that there was only one person who hung around during the entire thing from the cat-o-nine-tails to the burial, it's amazing that there are soo many people have stories about it. According to the bible, the first and only person to actually see Jesus after his resurection was Mary Magdeline. You'd think that would make her the most prominent person in church history. An eye witness to provide testimony to the unbelievable and undeniable holiness of Jesus the Nazerean (not Jesus of Nazereth) ...whoops...well ol' Peter and Paul decided that their messiahs word would be better spread by the male deciples rather than some "woman".

1. When was Jesus resurrected? Three days after his death.

2. Can we give you details about his ressurection and cruxifiction? People will give you all kinds of "proof" according to the bible. If you want real research done over many many years then find a book called Holy Blood, Holy Grail.

Hell, if you want just read the Bible and the Koran and the Gnostic Gospels. Don't just read one thing and make that your only source of information.

2006-07-22 17:54:46 · answer #2 · answered by theGODwatcher_ 3 · 0 0

Read the Gospel of John, chapt. 18 till the end. Then read the other gospel accounts. To explain it all in it's complexity and meaning would take up too much space here. To put it briefly, Jesus came to earth to live a perfect, human life. He was sentenced to death by the Jewish authorities because He claimed to be God. He was given to the Romans to be crucified, since at that time, the Jews could not carry out executions. The Romans scourged Him hoping that the Jews would accept that, they didn't. They demanded death. So, Pilate, the governor of that province, reluctantly allowed it. He was crucified, died, and was buried. On the third day, He rose from the dead, putting off His mortal body and taking an immortal body. He showed Himself to many people including a group of over 500 people. He ascended into Heaven and is there now. He will come again to administer justice on the earth and establish His kingdom on earth. That is it in a nutshell, I know I left out some things, but hopefully you get the idea. He died for you, so that you may have eternal life. Receive Him into your heart, repent of your sins and accept His gift of forgiveness. Then you shall inherit a Heavenly home that no one can take away.

2006-07-22 16:17:46 · answer #3 · answered by BrotherMichael 6 · 0 0

Lets get this straight!

The Jesus of the Four Gospels is the name that was given to the Crucifixion of Two Biblically Jewish Thieves who were given the name of Jesus on all of the three Crosses that were borne by the two thieves and by one Simon, while Christ (not Jesus) was free and away from the scene of crucifixion.

If you examine the Bible you will observe that the virgin never named her child with a totally non-Hebraic name and that Jesus, which is used more than 600 times (approximately 628 times) in those four short Gospels, and it was the name that was given to the Four Gospels by Roman Authority.

Jesus is a combination of Jah and Zeus to match the false charges brought against Christ that he made himself a King and a son of God.

Crucifixion only applies to the two thieves as can be seen in the Today's English Version of the Gospels by the American Bible Society, in which the word "crucified" appears only twice (Matthew 27:44 &Mark 15:32), while in other versions you can count up to 38 times "crucified" is used.

Dead men dont talk, and the man who has been crucified is DEAD, and so the "crucified" word is used recklessly and foolishly and deceitfully in other versions of the Gospels.

No Gospel describes the body that was taken down from the cross as a corpse as the corpse of John is described after he was beheaded.

The tomb of Joseph is described as "wherein never man before was laid" (Luke 23:53), which tells us that, up to that point, this tomb was a new tomb that had not been used as a tomb for the dead.

The disciples put to rest, in that tomb, on the night of the Sabbath, 100 lbs of aloes and myrrh in a fake burial to safeguard the escape of the Messiah from the disbelieving Biblical "Jews" who went after the "body" but found two shrouds that were used to wrap the fake "body" that was made up of aloes and myrrh, which waas to be further perfumed by the two women who visited the tomb in the early morning of the day after the Sabbath and found soldiers muscking around about a risen Jesus, which the disciples described as "idle tales, (or Greek mythology) and they believed them not." (Luke 24:11)

Without crucifixion and without burial How is a resurrection possible?

And how wil there ever be a one-man resurrection with the wounds, not even just the scars, of the previous life?

Not even Hinduism will preach such a re-incarnation, for it will mean that the victims of fires will resurrect as BBQ'ed flesh walking around like Zombies.

Please come off it and read The Age Of Reason for some light on what the Bible really is telling you.

2006-07-22 16:51:26 · answer #4 · answered by mythkiller-zuba 6 · 0 0

He was resurrected "on the third day" according to the Scriptures. He was crucified on a Friday (known now as Good Friday); Saturday was the Jewish sabbath, a day of rest - which was actually a symbol for the fact that God would rest in the body (by being dead) on that day; He arose early in the morning on the day after the sabbath, which was a Sunday. No one knows the precise time of the resurrection, except that it was "early in the morning", before dawn. The first people to see Him after His resurrection were His Mother (Mary), as well as Mary Magdalene and the other "myrrh-bearing women" who had gone to the tomb to keep vigil over the body and anoint it with various ointments as was their tradition.

For details about the crucifixion, some of the other responders have given you plenty of reading to do!

2006-07-22 16:47:23 · answer #5 · answered by LDRship 2 · 0 0

Jesus never came back from the dead in the first place and cannot do so now, which is why he will never return. The whole crucifixion story was a deception to elevate Jesus/Issa/Yuz Asaf from a prophet to a god in the hearts and minds of people. Those behind the lie are large Group Entities of basically spiritual people or angels in the Mid Realms of Spirit (back then and other GE's now) who harbor the desire to be worshipped as a monotheistic deity.

Evidence is now coming out - like in the newly recovered Gospel of Judas - that there weren't any betrayers in the ranks of Jesus' disciples. In fact, they guarded him from the Roman authorities and Jesus escaped incarceration completely.

The following quotation about the Gospel of Judas is from this site: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/04/0406_060406_judas_2.html

<< The text begins by announcing that it is the "secret account of the revelation that Jesus spoke in conversation with Judas Iscariot during a week, three days before he celebrated Passover."

It goes on to describe Judas as Jesus' closest friend, someone who understands Christ's true message and is singled out for special status among Jesus' disciples. >>

Documents in India attest that Yuz Asaf/Issa/Jesus settled there and just before dying AT THE AGE OF EIGHTY he declared that he was the GALILEAN MESSIAH. His tomb has been found in India.

2006-07-22 16:36:45 · answer #6 · answered by solistavadar 3 · 0 0

On the third day, a Sunday (per tradition).

He was crucified after being Flogged (beat with a whip 39 times). He was made to wear a Crown of Thorns, and carry his own cross to the Crucifiction site. Then, he was nailed to it, most likley through his wrists, and bones in the feet. He hung on the cross until he died. The earth shook, thundered, and even the soldiers fell at his feet. No bones were broken, as often happened, as it was prophesied would happen. His side was pierced to make sure he was dead.

He was removed from the cross, and place in a borrowed tomb on a Friday, the day of his death. Friday, Day One.

Saturday, Day Two.

Sunday, Mary went to the tomb, and his body, wich was blocked by a heavy stone, was removed. She had gone to annoint the body, keeping with tradition. She went to the Deiscpiles, and told them. Jesus was ALIVE. They did not believe, but Jesus appeared unto them, and when they recognized him and spoke with him, he vanished.

Read the Gospels, any of them.

2006-07-22 16:18:58 · answer #7 · answered by sweetie_baby 6 · 0 0

Jesus was resurrected 3 days after the cruxificiton...if you have a lot of questions about this...read the bible if you don't have one go to a church...i'd answer some of your questions but i'm a new believer...all i have to say is its all true and i can't believe it took me so long to see it

2006-07-22 16:12:55 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jesus was resurrected about 30 AD or so.

Details are in the gospels -- last couple of chapters -- of the gospels John, Matthew, Luke etc.


2006-07-22 16:12:55 · answer #9 · answered by John 6 · 0 0

Jesus was cruxified 3 days before easter on a cross next to two common criminals. As he was nailed to the cross, he forgave the men who nailed him there ("Forgive them father, for they know not what they do"), then there was an earthquake and the veil on the Roman temple ripped in half. Three days later (easter sunday) he rose from the dead and went on to have his famous sermon on the mount.

2006-07-22 16:11:59 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Read Matthew simple as that! He was nailed to the cross and died but He rose on the 3rd day. What more do you wanna know?!? Read the Bible for God says - Do not go by word of mouth (men) but by what it is written (His Word).

2006-07-22 16:12:05 · answer #11 · answered by curious_boricua_soul 5 · 0 0

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